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Brands from Niida Honke

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かなた2.2 / 2.8 Gugu. This is... It's the kind that's so rich and mellow that the aftertaste lingers in your mouth forever. It's still too early for me... I don't think I'll be ordering any more for a while. I'll see you again.
ogaAt a liquor store I dropped by, I found something unusual that was sold by weight from a wooden vat, so I bought it. I forgot to take a picture of it at the shop, so I forgot what it was, but I think it was something like shaved raw sake from a wooden vat. I don't know how to describe it, but it has a very unique taste. If you warm it up, it's thicker and tastier. When it's warm, it's more sour.
パーム農家Tamura of Niida Honke. I've always wanted to try this brand. This time I had it heated. It is quite yellow. The aroma is a little like mirin. It's delicious. It tastes like Mirin. I want to drink it with oden soup or steamed scallion soup. The standard heated sake at my imaginary sake bar is Gunma Izumi, but I'd like to go up a notch and get Tamura.
Tamura生酛 純米純米生酛
コロまるThe nose is just a hint of pear and muscat. A sweetness like cotton candy. There is also a slight earthiness. In the mouth, soft syrup, sourness similar to yogurt or whey, and vanilla. As you swallow, the dry bitterness rises strongly and finishes with a complex interplay of sweet, bitter and acid. It leaves a lingering spiciness and astringency in the aftertaste. I felt the unique and complex acidity, astringency, and bitterness of the kura-tsuki yeast! It was a delicious sake that you could feel the careful, traditional crafting!
Tamura木桶仕込み うすにごり生純米生酛生酒にごり酒
nanoggI heard it was a limited edition sake with a total of 480 bottles released from the warehouse. Lactic acid drink⁉️ It's dry with more acidity and less sweetness. I know it's different from Niidashi Zensyu, but my impression is also different from Tamura's Junmai Ginjo that I drank before Purchased in May 2021
休肝鳥Good evening, Nanogg-san 😀 How about this one❓I started with cold sake and warmed it up severely and it tasted alright, but in the end I couldn't hold on to it and turned it into cooking sake, which is a good memory😁.
nanoggGood morning, resting bird😃You were drinking the non-usunigori one⁉️It was too dry and not what I was expecting😅Personally, I prefer the classic Tamura by far😄.
ryoIt's not as thick as I thought it would be, and the aftertaste is not overpowering. It is a good sake. The taste is typical of Japanese sake.
休肝鳥720ml ¥1,760 The second day of the Fukushima series is the first time I drank Niida's sake ❗ I'm looking forward to seeing it at 80% shaved 😀. The first sip has a sour taste that is quite unpleasant 💦. I'm sure you'll be happy with the results. I'm not sure if it's because the temperature has risen a bit since I started drinking it ❓When I warmed it up to human skin, it was even easier to drink 😆 The thick taste that only a native-production sake can give is delicious when it's been warmed up for a while
superbebeNice drinkware 👍.
休肝鳥Good evening, superbebe 😀 Do you have a Nohsaku❓?
superbebeI don't have one. I want a Nohsaku tin set, but it's expensive 😂.
yutaYou are the brewer of Niidashi Zensyu, aren't you? This is the first time I've seen this sake. Fukushima's sake is so good! My liver never rests. lol
休肝鳥I'm sure you'll be able to find something that you like, but I'm not sure if you'll be able to find something that you like.
kenji★★★★☆ Aged 2016 (production is supposed to be 17.6) I found something unusual at a liquor store I wandered by, so I bought it. Looking forward to. I was pretty stumped.
Tamura生本桶仕込み 一瞬の表情 精米歩合80%
さかな🐟I bought this without realizing it, but I think it's Mr. Niida the Frog. It's a simple label, so I couldn't connect it with the usual frog. (There was a frog on the stopper.) I was curious and bought it because it was 80% polished rice. I had already drunk Heaven & Earth by Kenkunichi before this, so the first sip was? The first sip was? Well, I guess that's what happens when you drink the exact opposite of what you want. I made up my mind and took another sip. I heard it was spicy, but it wasn't? As I calmly drank it, it seemed to be fruity and dry. As you would expect from 80% polished rice, it has a solid core presence. However, perhaps it is because it is made by Niida, but it does not have a piercing feeling, it is a gentle 80%. It's delicious. When I opened the bottle, there was a pushy gas feeling, but the gas feeling was moderate. The aftertaste is not unpleasant, and it's not messy. If you want to pair it with a meal, it's good with pretty much anything. However, if it is too strong, it will be overpowering. Was Niida-san a female toji? Was the owner a woman? I think this sake has a charm that men cannot produce. I really want women to drink this kind of sake. Of course, men as well.