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Benten Flavor Chart

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居酒屋 味山海
☆☆☆☆☆ A brand I've never seen before. Hiyoroshi. This one has a strong sense of maturity. The sweetness and umami come afterwards and are of a high level. I order a small glass to drink different kinds of sake, but Yamagata's sake is the best!
Benten特別純米 生原酒 山田錦特別純米原酒生酒
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Here is a bottle to accompany you this evening. When the bottle is opened, it has a fruity and juicy aroma. When you put it in your mouth, it is surprisingly refreshing, despite the strong aroma. It is dry and easy to drink. The weak acidity and bitterness round out the aftertaste. When paired with grilled Shishito peppers, the bitterness weakens and it is even easier to drink. If you have hot "good" Shishito peppers, you may be able to taste the sweetness as well. After stewed chicken wings with tomatoes, the bitterness might increase a little. If you put butter on olive bread from a famous bakery in Yugawara, everything will match and you will be able to drink it forever. Dangerous!
Benten山羽音 純米吟醸
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Light and dry. Quite light. I would have liked a little more flavor. But after the second day, it was delicious.
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The overall impression is that it has a punchy taste as is typical of the original sake, but it is a delicious, refreshing sake with umami and a little acidity. It gives the impression that it will not be defeated by strongly seasoned or fatty food.
Benten特別純米 生原酒 山田錦特別純米原酒生酒
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Goto Shuzo Brewery Benten Special Junmai Yamadanishiki Unpasteurized Sake This brewery is located in Takahata-machi, Yamagata Prefecture. The rice is polished to 65% Yamada-Nishiki from Hyogo Prefecture. It has a gentle and refreshing aroma, soft rice flavor, and a hint of bitterness. The aroma is gentle and fresh, the taste is soft, and there is a hint of bitterness, It has a sharp and crisp finish. #Japanese Sake
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I ran to buy it after hearing Tsubu-chan's information about the arrival of 🍏Pom-Pom fresh sake at "Nature, Furniture, and Wine. I ran to buy it at Kameda-ya. I felt their eyes on me at the checkout counter and looked at the sake shelf...Benten? He's looking at me 👀 so cute I bought a packet 🤗. I had it cold, fresh out of the fridge. The first aroma is a sweet ginjo aroma from the koji mold, and the mouthfeel is immediately like hard water on the tongue and down the throat. Astringent, mineral, salty...then spicy. I've never had sake like this 😳. The fruity aroma seemed to come out as the temperature slowed down and the sake was exposed to the air. It was as if it was something else. A gentle sweetness like Wasanbon derived from koji appeared. I had it with sashimi, and with its crisp aftertaste, it looks good with river fish too 😋. Rice used: "Dewanosato" from Yamagata Prefecture Rice polishing ratio 55 Alcohol content 16%. Sake meter degree +2 Acidity 1.4
On the third day, what a ❗️ sweet aroma and taste like Popeau 🥰.
Good morning, Kotori 😃 I know you sometimes buy sake at the liquor store when you feel the eyes on you 😆 I think we will see each other 😆 This label is a sake that changes its aroma and taste with time 🤗.
Good morning, Jay & Nobby 😃It was the first time I tasted "hardness", "minerality" and "saltiness". I was also impressed by the change in taste from wine atmosphere to sake 😌.
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Sake: 850 yen/unit Alcohol (16% alcohol by volume), Source rice: Yamagata Prefecture, Izuwanosato, Polishing ratio: 55%, Yeast: Yamagata Ginjo Yeast (NF-KA), Association 1801, Sake: +0.9, Acidity: 1.2, Restaurant Series 3 ‼️ My friends ordered some so I got some 🤣I've been doing a restaurant series since Saturday and this was the easiest to drink of the ones I drank. It was easy to drink. It has a subtle spiciness, but not so much that it bothers me, and it was the least peculiar of all the drinks we drank. This is my 150th check-in. ✌️ Tomorrow will be the last in the restaurant series, but please look forward to it. ‼️
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Got it for me because the label is so cool! Very aromatic. I was told that it is recommended to drink it at room temperature or whatever. The moment you put it in your mouth, it goes from sweet to spicy very quickly. Very easy to drink!
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It's been a few years? It's been a few years since I've had a light nigori sake. It goes well with food, tastes great, and is cosy! I thought. I went to buy more a week later. Of course there was no more 🌀 I would like to drink it again if I come across it again ♡.
Benten生原酒 特別純米酒 山形の米つや姫100%使用特別純米原酒生酒
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★★★★ Purchased from: Depa. First heavy snowfall in a long time: ☃️ I got a line from a family member who was on his way home early. They said they would pick me up on their way home. (Thank God for that 🙏.) We met at the nearest department store. The department store was unbelievably empty. We went to the alcohol section where we always stop by. And there I came across this bottle. Thanks to the snow, I was able to find it. It has a robust flavor. They say it's sweet, but it's not too sweet. But it's not too sweet. Mmmm, it's delicious!
performance to liven up a bar Assorted sashimi of tuna Firefly squid with vinegared miso Vermicelli salad Broccoli with sesame dressing

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