SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites


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Today is a moving day. So, I dared to drink iron: ‼︎ We started from Astram, which can be seen from the Shinkansen. The sake itself was bought in Kyoto. It may be a commuter line, but it is nice to drink sake on the first train on a Saturday before daybreak, in a train with only one other passenger. It is a junmai sake and has a strong flavor in the mouth. The taste lingers in the mouth and you can soak in the aftertaste for a while. The lingering taste is really luxurious because there is no bitterness. I wonder how many more times I can check in today...
Good morning, Nobu Nobu 😃. I'm jealous of your spring drinking trip again ❗️ Let's start a drinking club❓
Haruei Chichi, you are right. I think there would be quite a demand for a drinking iron club, if it were to start up. I would like to start it up. Maybe Rokkaku-san could join us?
Hi Nobu Nobu, ☀️ I just had the same one the other day 😊 it has a sweetness to it and a nice lingering aftertaste just like you wrote! I'm looking forward to your drinking club 😄
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Petit Reunion Lunch with Club Members from Junior High and High School at Restaurant Tamura When we asked the restaurant staff to recommend a sweet dish, they recommended this one! Made with Yamadanishiki Polishing ratio 60 Alcohol 16%. Classic sweet and delicious, but gentle and easy to drink. It has a gentle spiciness with a clean aftertaste. It goes well with both fish and meat. It is a handsome sake that is more delicious during a meal than on its own. Gion at this time of year, the plum blossoms were still beautiful🌸 Even though we haven't seen each other in a while, we still talk like we used to. We laughed so hard we cried 🎶. It was a day of great satisfaction for both our stomachs and our hearts. ❣️
Pon. Hello... It's fun to meet up with classmates and talk about the old days. I haven't been to Kyoto in spring for a while 🌸The cherry blossoms are expected to bloom earlier this year, so you must be in a hurry to book a hotel already. 🤔
Hi, Koizo: ☀️ We all look the same, as you can imagine (lol), but our feelings are really the same! I'm talking a lot of stupid things😆. Kyoto is already full of foreigners💦.
Good evening, Pon-chan 🌙 I see you had a nice time at the petit reunion lunch at a nice restaurant 😊 Did the other guests drink sake? If it was just you, Pon-chan? 🤭 The plum blossoms look like a postcard in this beautiful photo: ❣️
Yu🎶, good evening 🌙 Did I give you away? There were a lot of wine drinkers 🤭🍷 after all it was French🤣There were also several kinds of sake ✌️ I was allowed to take pictures near the people who were having a photo session 😁.
ポンちゃんコンバンハー(´∀`∩ 同窓会いーね💕︎ 料理もとっても美味しそう😋 梅の花も綺麗✨ スグに桜の花のレビューがいっぱいになるね🌸🌸🌸
Hi Pon-chan, same here.... Nice reunion 😃It's been a long time, but it's so easy to go back to those days 😆♪ My friend from Akita enjoyed her trip to Kyoto with her mother and daughter last weekend 😄I'd love to visit Kyoto in spring sometime 😊.
Good evening, Eirin! I've known my friends for more than 40 years. We had a lot of fun with everything from trivial to deep 😁. I heard on the news that the cherry blossoms have bloomed 😳I'm looking forward to reviewing the cherry blossoms again this year🌸
Thanks again mamiko 😊. We haven't had a reunion in Corona for a while, so it was even more fun 😄🎶Kyoto, suddenly there are more tourists 😳I haven't been to Kyoto during cherry blossom season 😅I didn't get out even when I was there 🤣.
Good evening here too 😃 I love reunions 😍. In my case, there are far fewer people left in my hometown, so it's rarely held 😥. I would love to try some Kyoto sake as I don't see much of it here 🎶.
Hi Pon-chan ^ ^ Plum blossom viewing in Gion and delicious looking food, so good ✨. I've only been to Kyoto on a school excursion, so I'd love to take my time sightseeing ☺️
Hello etorannzyu, ☀️ We have a reunion when the kids from Keihanshin come back 😁. I rarely drink Kyoto sake at home, so it's a new experience for me 😆I need to reset myself by drinking once in a while😅.
Hi Manta, ☀️ Kyoto is so touristy that I didn't even go to the tourist spots when I lived there, but once I left I realized how good they are and I go to see them every now and then 😁.
Good morning, Pon 😃. Nice to have a reunion lunch in Gion👍. The food looks really good too ❗️
Good morning, Chichi ☀️ We had a full course French meal in the afternoon, which was a luxury for us 😁We are all concentrated eaters when it comes to food, so I am thankful to be able to taste it 🤣. Gion must be beautiful with cherry blossoms by now 🌸.
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It is not what is called "Fushimi sake", but it has a full-bodied taste that spreads in the middle part of the bottle.
mental fish sauce made from fermented salted fish sauce, mackerel, or squid smoked ham smoked pickled ginger 3.5

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