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しょうKobayashi Katoka
Aramasa Check-in 1Aramasa Check-in 2
Kobayashi K
At the second izakaya in Akita, there was a comparison of three types of Shinmasa. The sake had a refreshing acidity and sweetness typical of Shinsei, and was refreshing and easy to drink. It was made with Misato Nishiki, which the waiter said was the most distinctive of the three, but I couldn't tell for sure.
Aramasa Check-in 1Aramasa Check-in 2
Kobayashi K
At the second izakaya in Akita, there was a Shinmasa 3-drink comparison. This was my second glass of Ecru today. It had a refreshing acidity and sweetness typical of Shinmasa, and was refreshing and easy to drink. I was told that Akita Sake Komachi is used in the production of this sake, but I couldn't really taste any difference between the three.
Aramasa Check-in 1Aramasa Check-in 2
Aramasa Check-in 3Aramasa Check-in 4
Kobayashi K
At the second izakaya in Akita, there was a comparison of three types of Shinmasa. The sake had a refreshing acidity and sweetness typical of Shinsei, and was refreshing and easy to drink. The rice used for the sake was "Koudou Shinkou" (improved Nobukou rice).
金紋秋田X3 3倍麹造り純米
金紋秋田 Check-in 1金紋秋田 Check-in 2
Kobayashi K
Second drink at the second izakaya in Akita. I ordered it because it was described as being made with three times as much koji and sweetened, which I thought was unusual. (I thought it was unusual, so I ordered it.) It was an interesting sake because it was full of umami and tasted like old sake, like amazake, like Shaoxing sake. It was delicious.
