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1212 Tamashima Agasaki, Kurashiki, Okayama
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Sanzen新きらめき燦然 純米雄町65純米生酒
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Bar Oscar
Oh, hey. What's up? Aroma and body. I couldn't enjoy my usual favorite pineapple flavor...
Sanzen薫る冬 雄町 65純米
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I welcomed it because I was curious about its "broad flavor and lively taste" as the label says 🤗. It is sweet and dark with a slight melon drop. It is rich and mellow 🤤 with a rich koji aroma and a slightly bitter acidity that spreads slowly on the tongue. The effect of the 17% alu may be the chili on the tip of the tongue afterwards, and after the whole tongue is numbed, the umami like soup stock wraps around the tongue 😚. The next day, more mellow and umami ⤴️ Lunch was at the local Takezue. Chicken and scallop light (soy sauce) special. Very satisfied with the delicate yet aggressive taste. ⤴️
ことりさん、おはようございます。😊 誰かさんが好きなラーメンとは違って、 上品なラーメンですね。😁レアっぼい チャーシューも素敵です😍
Good morning, Hanapin-san 🐥. I'm sure you all who love Yama◯ya and G-kei have had a glimpse of this restaurant 😂 again, I didn't connect the baton of Yama◯ya 🥲. The store is all about YAZAWA and the owner has a stern and commanding presence 😎 I keep coming back because it's so good 😍.
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Sanzen Special Junmai Omachi Souvenir from relatives😊. Today's snacks are oden🍢 and hinepon‼️ Well, let's see what kind of sake it is 🥃The aroma smells of alcohol 😨The first attack is a little sweetness of rice feeling but it has a strong bitter and spicy taste, it's the first spicy and hot sake in a long time! I wonder if this kind of sake is also good after a long time 🤔.
Sanzen山田錦 一火原酒や純米原酒
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It is a single shot fire-refining sake made with Yamada-Nishiki. Since it is not watered down, the alcohol content is high at 18ºC. The sake is slightly dry with a sake strength of +4. The acidity is 1.9. It seems to have been drunk once before, but how does it taste? It is not particularly aromatic. The acidity is quite strong! It is a sake with a sense of freshness. It is not that fruity, but at 18 degrees Celsius, it is a heavy sake with a solid weight. I decided to sip it while keeping some peace water by my side. ‼️
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Souvenirs from Okayama (2) Single-unit bottle exclusively for heating sake Mild and gentle flavor Perfect for cold days Purchased at a liquor store in Kurashiki Bikan Historical Area A bottle of hot sake
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Souvenirs from Okayama trip ①. Not sweet, not spicy, mild Slightly rich, roasted nutty flavor Purchased at a liquor store in Kurashiki Bikan Historical Area It is a little bit sweet and spicy, but not too sweet.
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The umami comes first, then the acidity, and finally the sweetness. The sweetness is not too strong and leaves a clean aftertaste.
Sanzen純米大吟醸 雄町 五十磨純米大吟醸
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Alcohol content : 16.5 Rice polishing ratio : 50 Taste & Smell】*It is a hazy memory.  In the mouth, the lightness, weight, sweetness, and spiciness are in the middle, and the delicate flavor unique to Junmai Daiginjos can be felt. Also, by the time you swallow it, you can taste the full umami that is typical of Omachi. Compared to the special junmai sake we drank before, the rice is more polished and the miscellaneous flavors seem to be reduced.
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Minion Samurai
Kikuchi Shuzo has been brewing sake the traditional style since 1878. Their mastery of using Okayama's signature rice, Omachi, has been the product of obsessive production control and desire to brew the best. Its current Toji, Tou Kikuchi, still believes the perfect brew is out there somewhere; and still strives for it. - The Art of Sake We drank Sanzen! PS: The best sake, we have drunk to date.

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