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木村式 奇跡のお酒木村式 奇跡のお酒
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ぽんKikuchi Sake Brewery Kimura-style Miracle Sake  Junmai Ginjyo Omachi Nama-nara Sake This brewery is located in Kurashiki City (formerly Tamashima City), Okayama Prefecture. Sake rice is grown without fertilizers or pesticides. Omachi" rice grown in Okayama Prefecture is polished to 55%. Fresh and fruity aroma, Mellow rice flavor, clean acidity, and a gentle, mellow finish. and a gentle, mellow aftertaste. #Sake
木村式 奇跡のお酒純米吟醸 雄町
かおまんがいIngredients Rice (domestic), Rice Koji (domestic) Ingredient rice: 100% Kimura-style naturally grown Omachi in Okayama Prefecture𖡼. 𖤣𖥧𖡼. 𖤣𖥧. Rice polishing ratio 55 Alcohol content 15.5 Producer Kikuchi Shuzo Co. Okayama Prefecture 🍑. Rating 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 ̖́-✨ This is a sake brewed by Mr. Akinori Kimura, known for his "Miracle Apple. This is a natural product harvested in Okayama Prefecture using the Kimura method of natural cultivation without the use of fertilizers or pesticides advocated by Mr. Akinori Kimura. The rice is harvested from Omachi rice grown in Okayama Prefecture, The brewery's toji (master brewer) has carefully brewed this sake with the utmost care and attention. The fruity aroma and full flavor of naturally grown Omachi rice The fruity aroma and rich flavor of the naturally grown Omachi rice are a blessing of nature. Please enjoy it cold. Gentle sweetness with no cloying taste. Rounded and soft on the palate. Junmai Ginjo-shu made with the highest quality. A superb sake! It was a great taste!
ワカ太A miraculous sake given to me by a colleague as a farewell gift for my new job ✨. Junmai Daiginjo from Omachi rice made from the ism of Mr. Kimura of the Miracle Apple that was made into a movie 🍶. Expectations are high ✨. The aroma is mild. I thought it would be refreshing since it's junmai daiginjo, but this one has a strong sweetness‼️I also feel the umami of the rice (I think)‼️ and the firmness that only omachi can give‼️ This is definitely a heated sake‼️ Thank you, my colleague😊.
つぶちゃんHi Wakata😄 I drank ✨Miracle Sake✨ Jungin last year: ❣️ I remember it was sweet and fruity and tasted better after a while than right after opening the bottle. I remember it was sweet and fruity.... I drank it cold, but maybe I should have tried it warmed 😊.
ポンちゃんHi Wakata, 🌥️ Great gift ✨It looks delicious and drinkable, and it would be great to warm it up 💕Let us know what you think 😊🙏.
ワカ太Good evening, Tsubu-chan 🌙 I see, it seems that letting it sit is the right thing to do with this sake. My father-in-law likes heated sake, so I thought he might like this sake too, so I gave it to him as a gift even though he was about to drink it 😅.
ワカ太Pon-chan, good evening 🌙It tasted like something my father-in-law would like, so I opened the bottle and gave it to him as a gift 😅. He said it was delicious👍.
Rafa papaGood morning, Wakata 😃. Miracle drink sounds delicious 🤤You have a good colleague waiting for you to give you such a drink as a gift👍😊.
ひるぺこGood evening, Mr. Wakata. I have never heard of this miraculous sake before. Omachi is great for warming sake, I'd love to try it 😊It's a wonderful gift 🎁✨.
ワカ太Rafa papa, good morning 😃I had a drink with the colleague last night. He was a nice guy as always 👍Giving sake as a gift is something to get excited about 😊.
ワカ太Hi Hirupeko, good morning 😃I also found out about it when a coworker gave it to me as a gift. It was a nice one with all the power of Omachi in the sake👍.
木村式 奇跡のお酒純米吟醸 雄町純米吟醸
しんしんSYAfter two days of study, I have an hour before my flight. Then, let's have a one-person "thank you" party in Kurashiki once again! I went to a restaurant I was interested in, but it was temporarily closed. Then, I was looking for a good restaurant near the station, and I found a sign for a standing bar 🪧. Let's have a quick drink here! Compared to yesterday's restaurants, this one has a good selection of cheap Okayama sake! We decided to have two drinks, one of which we didn't know about, since it would be too much to drink one for about 30 minutes! We started off by wondering if we had ever had this brand of sake before, but the word "miracle" lured us in and we ordered it! It turned out to be a different sake rice! Jungin, Omachi Light and fruity! I'm glad I chose it, I'm glad I did! The entrée was something that could be made right away! Vinegared warm enoki mushrooms! This is delicious and goes well with sake! We drank it in gulps and went for the second bottle! a few words of knowledge This sake is brewed with rice harvested through natural cultivation without the use of fertilizers or pesticides as advocated by Akinori Kimura, known for his "Miracle Apples.  This sake, in particular, is a junmai ginjo sake with a mellow aroma and the full flavor of Omachi rice, the pride of Okayama, which was commissioned to be grown naturally and polished to 55%. Polishing ratio 55 Ingredient variety: Kimura-style naturally grown "Omachi Alcohol content 15.5
木村式 奇跡のお酒純米雄町純米
Tom in TokyoThis is a comment from an amateur sake lover. A solid sake flavor. The power of the rice is dignified. The mouthfeel is dry, yet full of umami flavor. It is a perfect drink for a mealtime drink that does not leave a dry taste down your throat. Thank you for another great sake today! Thank you!
みなKimura-style naturally grown Omachi, 55% polished rice A miraculous sake made from Omachi rice grown without fertilizers or pesticides. The impression is mellow and dry. A little out of my taste, but a nice sake with no corners! Classy 🌾.