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2220-1 Ohi, Hita, Oita
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Preferred: ★★☆☆☆ Cold sake: ★★☆☆☆☆ Cold: - Warmed: ★★☆☆☆ ・Nurukan: ★★☆☆ Hot sake: ★★☆☆☆
Kakunoi百合仕込み 純米吟醸純米吟醸無濾過
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Recently, I've been studying sake from Oita. This is the first time I drank Inoue Shuzo's Yuri-Jikomi. It is brewed using spring water from the brewery and pressed by hand. When you hold it in your mouth, the gentle aroma and tight sweetness spreads. It is like tasting a small grape. This is a bottle that blindsided me with its honest deliciousness. It's delicious!
Kakunoi純米吟醸 百合仕込み
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Purchased at Hita Kyokumado Sake Shop There is a hint of sourness. It was very delicious with a complex taste. Yamadanishiki Sake degree -2.8 Acidity 2.1 Alcohol content 15 degrees Rice polishing ratio 58%. Kumamoto yeast KA-4
We feel that you have a wonderful sense of taste in selecting from among the many types of sake!
shogot1987✨ Thank you 😆. I went out and tasted it and bought it🙆 I heard from the place where I bought it that it was well-received on a TV show at the end of last year! I also bought some autumn sake recently, so I'm looking forward to drinking it.
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There is clearly more lees than the previous Yamadanishiki. When you take the supernatant first, the taste opens up from the beginning, with a thick umami and sweetness spreading. The Yamadanishiki Junmai Ginjo reached this state at room temperature, but this one's flavor comes through even at low temperatures. When the lees are stirred, a crisp acidity is added and the aftertaste becomes clear. The full-bodied aroma comes out of the nose, and the taste becomes highly complete at once. This one is also insanely delicious! I've been drinking a lot of Omachi sake lately, and I wonder if this complex and thick sweet flavor is a characteristic of Omachi.
Kakunoi純米吟醸 百合仕込み
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Hirotogawa and drinking comparison. This is my first local sake post. This is a small tank sake brewed by the only female toji in the prefecture. The daughter of the current president has returned home to take over the brewing. It is said that she is involved from the rice cultivation stage, and is particular about the subsoil water that is used for brewing sake. Since it is a nama-shu, we had it cold. It is a summer sake, so there is a little bit of lees at the bottom of the bottle. The aroma is more subdued than Hirotogawa. Almost none? When you put it in your mouth, there are two waves of sweetness, sourness and bitterness, and then it disappears clearly. The acidity is a little strong, but the elegant sweetness and solid umami are impressive. However, this sake seems to come into its own at room temperature. As the temperature changes, the presence of the acid becomes less pronounced, and the thickness of the umami and sweetness increases. To be honest, I wasn't sure how to even compare it to Hirotogawa, but I was surprised! It's so delicious. The sweetness and clean aftertaste are reminiscent of Shinsei's Lapis. This sake has the potential to become Oita's representative sake! I'll be supporting it from now on!
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Rice aroma Refreshing sweetness Faint sourness Firm flavor The taste is gentle The aftertaste is refreshing Sweet taste but refreshing sake

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