コピー金鯱 山田錦 吟醸原酒生貯蔵酒Moritakinshachi ShuzoAichi4/29/2024, 4:18:40 PM1コピーI got it at a good price. Easy to drink.Japanese>English
コピー秋田 華匠 大吟醸HokushikaAkita4/27/2024, 12:03:08 PM1コピーI got it at a good price. It was easy to drink! The cherry salmon from Ajiro was also delicious!Japanese>English
コピー吉乃川 越後國酒 冷やし酒 生貯蔵酒YoshinogawaNiigata4/23/2024, 11:25:43 AM10コピーI bought it for 500 yen. He likes it clean and sharp (it says so on the label)!Japanese>English
コピー純米原酒 八海山Hakkai JozoNiigata4/16/2024, 10:26:39 AM17コピーIt was 20% off, so I bought it. Bamboo shoot sashimi andJapanese>English
コピーげんこつ 辛口本醸造富士正酒造Shizuoka4/9/2024, 9:41:04 AM17コピーSake bought after talking to the shopkeeper properly. Maybe he likes dry sake.Japanese>English
コピーSuigei特別純米酒Suigei ShuzoKochi4/5/2024, 12:57:16 AM18コピーIt came up as a recommendation on this app, so I drank it. I liked the taste.Japanese>English
コピーYachiyosakuraNabetanaChiba4/1/2024, 3:35:24 PM14コピーThe local sake you buy on your expedition is more about appearance and atmosphere. Very easy to drinkJapanese>English
コピーKihei Shizuokakura KinjoShizuoka Hiraki ShuzoShizuoka3/29/2024, 11:42:52 AM13コピーI bought it because it was 20% off. It was delicious.Japanese>English