ふかきよI thought it was a delicious, easy-drinking sake with a slight sourness and a firm bitterness, followed by the sweetness of the rice and a delicious umami flavor. ふかきよI thought it was a delicious, easy-drinking sake that would go well with any meal, with the sweetness of the rice and a slight sourness followed by a soft bitterness that was crisp and clean. ふかきよI thought it was a delicious sake with a moderate sweetness and good acidity, followed by just the right amount of bitterness to make it crisp, clear, and easy to drink. ふかきよThe sake is light and not too sweet, with a nice bitterness that goes down the throat without feeling too high (17%), and is easy to drink with meals. ふかきよI thought it was a delicious sake with a tangy sensation followed by a slight sourness and bitterness that was sharp and tasty. ふかきよWe had a cup of it courtesy of the restaurant, and I thought it was a delicious, easy-to-drink sake with a rich, moist sweetness from the rice and a delicious bitterness. ふかきよI thought it was a delicious sake with just a hint of sweetness from the rice and a soft acidity, followed by just the right amount of bitterness to refresh and make it easy to drink. ふかきよThe sweetness of the rice was clearly perceptible, and the acidity was less than expected, with a moderate bitterness that was delicious. ふかきよI thought the sake was easy to drink, with a light sweetness from the rice and a crisp aftertaste with a hint of acidity. ふかきよI thought it was a delicious sake with a refreshing aroma, a hint of sweetness, a pleasant acidity, and as easy to drink as water. ふかきよI thought it was a delicious, slightly dangerous sake, easy to drink with just the right amount of alcohol with a hint of sweetness and fizziness in the first sip. ふかきよI thought it was a delicious sake that was easy to drink like water, with a subtle, fruity aroma followed by a moist sweetness that quickly disappeared. ふかきよI thought it was a delicious sake with a subtle sweetness followed by a refreshing acidity that makes it crisp and easy to drink. ふかきよThe fruity aroma and subtle sweetness of the rice was followed by sourness and bitterness, and the sharpness was so good that I could not stop drinking it with a meal. ふかきよI thought it was the kind of sake that would be suitable for summer, with a light mouthfeel, a hint of sweetness from the rice, a fruity aroma, and a refreshing acidity in the aftertaste that makes it easy to drink. ふかきよThe fruity sweetness is clearly perceptible, the acidity is not so strong, and the subtle bitterness gives the sake a delicious character. 女城主Lady of the castle純米吟醸 ふかきよThe sweetness of the rice is followed by a strong acidity, making it a delicious sake to drink with a meal, like a white wine. ふかきよIn the mouth, the first taste was fruity and acidic, and later on, I could taste the subtle sweetness of the rice and the tangy taste in a good sense, but I thought it was like a white wine. ふかきよIt is slightly effervescent and sweet with a hint of rice, and the slight yogurt-like acidity makes it very easy to drink. ふかきよThe sweetness of the rice lingers after the sake is quickly released, leaving a crisp aftertaste, making it a sake that can be drunk as much as you like. RecommendedContentsSectionView.title