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2485 Kamogatachō Honjo, Asakuchi, Okayama
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My wife and daughter bought this for me when they were vaccinated in Yokohama. It is low alcohol, fizzy, tastes refreshingly sweet and very easy to drink. As a sparkling lover, I am satisfied with this product. I had my wife and daughter taste it as well. My daughter said, "Isn't it carbonated juice that your father likes, not sake? She said, "No, it's not. Well, it's true that I don't like the strong sake taste, but I can't have it with juice. I'm very happy when I find my favorite sake from the wide variety of sake available. It costs a fair amount of money, but I still want to enjoy it!
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Hasegawa Saketen (はせがわ酒店)
SPARKLING SAKE Bubbling Junmaishu Awamashu In search of soba noodles, bamboo work, and ninja village Camping in Togakushi🏕Wow sake to accompany the BBQ. Aroma. Aroma like ramune. Taste. Sweet, like ramune or ambassa. Fine and Gurgling like a beer, with a thick gassy feeling. It is brewed not to be enjoyed through the throat It is brewed to be an elegant style like It is brewed with an elegant style like champagne in mind. Ingredients Rice, Rice malt Rice polishing ratio 70%. Alcohol content 5 degrees
Hello yuta-san‼️! Camping sake is good😍! It's so hot and humid these days. I'm not sure what to say, but I'd like to know what you think.
Manachie. Thank you for your comment! It was actually raining that day, and I was exhausted from setting up camp, so the 5 degree alcohol worked wonders! It had a dense foam and sweetness, so it was very drinkable even though it was low alcohol!
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