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2292 Makinochō Kaizu, Takashima, Shiga
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10/1 is Sake Day🍶. While I was anxious about the sake go-around, I went to Zessho station in Shiga Prefecture. It's unnecessarily far from the nearest station to the venue💦. Shiga Sake Festival in Otsu 2023①. ■Yoshida Sake Brewery / "Takefujima" Takashima City, Shiga Prefecture A former executive of Gekkeikan established a sake brewery revitalization company, Yume Sake Brewery Co. The sake brewery revival project was launched in 2022. Former Gekkeikan brewery managers and former Gekkeikan employees assist in the brewery's revival. It is said to be the closest sake brewery to Lake Biwa. The person at the booth who helped us was the managing director of a traditional udon shop in Osaka, which is open only during the daytime on weekdays. Takefujima Junmai Ginjyo Namazume no Hara Sake, One-Time Fire Brewing 🔴. The taste is mellow, sweet, and delicious, with a firm rice swelling and umami flavor. The sake has a mild sweetness and umami, with a firm rice flavor. YOKITOGI Junmai-ginjo Nama-ginjo, Shiboritate Nao Kumi. Slightly different, with an interesting nutty flavor. We talked about the sake brewery revival project and said we support it, and moved on. It was delicious with a robust flavor, so I wish them good luck.
Good evening, Nemuchi! Welcome to Zensho 😆 I see you went to the local sake festival! I couldn't make it so I'll enjoy it here 🙏. Prince Hotel has a shuttle bus from Otsu station, although it only runs once every 30 minutes 😊.
Good evening, Pon-chan 🌛It was the first time in my life that I landed in Zensho 🤣There was a shuttle bus, but the website said to consider walking from Zensho because buses and trains are crowded, so I followed the rule and walked 1.4 km 😅.
I see you did 😳‼️ I didn't realize it would be that crowded... excuse me 💦🙏.
There was quite a line in front of the hotel waiting for the bus on the way back, but I was drunk on the way back so I could walk as much as I wanted 🤣.
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OSAKA-JO SAKE SQUARE 2023 It is a very crisp, dry, deep-flavored Ajiginjo. The aroma is subtle. The mellowness is more apparent in junmai sake. This is also a good sake. I drank 8 glasses this time and they were all good! There are so many good sake that I can't keep up with them all! It's a happy scream!
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OSAKA-JO SAKE SQUARE 2023 (¡Ω) It is somewhat fragrant, rich and dry, but very smooth. Is it because of the softness of the water? It is very drinkable, but it also has a light feeling. I once had a local man explain to me at the opening of a sake brewery in Kinkame that Shiga's sake was developed in order to eat the stinky food in Lake Biwa! He once emphasized this to me! Yes, Shiga's sake is wonderful, but that's a lot of self-deprecation! By "stinky", do you mean funazushi? I think it's good!
Good evening, Shinjou-san 🌙 So that's what Shiga sake is 😳‼️ I've never heard of it before 😆 Maybe that's why there are quite a lot of strong tasting sake 🤔.
Good evening. I think the food from Lake Biwa has an influence on the taste of Shiga. I like smelly food, so I also like Shiga sake.
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Very, very clean. However, it is dark by national standards. Chikubu Island has a more punchy image. It's like a city girl who appeared on the island. Lovely.
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. . The moment I opened the package, bam! and the cork popped. (^^) It was a strong taste. Today was Father's Day, so I opened the bottle, I was a little confused as to what stance to take with it, as it had a very complex taste, with the richness of nigori sake, slight bubbles, and a bit of sourness. It was just okay. With eel!
Chikubushima天祐一献 竹生嶋純米吟醸
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With sashimi. Not heavy by any means, but full-bodied. Gorgeous aroma, rich flavor, and a clean aftertaste. My favorite type Domestic rice, rice malt (domestic rice) Rice polishing ratio 60 Production date: 2023.4 Alcohol content 15
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With eel Clear at the beginning with a firm aftertaste Domestic rice Domestic rice Rice polishing ratio 65 Production date: December 2022 Alcohol content 18
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Fresh and crispy. It is full of flavor, but has a well-balanced bitterness that makes it easy to eat.
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Today we have a cup of Takefujima sake. I was surprised to see a lot of Takefujima sake at a passing roadside station. I was just watching the news about Gekkeikan alumni revitalizing the brewery, and I am sorry I could only bring home a small one, but I bought a cup of sake. It is light brown in color and has a slightly caramelized aroma. First at room temperature. The alcohol and mild caramelized aroma is released into the nose. It is dry and tight. The taste is vague, but lighter than before. When heated, it is dry but has a caramelized rice flavor. Maybe I should go to Chikubushima after a long absence.
Good evening, Hirupeko! A cup of sake from Chikubushima! It's cute ❣️ honjozo, it was sweet and my favorite 😊It looks like the flavor has changed 😳 Whatever it is, I'm glad the brewery didn't go under 😌.
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Today is Takefujima. It's been a while since I've been camping in Shiga Prefecture, so I decided to go with a local sake. It is a small brewery in Makino town, northwest of Lake Biwa, and I was curious about it because I had heard that they had recently done M&A and were trying to revive their business. It was nice to take a picture with Chikubu Island in the background ^ ^. This time, it was a raw honjozo sake. It has a gusto of old-fashioned sake flavor, acidity, and the delicious taste of rice. Makino Town has many campgrounds, but it was also a fishing town in the olden days, so people like sake with a strong flavor. My father used to like to drink it. We talked about the old days over a bonfire and enjoyed the local sake while looking out at Lake Biwa. The sound of the waves on Lake Biwa was louder than I had expected.
Hi Hirupeko, good evening 🌙 I like the camp sake⤴️⤴️I've never been to Chikubu Island even though I'm in Shiga😭Great scenery✨I'm really glad this brewery is able to keep going. I haven't had a drink in a while either😊.
Good evening, Pon-chan. Chikubujima is a place you see but rarely visit. If you see Chikubushima, please have a drink.
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The brewery I stopped by was sold out! I got it at a local liquor store. It is refreshing and easy to drink. They use a local sake rice called Ginbukiyo. It seems to be brewed seriously.

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