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Brands from Shiraito Shuzo

ShiraitoTanakarokujugoTanaka Senkin

Similar Brands

We analyze the flavors based on everyone's comments and select similar brands.


1986 Hon, Itoshima, Fukuoka
map of Shiraito Shuzo
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Tanakarokujugo Check-in 1Tanakarokujugo Check-in 2
I finally bought Tanaka Rokugo, which I have always been curious about. There is an atmosphere from the label. The fruity aroma, acidity, spiciness, sweetness, and umami are well balanced. It is indeed delicious. At GINZAI MADEYA.
Tanakarokujugo Check-in 1Tanakarokujugo Check-in 2
Sake BBQ with my juniors 🥩. kino. gave me a bottle of Tanaka Rokuugo Nama Sake 🍶kino. god 🙏. Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! It's very well balanced but has a wonderful freshness and flavor like cider juice 😋. No wonder kino. says it's so good ‼️ I would love to meet this kind of sake again 😊.
Good evening, Mr. Noodle Sake King! Tanaka Rokuugo is just too good 😋. Especially the raw sake is juicy and awesome👍. Let's go wild together in Fukuoka next time 🥰.
Hi kino.😃 Well, I was shaken by the deliciousness of Tanaka Rokugo 😆 thank you 🙇. I hope you have a wonderful night in Fukuoka😍.
Tanakarokujugo Check-in 1
Tanakarokujugo Check-in 2Tanakarokujugo Check-in 3
熊谷 朋之
#Gin Kura at Gin Kura. Hmmm, I'm drunk. 😅 It's been a while since I've looked at the brands of sake from Hokkaido to Kyushu and I'm excited! 😁 Drinking a lot of different brands with a lot of people while frolicking. Just one sip at a time, drink a variety of brands. That's all it takes to make me happy. I'm not used to drinking sake, and I only drink as much as I can. Well, try this one! I recommend a sweet and tasty sake that you probably like, and I am so happy when you say, "Oh my God, it's delicious! I was so happy when they said, "Oh my God, it's delicious! I was so happy to be able to drag him into the sake swamp like that. I'm so happy to drag them into the sake swamp 😄. Tanaka Rokugo. Long time no see! 🙋 Junmai but light nigori. It fulfills my expectation that it will be absolutely delicious! The flavor of the rice is fully brought out and while it is described as the ultimate food sake, the feeling of being satisfied by drinking it on its own as is is is wonderful! 👍 It was delicious! 😁 Postscript. Guests coming down from the second floor. They all say, "Thanks for the food!" It was delicious!" as they go outside. Oh, how nice. It's nice to say it out loud. I drink a little bit while being filled with a sense of happiness. I'm so happy 😄.
Hi Tomoyuki Kumagai 😀 Enjoying a good atmosphere with good drinks at a good atmosphere restaurant... I saw a very nice scene 😀. And with 65 year old Tanaka Rokuugo as the centerpiece of my regular sake of the year, it's a good place for drinking 😇.

Brands from Shiraito Shuzo

ShiraitoTanakarokujugoTanaka Senkin

Similar Brands

We analyze the flavors based on everyone's comments and select similar brands.
