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1-chōme-25-15 Nigatahonmachi, Kure, Hiroshima
map of Aihara Shuzo
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On the shinkansen on the way home, I drank a one-pack of Ame-go-no-tsuki. At 16% alcohol by volume, it was more acidic than the last time I drank it, but the clear, crisp aftertaste made it perfect as a food sake. The quantity was just right. The weather was fine, so my daughter and I were able to do a lot of sightseeing and have good memories. Fuji🗻 from the bullet train on the way there was beautiful.
Hi Lutemi 🐦. You had a wonderful time with your daughter ✨I would love to visit all of The Tokyo🗼 in good season🍁😻 Also the snow capped Mt Fuji🗻 is stunning! I've never seen it from the shinkansen 🚄😂.
Good evening, Ponchan😄. I won't see my daughter until spring, so this was an important time for me. We were blessed with good weather so we were able to enjoy Tokyo to the fullest. It was the first time for me to see the beautiful Mt. Fuji 🗻 from 🚄 so I was very happy 😆.
Ugonotsuki雨後の月 純米吟醸 微発泡にごり
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The schwa nigori is absolutely delicious! ☂️☂️☂️ Rice: Yamadanishiki, Hachitanishiki, etc. Polishing ratio: Koji: 50%, Kake: 60 Sake degree: 16 Sake degree +2.0 Acidity 1.5

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