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Tono-Doburoku Flavor Chart

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The rice used is unknown. It might be better to call it food rather than drinking, this is. If you drink a lot, you'll be full! In fact, I drank it while doing yakiniku, and it was almost like eating rice. It is very easy to drink because it is low in alcohol and has a clean and gentle sweet taste. It's very refreshing! It's a level that will change your concept of doburoku. I really want to try the "Mizutani" and "Ikutani" versions. It also goes well with grilled meat. That's because it's rice!
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Today I came to a cafe near the Kamogawa River in Kyoto where you can also drink sake. It's a stylish cafe, and it's a great place to drink coffee but also sake. So this time, I chose To'o no Doburoku. It's a sake that I've been curious about, and I'm nervous about opening the bottle myself, so it's nice to be able to drink it at the shop. The label has a cute picture of a dragonfly. You wouldn't think it was a doburoku, so it's easy to pick up. However, since it's a mizumoto, it does have a durian-like aroma, but it's mainly pineapple. The taste is like a refreshing pineapple juice with doburoku's swooshiness, richness, sweetness, and strong acidity. Since the shop had already opened the bottle and poured it for us, the aroma was calm and there wasn't much of the rice mash in the glass, so it was even more refreshing to drink. I had it with curry with Japanese soup stock, and the sourness went well with the sake. It's a shame that I finished drinking the sake before the curry. Oh, it was a happy afternoon when I was wondering if I should have another one.
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Minshuku Toono Doburoku mizutake, additive-free ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** Degree of liking: ★★★★★ Cospa: ★★☆☆☆ It was also featured in today's issue of dancyu. Unlike the Ikarashi, it didn't spurt out when the bottle was opened. It's quite sour, but it's really delicious. The shape of the rice is still intact, and it's just like the "10x gayu" that babies who have just started eating baby food eat. The price is 2,500 yen for 500ml, which seems to be a bad price, but I want to drink it irresistibly. I want you to make a bottle of it.
Milan Hauser
Now that's a beautiful bottle!
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Minshuku Toono Doburoku (doburoku) - traditional sake without additives ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** Degree of liking: ★★★★★ Cospa: ★★☆☆☆ It is a guilty porridge. Surprised to drink at Izakaya Part2 Continuing from last time, I drank this at a pub and couldn't forget the taste, so I went to a liquor store to buy it. First of all, it's very difficult to open. It's nothing like Flax Cat Spark. It will spill for sure. As for the important taste, it's just one word: good. Too good. It's not too sweet, it's sour, and you can go on drinking as much as you want. When you hear the word "doburoku", you may think it sounds old-fashioned and you may not like it, but it is very good. If you like Shinsei, Abe, or Koyoshiku, I highly recommend it.
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This is the first time for me to learn about water yeast, also known as Bodhi yeast. I knew only the name, but I didn't know the detailed process or characteristics. The manager of the liquor store told me it was a bad, bad, bad sake, so I bought it to try it out. It doesn't have a fruity ginjo aroma or rice aroma. It has a sweet aroma like sugar or sweet sake. When you drink it, it tastes like pineapple in syrup. It's not the slight fizziness that is typical of nama-shu, but a strong fizzing sensation. Rather, the sake is bubbling... It also has a bitter taste that goes down your throat, making it easy to drink despite its sweetness. I've been told that it's also good served hot, but I think I'll try it tomorrow. There's about half of it on the lees, and the rice grains are still intact... It looks like amazake, but it's different from amazake... Doburoku is amazing ((((; )))))))
Good evening. You're here. I'm not a fan of yeast mash (*⁰▿⁰*). I bought a bottle of Tsuchida's "Bosatsu" at a recommendation from Echigo-ya before... I can't get used to it... It's a sake bath now❗️(°▽°)
Gonyi-Go-san. Good evening. I'm not very good at Yamahai. I'm not so good with Yamahai. I can't judge yet because it's my first time with mizuhashan (´-ω-`). I think this one is rather too special lol.
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We had an unusual drink 😊. Two years of deafowl. Nose is muscat and slightly yogurt. Tastes like muscat to Japanese pear and peach The acidity of the cage slowly rises slowly afterwards. It was delicious and fruity, not unlike a 2 year old 💕.
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The home of folk tales, and "Old Light Railroad", the railroad that Tetsu-chan's great uncle on his mother's side worked so hard to open You can feel Kenji Miyazawa's world view as the SL Ginga passes through the city of Tono, which has been in operation for 100 years. This doburoku is brewed in Tono City, Iwate Prefecture, where the inn has been in operation for 100 years and is the first doburoku special zone in Japan. The doburoku is brewed by Yotaro Sasaki, the fourth-generation brewer of doburoku in Tono City, Iwate Prefecture, who has been serving doburoku for 100 years. Oboro Shouten, who you may know from this website, also introduced him as a great brewer. It is. I think it has a harsh, sweet, yogurt-like sourness. I want to drink the raw Motomoto zukuri and the Mizumoto zukuri next time.
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前から雑誌等でおいしいと見聞きしていたのですが初遠野のどぶろく。 どぶろく特徴のお米の粒々感、甘さかしっかり。発泡感と他のどぶろくにはない後味のキレの良さを感じた。 今までどぶろくを色々飲んできたが、一番美味しかった。

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