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osugiはせゆきくまっちゃKaoriRafa papa


Juyondai純米吟醸 酒未来純米吟醸
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Rafa papa
Jyushidai Junmai Ginjo Sake Mirai I came to Tokyo station to go back to Osaka... Shinkansen 🚄 is stopped😳‼️ Let's go home slowly now 😅 Walking slowly in Yaesu underground shopping mall... There's a lot of sake in the fridge... I see on the menu that there's even a Jyushidai 😳‼️ We entered the restaurant and had the tipsy set first... Jyushidai was Junmai Ginjo Sake Mirai ✌️ The second glass was a Hana-yoku Junmai Ginjo Omachi🤣. Accidents are not so bad 🙄🙄...
Hi Rafa! It's been a tough day 💦 but you look hearty and happy 😁 Recharge your energy with a good drink and come back home with care!
Hi Rafa papa. I'm sorry you had a hard time on the bullet train 💧. I'm so envious of you, you have so much to drink, Jyushiyo Sake Mirai, Kayo Yumiko Yumachi ✨. Take care on your way home 😊.
Hi Rafa! I know the bullet train is stopped 😩 but I'm glad you had a lot of good drinks👍.
Rafa papa, are you drinking 👋 I see that there is no prospect of resuming driving 😓I can't fight the weather, so sit tight here, but don't lose your footing 😆 Enjoy the accident 🤗.
Rafa, maido 🍶. You look happy 🍶. How about the Hokuriku Shinkansen 🚄➕ Thunderbird How about it? How about 🍶🍶🍶?
Hi Rafa 😃 It was a disaster, but you found a good sake 😍. I think string guy was in Umeda too 🤔.
Rafa papa
Hi Pon 😃 I was happy at first but got tired of the stones 😓I was happy to drink Jyushiyo and Hanayo 😅...
Rafa papa
Hello ma-ki-😃 I'm still in a situation where I don't seem to have a place to go back to 😓The Jyushiyo and Kahayo were delicious 😋.
Rafa papa
Hi Manachy 😃. It doesn't look like it's going to move yet 😅 I think I'll go back to the store I was at earlier 🙄.
Rafa papa
Hi Jay & Nobby 😃 I had a good drink and was in a good mood in the morning... 😅I'm sober now 😳 what to do now 🙄.
Rafa papa
Hi Kyuzo 😃 Thanks for the info😊I'm in line at the green window now ✌️ I wonder if I can go home 🙄.
Rafa papa
Hello bouken 😃 I think it's the second building in Umeda 😊 I don't know if they have this kind of alcohol 🤣.
Hi Rafa papa 😃I'm glad to hear you're not getting up for free after your fall ✨I just saw the news that the train is back in operation after a 5 hour delay. Take care and come back home, whichever route you take 😆.
Rafa papa
Hi Wakata 😃 If I had left my first reservation, I would have left Tokyo station by now 😅 Well, I was able to sleep soundly on the train so I'm a little tired 💤.
Rafa papa, thank you for your hard work 😌. I know you are still on your way home, but please be careful 🚞... 🚞But with Jyushiyo Sake Mirai and Hana-yoso 🍶If there is a god to throw away, there is a god to pick up 🤤...it looks so delicious no matter how many times I see it 🤤.
Rafa papa
Thank you Aladdin 😊 I think I used up all my luck today when I drank Jyushiyo and KahayoYoku in the morning 🙄 Well, it's a good thing I was able to drink something I rarely drink... 😌 I haven't arrived in Fukui yet 😓.
Good evening. Thank you for your hard work 😰. The bullet train 🚄 was tough, but the Jyushidai and Hana-yosu look delicious 😊. The sake god must have guided you 😁.
Rafa papa
Good evening, Ao-chan 😃 I didn't expect to be able to drink Jyushiyo and Hana-yoso before noon 🤣I'm a sake god when I do it... 😌I think the sake god did that training after that too... 😓.
Good evening, Rafa papa 🌛Thanks for the accident 🚅But I'm glad you have the blessings of the sake gods here and there ✨Good night 😴.
Rafa papa
Good morning Nemuchi 😃. If the bullet train hadn't stopped, I wouldn't be able to drink Jyushidai and Hanayo... 😁The sake god made it rain in Shizuoka ☔️⁉️ I wanted to get off in Kanazawa and relax, but I couldn't afford it at all... 😅
Hi Rafa papa 😃 It's very rare to have such a trouble with Shinkansen, I'm sorry for your trouble. I have never heard of Hinomono shop in Yaesu basement, it looks like they opened recently, but a good encounter in an accident 👍❣️
Rafa papa
Hi Harry, good evening 😃. Himo no Yaro is originally from Osaka and I used to go there for lunch 😋I didn't realize they had such a good selection of sake 😅It's located in the southernmost part of the Yaesu underground shopping mall 😁If you get the chance...👍
Thanks for all your hard work Rafa😊. I saw on the news that you had a hard time 💦. But I'm glad you were able to drink Jyushiyo Sake Mirai and Hanayo 😆 How long did it take you to get back home❓You must be exhausted❓
Rafa papa
Hi, Tsubu 😃 I went back around Kanazawa with Kyuzo's information😊It was smooth to Kanazawa, but Thunderbird was delayed and it was very difficult 💦I'm already tired 💦I'm already tired 😌It's still best to sleep on a futon at home👍.
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Walking to the end of the Yaesu underground shopping mall at Tokyo Station, I found a restaurant with a rather good selection of Japanese sake. For the first time in a long time, I have a glass of Hana-yoso. It is pineapple-like, fruity, and delicious.
Hanamura純米 陸羽田純米
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100% Rikuwada, 55% polished rice ratio, bottle-hitched once. The color is slightly yellowish, and the aroma is slightly floral. The aroma is bright and fruity, like orange or orange blossoms. The aroma has a polished rice flavor, like that of Kamishin powder. There is also an impression of a slightly thickened sweetness like mizuame (sugar candy). The taste also has a sweet and sour attack, with orange-like fruitiness. In the latter half, a firm bitterness spreads and tightens up. The texture is slightly thick.