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超濃厚ヨーグルト酒 Flavor Chart

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It may not be sake, but it is a yogurt liqueur from a brewery famous for "Hakurakusei" and "Atago no matsu". As the name suggests, it's a very thick yogurt. The alcohol is 5 degrees, so it doesn't have much of a liquor feeling, but the aftertaste is a nice taste of alcohol that you can feel. It is good for a closing dessert with bitter chocolate.
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It's about time the fridge was empty. I peeked at Hikariya to see if anything was available. I found "Kojo Nishiki" of rice wine. I wondered what I could buy for over 3000 yen. I was looking around. I found this one that I sometimes want to drink. You said you wanted curry tonight. It's the only thing that goes with curry! It's relatively quick and doesn't overwhelm the fridge. The choice! I drank it like a lassi. I finished half of it in one day. It's 5 degrees of alcohol. So even if you drink two cups, it's less than one cup. It's the perfect drink for a sober person.
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Another new liquor store for me to explore🎵. This is another yogurt liquor I've been eyeing! Like everyone wrote, it's so yogurt-y you forget it's alcohol anymore! It's also only 5 degrees alcohol, so I can drink it with my friends who don't like alcohol! I'm going to buy it again!
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My wife was watching a video and was curious about this drink, found it in the liquor store behind my office and bought it Super thick yogurt. Amazingly delicious😋. The couple drank it up in a little over 30 minutes and in no time at all! If we had a bottle it would be dangerous!
There are quite a few shops that carry Shinzawa Shuzo's sake, so it's a wonderful environment. The liqueur is delicious, but the sake Hakurakusei and Atago no Matsuri are also excellent. The brewer here is also a close friend of Fukuyama Masaharu.
yumekagami-san I didn't pay attention to it because it was so close to me, but it's a liquor store with a lot of surprisingly good liquor. I'd like to drop by on my way home from work and try a variety of drinks.
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Yogurt drink. I thought this was a bad idea. I avoided it even if I saw it for a long time. Super thick yogurt drink I had a sip of it before and was captivated This time, I bought it for drinking at home! Jersey milk It is a sweet and high quality drinkable yogurt The alcohol adds just the right amount of flavor For better or worse It's mild at 5% alcohol. The price is quite high, but but for those who like sweet things and drinking yogurt I definitely recommend this one! You can also use it to seduce girls, I guess. The same brewery that makes Hakurakusei and Atago no Matsu and Atago no matsu. So you can be sure that you're in safe hands with a sake lover. It's hard to find a place that sells it. I found it at Hikariya in Kamata! They also had it at Yokohama Takashimaya a while ago If you see it, you should capture it!
Super thick yogurt drink. Really drinkable yogurt with no acidity. It doesn't feel like alcohol and it's really good. The thickening is amazing. https://www.sabun-saketen.com/item/riky30/?mode=pc
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I haven't had yogurt sake since I had it in Aomori. Was it a silver plate? This one is also a dark yogurt sake, but you don't need to break it up with soda to drink it. Oh, I think you should crack open the second drink. It's mellow, or maybe it's just gentle on the palate and easy to drink. The previous one was like a sweet wine, but this one is completely drinkable yogurt. I'm hoping to buy some strawberry yogurt if I can find it in the store front.

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