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Benten Flavor Chart

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Yamagata Pref. Higashi-Oshii-gun. Goto Sake Brewery Limited Partnership. Benten Yamahane Junmai Ginjo Purchased at a liquor store found in Kitashinchi, Osaka's upscale entertainment district. This is a fixed price purchase, but Nabeshima and other brands were also priced in Kitashinchi 🤣. I couldn't imagine what it tasted like from the label, so I bought it. So called "Jacket purchase" 😁. I will have it cold. It has a sweet fruity aroma with a hint of alkaloa. The mouthfeel is clear and the sweetness comes on gradually. For a moment, you may think it is not enough, but the aroma that passes through the nose is quite fruity and gorgeous, and the sweetness and gorgeousness spread at the same time. After swallowing, it still has a full flavor and a little bit of sake. If you let it sit for a little longer than right out of the fridge, you can really feel the richness of the sweetness, and it is delicious. This is pretty good 👍 My favorite type 🥰. I thought it was clear, but it's really full-bodied and delicious 👍 Ingredients:Rice(domestic),Rice Koji(domestic) Rice used: 100% Dewa-no-sato from Yamagata Prefecture Polishing ratio: 55 Alcohol content:16%.
Rafa papa
Good morning Nemuchi 😃 You were lucky to buy a packet and enjoy it so much 😆 I still don't have the courage to buy a packet 😅I guess it's better to drink a variety without preconceived notions 😁.
Good morning, Nemuchi 😃. I'm not curious about the new area of high-end entertainment district 🤣Can you show me around? 🤣
Hi Nemuchi 😃 I'm afraid of how much the Kitashinchi price is going to be 😅. I can understand why you want to buy the jackets: ❗️ I'm kind of curious about it 😁.
Rafa papa, good evening 🌛It's fun to buy jackets by feel 😆 Fashionable ravelry is evidence of a particular taste and everything must be delicious 🤣If it's a hit to my liking, I feel like I've done it 😁.
Good evening, takeshon🌛Are you interested in Kitashinchi, the high-class entertainment district? 😁It seems to be getting more and more lively 🕺I'll show you around when you come to Osaka, but please pay your bill for me too 🤣.
Haruei Chichi, good evening 🌛I'm intrigued by your jackets 👍They were priced at Kitashinchi at the liquor store, double the price for a four-pack 😅If you know the list price, you can't buy them at a premium 💦I'd get more for them at the store 😱.
Benten山羽音 初しぼり純米吟醸原酒生酒
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Purchased at the beginning of the New Year The label is quite interesting. The taste is also to my liking. The alcohol content is high (17%) because it's a pure sake, but it's easy to drink with a delicious taste.
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20221210 This sake has no ginjo aroma or sake smell. You can taste only the rice flavor without any ginjo aroma or sake smell. It was really delicious sake. Thank you very much.
Benten純米吟醸 【雪】 無ろ過生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Benten continued. Tonight is the unfiltered version of "Yuki". Just by opening the lid, a fruity ginjo aroma rises up. Is it like a sweet apple? When you put it in your mouth, it has a strong, dark flavor. It has a strong sweetness, but when you swallow it, the sweetness does not remain. It also has a honey-like aroma. After fried garlic with Chinese cabbage, thick fried tofu, and hiratake mushrooms, the strength of the original sake is calmed down, and it becomes even easier to drink. It goes well with the bitterness of the tersai. When paired with grilled head of sea bream (150 yen?) The sweetness of the fish stands out, and it is also delicious.
Bentenつや姫 特別純米 無ろ過生原酒特別純米原酒生酒無濾過
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Tonight's accompaniment is this one with a label that looks like a package of rice. When you open the bottle, a gorgeous aroma rises up. It looks delicious by itself. The sweet fruit aroma is irresistible. You can taste a little bit of alcohol, but the overall flavor is cohesive. I may be mistaken, but is it the aroma of baked sweet potatoes? When paired with dashi yudofu (boiled tofu in soup stock) with rape blossoms, the bitterness of the rape blossoms mutes the alcohol and the sweetness is more pronounced and delicious. It also goes well with grilled swordfish with lemon butter. The oil from the butter drains away and the acidity of the lemon accentuates the deliciousness of the sake, making for a nice marriage... The small bones of the swordfish are a bit of a challenge (sweat).
Sake strength: -1.2 Alcohol content: 17.3 Rice used: Dewanosato (Yamagata) Rice polishing ratio: 55 Price: 1,500 yen Not much
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Purchased at Tokyu Department Store in Shibuya. I often talked with the owner of the brewery here at Tokyu Department Store, and I was thinking how little time I have left. Elegant and fruity aroma with a slightly sweet feeling. Banana type. The taste is slightly aromatic and sweet. Although it is a nama-shu, it is not as fresh as it should be, and the taste is elegant and refined. It has a smooth texture and goes down the throat easily. The nose is filled with the aroma of refined alcohol.
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I bought a handsome one in Tokyo just before I went to Okayama. It was delicious and I had a little bit of it. I would like to buy it again if I come across it again.
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I think it was five or six years ago, when Corona was not yet around. There was a sake tasting and sale event at a department store in Nihonbashi in the fall. They even had salt to snack on 😍. Anyway, there were so many sake to drink, I remember I got tongue-tied just by tasting 😅. One of the breweries that had a stall at the event was Goto Sake Brewery. My knowledge of sake back then was even less than it is now, and even though I didn't know any better, I rudely told the Goto brewer that I don't like heavy sake and that Yamagata sake must be heavy 😅. The brewer recommended me to try it, and when I sipped it, I was surprised at the sizzling sensation I experienced for the first time 😝. Since then, I've always been looking for it but could never find it 辯天! I finally found it. And it's Hiyadoroshi ❗ It has a mouthfeel like a soursup 😚. It has a moderate spiciness and a lustrous umami flavor that spread out. As I was savoring the umami, a taste and aroma like the hinoki cypress of barrel sake appeared momentarily, and after that taste, a glimpse of sweetness and astringency appeared 😎. This is a sake that I never get tired of drinking and goes well with meals😍.
Benten純米大吟醸 四割八分磨き生原酒 亀の尾 100%純米大吟醸原酒生酒
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The store owner told me that the flavor would come through if I let it sit for a few months. I bought two bottles by mistake, so I opened the bottle to try it out. When I opened the bottle, I was greeted with a new aroma. The aroma is not assertive, but it has a sweet aroma like syrup, followed by a weak sour aroma like dried plums. The taste is also complex. It starts with a sweet white wine, followed by sourness and weak bitterness. The taste is strong~. When paired with shredded cabbage dressed with salted sesame oil, the sweetness increases and the wine becomes more drinkable as the corners are removed. However, some bitterness remains. When paired with poached Pacific cod, it has a strong flavor that is not defeated. However, the aftertaste of the fish is washed away, and you can eat it with a new feeling. I'm going to drink it after I let it sit at the end of the year!
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This Sake is fruity, crisp and has a long aftertaste. The flavor is like a young pear with a hint of licorice. The acidity gives this a bright and full mouth feel. I am surprised at how long the finish is for this Sake.
Benten純米大吟醸 無ろ過生原酒 備前雄町純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Benten appears frequently in our home. Is it because it is unfiltered? As soon as the bottle is opened, a nice aroma rises from the bottle. The ginjo aroma reminds me of sweet fruit. Pineapple? Sweet mandarin oranges? In the mouth, contrary to the aroma, the flavor is mellow and clean. When paired with a salad, it maintains a solid, down-to-earth feel without being overpowered by the celery or the sweetness of the tomatoes. And when paired with the grilled nodoguro (a type of northern bluefin tuna), which was on sale at a discount, it's a perfect match, with an added sweetness, but with a refreshing aftertaste! A powerful sake that never forgets to assert itself even after the strong flavor of grilled marinated chicken and vegetables. It is definitely a brand that is sure to be a winner. Since the sake remained until after the meal, we extended it with seared nori seaweed and Himalayan salt. I can't stop now!

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