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2024年にJ.S.A SAKEDIPLOMAの資格を取得しました! 日々勉強のために全国のお酒をいただいています✍️ 色々なお酒をいただいていますが、こちらのSNSでは自分の気に入ったもの、記憶に留めておきたいものだけを厳選して載せていきたいと思います🍶 日本酒セラーはさくら製作所のものを使用しています🌸

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Kuroryu Junmai Daiginjo This sake was also served to us at a bar where we happened to witness a celebration scene. I've been blessed in my life with sake fate and luck 😭🙏✨✨✨✨. The sake was so special that I had to shiver as I enjoyed it. The lacquer box is beautiful (I forgot to take a picture) and the bottle is stylish! The aroma was gorgeous like a Junmai Daiginjo, the taste was mellow and full, and everything about it was very special 😭 tears We made several celebratory toasts, shook hands and had a great time ⏳. ♡♡♡♡ 35% pure Solzan-Nishiki from Tojo, Saitama Prefecture Jun-ginjo-shu +2.5 Japanese sake degree +2.5 Alcohol content 16%. [Limited Edition] (Excerpt from the website of Kuroryu Shuzo Co.)
Kokuryu大吟醸 福ボトル大吟醸
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Kuroryu Fukubottle Daiginjo It was served to a family celebrating their 60th birthday who joined us at the restaurant! We were truly "blessed" and full of happiness 🥰. It is gorgeous, has a refreshing sharpness from the brewed alcohol, and is easy to drink without any peculiarities. It is easy to drink without any peculiarities. It seems to go well with any kind of food. Perfect for a celebratory drink that everyone can enjoy together 🍶✨. We had it while toasting to life so far and wishing for a happy life ahead 🙏. ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Alcohol 16%. Rice: Yamadanishiki Polishing ratio 50%. Sake degree +4
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Record of 9/1 Sawakiya's meeting (2) Suehiro Inherited Yamahai Junmai Sake🍶. Aizu is the origin of Yamahai! And Suehiro Shuzo's Yamahai Junmai Sake. Thank you for the sake ✨ Well-balanced sweetness, acidity, and umami. It is beautifully balanced with sweetness, acidity, and umami. I didn't drink enough, so I want to taste it slowly when I encounter it again 📝. ♡♡♡♡ Rice: Gohyakumangoku Yeast used: Association No. 901 Rice polishing ratio 60 Sake degree ±0 Amino acidity 1.3 Alcohol 15.0-16.0 Acidity 1.3 Type of Sake: Junmai-shu, Yamahai brewing (Excerpt from the Sake Museum website) Suehiro Shuzo Kanei Kura was experimentally brewed in the early Taisho period by Kinichiro Kagi, the founder of Yamahai brewing at the end of the Meiji period (1868-1912). Suehiro's Kagei-shiki Yamahai-zukuri has been handed down since that time. It is a well-balanced Junmai Yamahai sake with a mixture of sourness and sweetness. (From Suehiro's website)
Tenmei秋あがり 生純吟🍁
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Record of 9/1 Sawakiya's meeting (1) Tenmei Aki-agari Nama-jungin 🍁 (Japanese sake) The package renewed from this year is too cute ✨! Autumn ✨ from the outside! As is typical of Tenmei, the aroma starts with a gorgeous, ripe, fruit-like aroma, and the taste is refreshing with a clear acidity compared to the aroma. This would go well with autumn swordfish, too! I have a feeling it will make a wonderful pairing, just like squeezing sudachi (a Japanese citrus fruit). I want to drink more of this! ♡♡♡♡♡ Spec: Junmai Ginjo Unfiltered Nama-shu Koji Rice type : Miyamanishiki 50% polished rice Kake Rice : Miyamanishiki, 50% polished rice Yeast : Association 901, Utsukushima Yume Yeast F701, malic acid-hyperproducing yeast Sake degree: ±0 Acidity: 1.8 Alcohol content: 15%. No heat treatment (unpasteurized, unpasteurized, unpasteurized sake, needs to be refrigerated) (Excerpt from Uekiya's website) Notes📝. Association 901 A foamless mutant strain of "Kumamoto Yeast" and "Karo Yeast", which was first distributed in 1968 and isolated and put to practical use in 1975. Association No. 9 is suitable for long-lived fermentation at low temperatures for ginjo-shu. Aromatic and mellow.
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The person sitting next to me said, "This is the only way to win!" I took it! It is delicious at room temperature. Delicious at room temperature. Delicious heated. Is there any food that doesn't go well with it? Memo for future study📝. Everyone has their own tastes, and the one who can recommend drinks accordingly is the real deal. Kirinzan Denshin (traditional dry) Sake Brewer Kirinzan Shuzo Specified name: Normal sake Alcohol content: 15 to 16 degrees Celsius Sake degree +6 Acidity 1.3 Ingredient rice: Gohyakumangoku, Koshiibuki Rice polishing ratio 65 Taste: Dry (Excerpt from the website)
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I passed the first SAKEDIPROMA exam, so I celebrated drinking alone! And when I went into the restaurant, I was recommended to drink a lot of alcohol, which I indulged in dry 📝. I just had to! I wanted to drink it myself. Hirotogawa Kame no O Junmai Sake! Little aroma. Crisp and light but with a hint of sweetness. I had it with fried avocado 🥑. ♡♡♡♡ Brand name Hirotogawa Junmai Kame-no-o Volume 720ml Brewer Matsuzaki Shuzo Raw material rice Kame-no-o Polishing ratio 70%. Alcohol content 16%. Sake degree Acidity Place of origin Ten-ei-mura, Fukushima Prefecture (Excerpt from Yabuki Sake Brewery website)
Hi Mihotan 😃. Congratulations on passing the first exam ㊗️ 🎉Congratulations on your quick application celebration 🍶You are very eager to study 🤤.
鳥海山純米酒 生酛仕込み純米生酛
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Today we have Aizu red meat horse sashimi with spicy miso... So, I gathered up all of my husband's aged sake, sake made from pure sake, and old sake from around the house and researched. Normally, I prefer refreshing sake, but these seem to go well with dark miso and smelly food, so I studied them 📝. It has a good balance of sweetness, bitterness, and umami, and is deep and delicious. ♡♡♡♡ Junmai-shu "Chokaizan" 720ml Capacity : 720 ml Rice Polishing Ratio :65 %. Rice : 100% Miyamanishiki Alcohol content : 15 % Yeast used: Association 901 Sake degree: +1.0 Acidity: 1.8 Excerpt from the website
Hi Mihotan 😃 Aizu horse sashimi with spicy miso is the best sake 🍶 with it 🤗It would go well with Chokaizan 😋.
Hi Jay & Nobby, nice to meet you! It was great to see that the rich flavor was not overpowered by the strong spicy miso, but also softly sweet👍.
Goninmusume自然酒 いちごミード樽熟成純米生酛
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Five girls delivered by Tsuetoro🍶🍶. Strawberry mead barrel aged🍓🍯. At room temperature, it has a thick honey aroma and taste like fresh caramel. When warmed up, it has a buttery, rich aroma and flavor. Anyway, it's delicious! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Rice cultivation method: No pesticides or chemical fertilizers Malted Rice type : Kame-no-o Kake Rice : Kame-no-o Rice Polishing Ratio : Koji rice 70%, Kake rice 70% Koji Bacteria : Home cultivated Yeast : No additive Alcoholic Beverage : 14 (Excerpt from the website)
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Alcohol 13% (Original Sake) 100% Akita Komachi (harvested in 2022) Wooden vat (No.14) A newly married friend came to visit me with her husband and we opened the bottle to celebrate 🥂✨. Luxury cream soda for adults Happiness filled my mouth and lingered in the afterglow: ........ I'm happy to open the bottle at the perfect time with someone who can't stop loving alcohol and drinking it well!
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I received this sake for the first time from the Hakusen Shuzo brewery after receiving it from someone at work. It has a fluffy rice aroma, but the taste is sharp. I had it with fatty sardine sashimi. ✍️
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I finally got to drink Misato-san label, which I had bought but could not drink due to the many events! The aroma is sweet like melon right after opening the bottle. After drinking it, it has a refreshing sharpness.