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Brands from Yoshida Shuzo


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2292 Makinochō Kaizu, Takashima, Shiga
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alt 1
YOKITOGI Junmai Ginjyo Nama Shuzake Yoshida Shuzo Al degree 17, Sake degree +6, Acidity 1.7, Rice polishing 55 Physical condition: Nasal congestion Rice: 100% Shiga Prefecture Ginbukietsu #Opened first day - #Opened 15 days #Snow cold #Hana cold #Lukewarm #Jumpy warm #Kanpikan I really liked the taste! I'm not sure if my taste buds are crazy or not, but it didn't taste fruity to me. Maybe my taste buds are crazy and out of whack, but it didn't seem fruity to me...? Hmmm! You can sense the understated classicism. However, I felt it was a well-balanced sake! For me! It's a very robust sake that tastes good, but has a sharpness to it, and then it just disappears at the end. It was so delicious that I drank it at various temperatures and drank a little every day over time because it was too good to waste! I was told at the restaurant that it warms up, but it tastes great cold as well! I didn't notice much difference over time, but I felt the taste changed with the change in temperature. The hot sake was very tasty, with a strong, yet mellow or gentle taste of grain. I want to drink it again!
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The aroma is fruity and the taste is robust from the start, leaving a strong umami aftertaste. As is typical of freshly squeezed sake, there is a slight carbonation and a refreshing taste. It has a very complex flavor. Made with 100% Shiga Prefecture Ginfukiyuki.

Brands from Yoshida Shuzo


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