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リカースタジオ清水屋 (有)玉置商店

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水霧 珊Kumakichiはるきんぐかずき


Bo特別純米 彗星 無濾過瓶燗火入れ特別純米無濾過
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リカースタジオ清水屋 (有)玉置商店
Tonoike Shuzo Brewery, Tochigi Prefecture Nozomu Special Junmai Comet Unfiltered Bottle Heated Comet is a sake rice produced in Hokkaido. The aroma is mild, with a hint of melon on the palate. The umami and flavor are moderate, making it a perfect mid-meal type sake. The acidity is impressive in a good way. This acidity tightens the entire taste and gives it a sharpness that is enjoyable.
Yukinobijin愛山 6号酵母純米吟醸
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リカースタジオ清水屋 (有)玉置商店
I stopped by a liquor store in the next station and saw an unfamiliar bottle. Aiyama O No. 6 yeast from NEXT5's Yuki no Bijin What? Was this ever on sale? I looked it up and found that it was sold in limited quantities at the end of last year! The release date was November 2021, so I was worried about the quality control, but when I opened the bottle, it was so good! It has a firm sweet flavor and deep acidity that is typical of Aizan, followed by a bitter aftertaste, but with a refreshing sharpness that is typical of Yuki-no-Bijin! There were two bottles left at the liquor store, but I was so worried about buying more tomorrow! Rice polishing ratio: 55% (Aiyama from Hyogo Prefecture) Alcohol content: 16%.
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リカースタジオ清水屋 (有)玉置商店
The ninth bottle of 2022 Ushinigori is Jun Gin Ushinigori by Tasake I found out about it through this app, and after visiting several stores, I finally found it and got it! The light blue bottle with the light nigori in the back is a picture-perfect bottle, and as is customary, we start with the top clear without mixing the ori. It has a very elegant, soft, sweet flavor with a crisp, sharp finish. The impression changes again when you mix in the oli. It is very silky soft and sweet! Personally, I liked this one very much. Alcohol content: 16 degrees Rice polishing ratio: 50%.
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リカースタジオ清水屋 (有)玉置商店
This is my fourth bottle of nigori sake since the start of the new year, and I've been curious about this one for a while now, and I found a bottle of Niida Honke's Shizenshu Ikarashi Hatsuyuki Nigori Sake! I took it home with me while I went to buy some muddled rice wine. It has a slight Calpis aroma on the nose! It also tastes like Calpis, a sweet soda made from rice. The rice is polished to 80%, so there is a bit of miscellaneous flavor. I was very satisfied with the complexity of the drink! Rice polishing ratio: 80%. Alcohol content: 15.5
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リカースタジオ清水屋 (有)玉置商店
On the day when October is almost over, we opened a stock of summer sake Denshu Junmai Ginjo, brewed with the white rice malt used for shochu, was opened. The fruity taste of this sake is modest and refreshing. The fresh aroma and sourness like a green apple is so good that you can enjoy it as much as you like! Alcohol content: 15 degrees Rice polishing ratio: Koji rice 50%, Kake rice 55
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Opened on July 22, 2021 Purchased at Akabane Seisuisuya Aroma is a ginjo scent that predicts a rich taste! Sweetness, sourness, umami, bitterness, very dense in all directions❗️The graph area is large w The bitterness is relatively strong in the feeling. Grapefruit ^ ^ assertive, so with a nightcap!
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This is a summer ginjo of Mutsu Hassen from Hachinohe Shuzo in Aomori Prefecture. The sake rice is Hanabuki Snow from Aomori Prefecture, the rice polishing ratio is 55% koji rice and 60% kake rice, the sake degree is -6.0, the acidity is 1.6, and the alcohol degree is 14 degrees. (Each figure is taken from the internet) The first thing that catches the eye is the cool blue bottle. From its appearance, it makes you think of summer. The taste is also refreshing and typical of summer sake. It has acidity and a slightly dry aftertaste. We thought it would be better to drink it chilled, so we served it in a copper sake cup, which has a high thermal conductivity. I'd like to drink it again when it gets hotter, but I wonder if I'll have it in stock until then...
Glorious Mt.Fuji菫露威吹 〜スミレツユ•イブキ〜 2021純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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水霧 珊
It has a restrained fruity flavor and a mature, slightly carbonated cider feel. While most of Eikoh-fuji's seasonal sakes are sweet with a negative sake content, Takefuki is a Jun-Dai, but the sake content is not too sweet. However, this is also a delicious sake. In the case of Takefuki, the second half... Bitterness, or astringency, or... I think you can see the face of Eikoh-fuji, which is different from the fruit-like sweet and delicious thing. But... That's also good.
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水霧 珊
A refreshing type of sweet and savory. Because it is made from Yamada Nishiki, it has a clean aftertaste and is very easy to drink. We think that this type of sake with a clean aftertaste can be enjoyed in cold snow on a hot day. Well... It depends on what you want. (There are some that taste better at room temperature or heated)
豊明Bounty & Crystal純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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リカースタジオ清水屋 (有)玉置商店
水霧 珊
It's super limited, only 70 bottles were shipped, and it's almost impossible to taste... So, I bought it! First of all... It does have an aroma, but it's not a fruity or sweet aroma. It's not a fruity or sweet scent, but more of a rice scent. It smells like rice. When I passed by a rice mill in the past, or when I scooped rice from a cup, I smelled... The smell of rice. It also has a hint of cemedine in it. Next... It tastes like a traditional sake. It's not sweet like fruit, nor does it have a distinct sake feel. It's just a slightly sweet mouthfeel... Hmm... To be honest, it's hard to describe, but w It's the Goshoso we get at New Year's. It's like a better version of that... It's like that! It's like you're drinking a liquid that condenses the original flavor of rice. It's not the fruity flavor that is so popular these days, nor is it the traditional sake flavor. This is genuine sake made from rice! This is the true sake made from rice! I think you can taste it. Honestly, until now... It's so good sake that it's a wonder there isn't more sake of this level on the market. I thought. (This is my personal opinion).
水霧 珊
By the way, the price.... It is about 1,760 yen (4-pack).
水霧 珊
Further cause... With a little bit salty grilled salmon... It's so good! It's the same with grilled salmon, but with soy sauce and butter, the sake flavor isn't as strong, so it's probably more suitable for Western food than Japanese food.
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水霧 珊
The aroma is juicy melon. It tastes like melon juice... I wonder if the ingredient is not rice but melon. I doubt it. Even though it is shipped as a dry sake, it tastes like melon juice, so I don't know what is dry about it... I thought it was a dry sake, but the aftertaste is droning, so maybe it is called dry because of its sharpness? It was a perfect match with the Mame-Raccoon Wasabi Inari. However, when I drank it with something more salty than takikomi-gohan (cooked rice), the melon-like flavor disappeared, and I could only feel a strong alcohol feeling. (It was as if I drank disinfectant.) Also, although I haven't actually eaten it... I felt that it didn't go well with dessert type as well.
Glorious Mt.Fuji暁乃翼 2021純米原酒生酒無濾過おりがらみ
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水霧 珊
Sweet! On its own, the drink is refreshing, but sweet. But... As it says on the back of the label, it goes well with sushi and sashimi! And because it has the gravity of a junmai sake, it was a sake that doesn't lose to sushi and sashimi in a good way. Personally, I felt the happiest when marrying it with sea bream sashimi. It also goes well with fatty yellowtail and salmon, but personally, sea bream sashimi won the prize.
Denshu純米大吟醸 四割五分 秋田酒こまち純米大吟醸
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水霧 珊
I was wondering if it was okay to drink it at home for dinner alone... So, I drank it at home without hesitation. The aroma is... Not too overpowering, not too subdued, but elegant, gentle, and fluffy. In the mouth... Sweet! But it's refreshing, and you can drink it easily... It's not crisp and sharp, but the sweet flavor of the rice melts away quickly. This is... It's a class that I feel guilty drinking alone at home, but if I drank it with a lot of people, it would disappear fast, so I'm happy to have it all to myself. It's 2550 yen + tax for a 4-pack bottle, so it's a bit more expensive than the average 4-pack Junmai Daiginjo (I think the average price is around 2000 yen), but... I think this is a delicious product that you should buy without hesitation when you find it!
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水霧 珊
It's been a long time since I've felt the slight carbonation characteristic of nama-shu. Recently, most of the Omachi sake I've been drinking has been dry and refreshing. Morishima's Omachi is a Junmai Daiginjo with a nice aroma, but the flavor unique to Omachi comes rushing in from the moment you put it in your mouth. The feeling that you are drinking Omachi sake is unbelievable. The lingering flavor doesn't go away. However, it is wonderful that it does not remain in an unpleasant way at all. Even though the lingering umami continues, there is no sense of miscellaneous flavors. When I was drinking the sake by itself, I wanted to eat something with a slightly strong flavor, such as grilled pork. However... I don't know what I was thinking, but I was drinking it while eating zoni, a soup with rice cakes in it... Is it because it is Junmai Daiginjo? It is delicious even with the lightly flavored ozoni without feeling any discomfort at all.