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Tanakarokujugo 1Tanakarokujugo 2Tanakarokujugo 3Tanakarokujugo 4Tanakarokujugo 5

Brands from Shiraito Shuzo

ShiraitoTanakarokujugoTanaka Senkin

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1986 Hon, Itoshima, Fukuoka
map of Shiraito Shuzo
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Tanakarokujugo Check-in 1Tanakarokujugo Check-in 2
Tanakarokujugo Check-in 3Tanakarokujugo Check-in 4
Overall 9 (out of 10) Purchased at a liquor store on my way home from a business trip to Fukuoka on 5/20. The sake brewery follows the "Hanegi Shibori" method, which is very rare in Japan! It tastes just like I like it! It is easy to drink at 13% alcohol by volume, but it has a little less depth of flavor than Ikiomai Masamune, and it does not have the sharp sharpness of Hakugakusen. It is a sake that makes you want to try other brands as well! I had it chilled. The aroma I felt was  -Aroma: A strong ginjo aroma.  -Aroma: Aroma of rice with a hint of butter. Taste sensation The higher the number, the stronger the aroma (5 is the maximum)  -Spiciness: 0 at the beginning → 1 in the aftertaste  -Sweetness: 1 at the beginning → 1 in the aftertaste  -Sourness: 0 at the beginning → 0 in the aftertaste  -Bitterness: 0 at the beginning → 0 in the aftertaste  -Astringency: 0 at the beginning → 1 lingering 1  -Rice flavor: 3 at the beginning → 2 in the aftertaste Mouthfeel I felt] → 1 Smaller number = light and smooth Bigger number = thicker and richer (5 is the maximum)
I was surprised by the unique sweet buttery aroma! Delicious! We received some fava beans from our neighbors who have a farm! Today we will lightly boil and deep fry them, tomorrow we will eat them with baked fava beans💕Great sake, seasonal vegetables, the best 🙌!
Good morning, shinsaku3 & Pekho! Thanks for your business trip to Fukuoka 😌I've only had the standard sake from Tanaka Rokugo, but I recommend that one too 🤗Fried fava beans 👍Seasonal vegetable tsumami is also good 👍
Good evening Jay & Nobby😃. Lately I've been feeling that sake goes well with basically Japanese food ingredients 😊. Tanaka Rokugo, I'll try to target other brands too: ❣️

Brands from Shiraito Shuzo

ShiraitoTanakarokujugoTanaka Senkin

Similar Brands

We analyze the flavors based on everyone's comments and select similar brands.
