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Record of 9/1 Sawakiya's meeting (2) Suehiro Inherited Yamahai Junmai Sake🍶. Aizu is the origin of Yamahai! And Suehiro Shuzo's Yamahai Junmai Sake. Thank you for the sake ✨ Well-balanced sweetness, acidity, and umami. It is beautifully balanced with sweetness, acidity, and umami. I didn't drink enough, so I want to taste it slowly when I encounter it again 📝. ♡♡♡♡ Rice: Gohyakumangoku Yeast used: Association No. 901 Rice polishing ratio 60 Sake degree ±0 Amino acidity 1.3 Alcohol 15.0-16.0 Acidity 1.3 Type of Sake: Junmai-shu, Yamahai brewing (Excerpt from the Sake Museum website) Suehiro Shuzo Kanei Kura was experimentally brewed in the early Taisho period by Kinichiro Kagi, the founder of Yamahai brewing at the end of the Meiji period (1868-1912). Suehiro's Kagei-shiki Yamahai-zukuri has been handed down since that time. It is a well-balanced Junmai Yamahai sake with a mixture of sourness and sweetness. (From Suehiro's website)