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Yukinobijin愛山 6号酵母純米吟醸
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リカースタジオ清水屋 (有)玉置商店
I stopped by a liquor store in the next station and saw an unfamiliar bottle. Aiyama O No. 6 yeast from NEXT5's Yuki no Bijin What? Was this ever on sale? I looked it up and found that it was sold in limited quantities at the end of last year! The release date was November 2021, so I was worried about the quality control, but when I opened the bottle, it was so good! It has a firm sweet flavor and deep acidity that is typical of Aizan, followed by a bitter aftertaste, but with a refreshing sharpness that is typical of Yuki-no-Bijin! There were two bottles left at the liquor store, but I was so worried about buying more tomorrow! Rice polishing ratio: 55% (Aiyama from Hyogo Prefecture) Alcohol content: 16%.