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Aizuchujo特別純米 うすにごり 生酒特別純米生酒にごり酒
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Koyama Shoten (小山商店)
The melon-like label made me think that was the case, and yes, there is a melon-like sweetness, but as a fruit aroma, it's all banana! It is more like magic ink than that, though. The sweetness is moist, mild and delicious! I thought it would have a modern atmosphere, but the sweetness suddenly disappears and the bitterness and alcoholic pungency suddenly transforms it into a classical atmosphere. What an interesting laugh! I think it is better to drink it as a food wine with sweetness rather than on its own. For example, with a salad with a strong dressing. Gomadorette, Caesar, etc. would be good. Fish should be eaten like carpaccio, not sashimi! For meat, pork shabu-shabu! After all, they all end up like salads. I was a bit surprised by the strength of this sake, but it is very tasty as an ordinary sake in this direction! On the third day, despite the time of year, I had it with nabe (hot pot)! I don't know if it's a great match, but it's starting to taste less alcoholic and more melon-y, which is a taste that reminds me of the old days! Delicious!
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Summer drinks. Several times, forgetting to write. I ask my drunken head. To say that summer is over for the few remaining and serviceable drinks is an ordinary mistake. Summer is the best time for easy-drinking alcohol. It's good. I like this emphasis on drinkability, this emphasis on drinkability, thinking in a Showa way that if I had a head that wasn't drunk what would be good, I'd be a red dot. I am thankful that I was able to drink it today as well. It is rather like this time of the year, with the addition of the pertinence.
Aizuchujo生純米原酒 にごり酒
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Stocked up. Second bottle of nigori sake this year 😏. It has a dry taste and is a great food sake ❗ I looked in the fish shop and found some rare Mexicali 😲! I used to eat it all the time when I was back home 😌😌. Tonight, I'll have a glass of sake with fried Mexicali 🍶.

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