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This is the first time for me to learn about water yeast, also known as Bodhi yeast. I knew only the name, but I didn't know the detailed process or characteristics. The manager of the liquor store told me it was a bad, bad, bad sake, so I bought it to try it out. It doesn't have a fruity ginjo aroma or rice aroma. It has a sweet aroma like sugar or sweet sake. When you drink it, it tastes like pineapple in syrup. It's not the slight fizziness that is typical of nama-shu, but a strong fizzing sensation. Rather, the sake is bubbling... It also has a bitter taste that goes down your throat, making it easy to drink despite its sweetness. I've been told that it's also good served hot, but I think I'll try it tomorrow. There's about half of it on the lees, and the rice grains are still intact... It looks like amazake, but it's different from amazake... Doburoku is amazing ((((; )))))))
Good evening. You're here. I'm not a fan of yeast mash (*⁰▿⁰*). I bought a bottle of Tsuchida's "Bosatsu" at a recommendation from Echigo-ya before... I can't get used to it... It's a sake bath now❗️(°▽°)
Gonyi-Go-san. Good evening. I'm not very good at Yamahai. I'm not so good with Yamahai. I can't judge yet because it's my first time with mizuhashan (´-ω-`). I think this one is rather too special lol.