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Nakahata-5990 Fukushima, Kiso, Kiso-gun, Nagano
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I saw it at a liquor store and bought it to use as a food sake, somewhat imagining a Nagano flavor, but it was more of a summer sake than I expected. It was more than I expected. It was not without appleiness, but it had more acidity than I expected, and when I drank it, I felt it was similar to the KID white malted rice that I drank the other day. But it has clear sweet acidity and a firm umami in the second half. Also, there is no gassy feeling. I see, Zenkichi is also various. This one is delicious as well!
Zenkichiしぼりたて生原酒 試験米醸造酒Part②純米吟醸原酒生酒
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Hatsu Zenkichi ♪ test rice brewing 🌾 Kaori has a faint sweet rice aroma...sweet and delicious mouthfeel! The taste is sweet and delicious! Nagano sake is never bad! I'm drinking it with mackerel that I caught myself....and I'm drinking it with a side dish....so good....so good....so good....so good....so good....so good....
Good evening, brother 😃. Hatsuzenkichi-san ㊗️ what is this ⁉️ goodness 🤗 own vinegared mackerel😍this also looks delicious 😋.
Jay & Nobby, Zenkichi is delicious 😋...another new discovery 💡. The homemade vinegared mackerel was so big that the pickle was too sweet... I think it would have been better as sashimi or grilled with salt... It was a delicious 😋 mackerel with a lot of fat!
Zenkichi純米吟醸 しぼりたて生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒
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Zenkichi's Shiboritate Nama-nama Sake for drinking at home The one we bought because it was delicious after drinking it at the store. Melon-like sweetness, but not too much, light aftertaste.
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Moderately bitter and sweet Well-balanced with a tangy taste Slightly dry and easy to drink Enjoy it with a meal. Delicious 🙏🏻 My favorite *4/5
Zenkichi純米吟醸 しぼりたて生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒
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焼き鳥 蔵
Personal preference 3.8/5 Rice: Test rice (Nagano Prefecture) Rice polishing ratio 55 Alcohol content 16 Another bottle we got at Yakitorikura! I got another one, but I forgot to take a picture of it 💦. I saw Zenkichi in the fridge, so I ordered this one! Junmai Ginjyo, with an elegant, fruity sweetness that is often found in nama-ginjos! It was not gassy or juicy, so the sweetness was similar to banana or melon 🍌. Still, the sweetness of the rice and a little bit of sharp freshness on the nose afterwards was a good combination👍. If you ask me whether it's the Koshi or this one, it seems to change with the sake pairing 🤔. I'm torn between the two 🤔 I also received a pair of Edo glass rings as a wedding gift from a friend! I will use it with care 🙏! The bamboo shoot rice was also delicious! Thank you for the food: ✨️
Hi Ofuji 😃Zenkichi is delicious, I'm the one who orders it when I find it 👍The sake cup from your friend is also nice ✨Ofuji, so Fuji's sake cup 🗻🤔Nice 😊.
Good evening, Ofuji 😃. Zenkichi doesn't disappoint either 🤤. I finally realized after reading Wakata's comment, your friend who gave Ofuji-san a pair of faceted Mt. Fuji is pretty good 😁.
Hello Mr. Wakata! It's delicious ✌️ I've been hooked on it ever since I had my first pink label 😁. I will use the pair of faceted Fujiyama with care 🗻.
Hi Aladdin! I personally think it's an easy drink for everyone 😊I buy it when I see it at Ka0ya🎶. I'm really grateful to my friend for being so chic 🙏.
Zenkichiしぼりたて生原酒 試験米醸造酒part②純米吟醸
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I got a sake that I was a little curious about! One of my high school classmates lives in the Kiso area of Nagano Prefecture, and a few of us are going to visit him this coming summer. I was looking online to see if there was a sake brewery nearby that we could visit if we could, and I was thinking that if it was in Kiso Fukushima, we might be able to go. One that I was checking out with the delusion that I could go there. Should I go there after drinking? Or should I go there and drink it first? I was a bit confused, but I decided to drink it anyway. What is "test rice brewed sake"? I looked it up and found out that it is called Shinkoshu 557, which is a new sake brewing rice developed by Nagano Prefecture. The yeast is also Nagano D yeast developed by Nagano Prefecture. The first sip was a sizzling sensation! Fresh and sour. It has a soft sweetness that is sweet and delicious, but not too rich and fresh! It's well-balanced and delicious! If you go there and drink it, it should taste even better😋.
Good evening, Takashi 😃. Is this your first time to visit Zenkichi-san? ‼️ This is delicious 😋 and a trip to Shinshu in summer! I'm really looking forward to it 🤗Go ahead and drink lots of good sake 👋.
Thank you Jay & Nobby ✨ This is my first time drinking Zenkichi. I'm selfishly excited to be able to drink it there 😆. But not all of my classmates are drinkers, so can we go to the brewery? I'm sure I will, lol.
Zenkichi純米吟醸 しぼりたて生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒
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Test rice brewed sake part 2 I bought it right after it went on sale, thinking that I had to try it because (1) was so good. The bottle was opened with a pop! A nice sound when the bottle was opened. The aroma was slightly sour. When you take a sip, you can feel it sizzling. The sweetness comes in softly, and the umami spreads with a hint of sourness! The sourness finishes with a lingering aftertaste. It makes your throat feel warm. I have a feeling that this will be easy to drink the next day. After the next day, it becomes much rounder, mellower, and calmer. The freshness continues. The acidity at the end is present (though not strong). I think it is a little sweeter than (1)... I can't remember for sure... Anyway, Zenkichi is delicious. If it were available, I would want to buy it.
Zenkichiしぼりたて 試験米醸造酒 part②純米吟醸原酒生酒
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酒楽 掬正
The sake is brewed with a rice under development called Yumemi Nishiki. See Rafa's post for more details about the rice 😌. First time drinking at home, Zenkichi. Slightly effervescent with a beautiful sweet flavor. Not too sweet and perfectly balanced. I feel that drinkability and robust strength coexist well. With this flavor from a rice under development, I look forward to it officially becoming a sake brewing rice 😆.
Rafa papa
Good morning bouken 😃 Hmmm... Yamada Nishiki" and "Mie Sake No. 20" are crossed. Mie Sake No. 20" is bred from... Bred from "Yamadanishiki" and "Hitogochi I see...I can learn a lot 🤣.
Good evening Rafa 😃. I'm learning a lot, tee 🤣. It's sake rice like a good blooded thoroughbred 🐎🤣.
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The second drink at Hikaru-kun's restaurant Fruity but mild aroma Sourness is so-so. The aftertaste is soft, gentle and mild. Hikaru, however, says it has a dry aftertaste. It is interesting that different people feel differently. The sashimi of the day was an assortment of matsukawa flounder and hoshigarai with tuna! The tuna was a perfect combination of plump and chewy, and the tuna was excellent, too!
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Uokusa (魚草)
The aroma is slightly floral. Fruity in the mouth. Clear, yet juicy. Citrus and white grapes. Slightly minty flavor. The sweetness is immediately felt with a touch of sweetness, and then it quickly recedes, spreading lightly over the rice. The impression is somewhat more modern than the label suggests. It is elegant. Suitable as a food sake. Goes well with sea bream and flatfish sashimi. I like it. Ueno Uoso

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