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日本酒少量飲み比べの店 酒蔵

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日本酒少量飲み比べの店 酒蔵
This is the fourth stage of the Shinsei horizontal drinking. The flavor trend is similar to that of the third Viridian label, but the umami and acidity tend to be a bit more subdued, giving the impression that it is easier to drink. It is easy to drink with anything, and is popular with all people.
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日本酒少量飲み比べの店 酒蔵
This is the third Niimasa horizontal drink. While No. 6 and Suiboku have a refreshing taste and are easy to drink without any accompaniments, this one has a strong umami, so it is good to drink it while having some accompaniments. Since it has a clean aftertaste, I have the impression that it would go well with a side dish that has a delicious yet refreshing aftertaste, such as steamed clams with sake.
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日本酒少量飲み比べの店 酒蔵
Shinsei horizontal drinking. The second one is Suiboku (Ash). While No. 6 had a neutral mouthfeel and a sour aftertaste, Suiboku had a sour mouthfeel and a neutral aftertaste. It has a pleasant orange 🍊-like acidity that is neither too sharp nor too soft. It also has a hint of sweetness in the aftertaste, making it more drinkable than No. 6. I would definitely like to drink it with delicate Japanese food.
AramasaNo.6 S-type純米生酛原酒生酒
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日本酒少量飲み比べの店 酒蔵
The day to drink Shinsei No. 6 finally arrived. After a good night's sleep the day before, a little exercise in the morning, a bath, and brushing my teeth, I was in perfect physical condition for the perfect saké. The taste is extremely neutral, with no sense of alcohol, and the acidity and sweetness are all in perfect balance. The mild flavor characteristic of No. 6 yeast is evident. The citrusy acidity continues in the aftertaste, which is very pleasant. One of the most complete sake.
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日本酒少量飲み比べの店 酒蔵
The solid acidity, sweetness, and flavor are all very powerful, yet very well balanced in the mix. It has a good aroma that is different from lychee, orange, and melon, which is not in my taste DB. As expected of a sake that won the world's top prize❗️ It is different from Ottersai Jiwari Sanbe and Hanzo Junmai Daiginjo, very gorgeous and powerful, and seems to have a yo-kai impression that would be popular with foreigners.
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日本酒少量飲み比べの店 酒蔵
The taste is clean and refined. Every time I drink Isobojimai, I think it tastes one rank higher than the label, and although this time it is special junmai, my impression is that it is clearly junmai ginjo class! The refinement of the flavor is different from other sake breweries, which explains why it is so hard to find. Thanks to its almost perfect balance, it drinks like water. It is often said that really good wine tastes like water, and this sake is just like that. Even though it is a limited time and day back course for regulars only, I was happy to find this sake in the all-you-can-drink 2,000 yen course that includes 5 snacks ✨.