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1041-1 Tamachi, Moka, Tochigi
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Polishing 68%. It smells like a whiskey barrel. The color is yellow. It is spicy! The aftertaste is also tangy and dry. It's different from what I expected.
2/11 last. I drank about 2 gou at once with kimchi nabe at the end. I just imagined it to be delicious, but this is the best sake for a meal. I drink too much while eating.
Tsujizenbee純米大吟醸 夢ささら
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Zenbe Tsuji Junmai Daiginjo Yumesasara 100% Yumesasara rice produced in Tochigi Prefecture Polishing ratio 50%. Alcohol content 17%.
Tsujizenbee純米吟醸 五百万石 火入れ
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■Immediately after opening Overall clear impression Not much sweetness, a little bitterness That said, it was not a watery sake, and I could taste the flavor. After drinking, it had a sharp taste, but I did not feel much alcohol. It is not enough to drink by itself, so next time, I will try it with a meal. Impressions on the second day after opening Tastes better than yesterday, different It was different from yesterday's light impression, This time, I felt umami when I put it in my mouth, then sweetness, then bitterness, and finally a little bit of alcohol, which disappeared quickly. The umami was the biggest, and the sweetness, bitterness and alcohol were felt only a little, so the overall impression of clarity was the same as the first day after opening. Taste like you could drink it all the time without getting tired of it Yesterday I said I would try it with a meal, but decided not to because it turned into a delicious sake on its own
Tsujizenbee辻寛之 純米大吟醸
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2024 Year-End Party🍶. The owner recommended the sake that was served in the style of the restaurant, which was appreciated from a sake beginner ✨I'm glad to meet a variety of sake: ☺️
The aroma is mild, with a thick, juicy flavor characteristic of Omachi rice, but with a clean, clear and crisp finish. Rice / Omachi Rice polishing ratio/56 Sake degree/+2 Acidity/1.6 Sake strength/15%.
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Next up... Tochigi Prefecture's local sake "Tsuji Zenbei" 🍶. We found this sake at a liquor store in Lake Chuzenji. It is a little heavy and good for this middle stage of drinking. The next morning, I went to the hot spring behind the inn because I was told that there was a place where hot water gushed out. The hot water was like a hell valley, as it is called "Yumoto" in Japanese. The spring water is drawn directly from here to each inn, so the quality of the spring water was excellent. There is a nice spot nearby where you can take a footbath, but it's so hot that it's crazy ♨️ It takes 30 minutes to get used to it... Still, 10 seconds is my limit and my knees are red 🦵. Don't forget to buy some salted yokan (sweet bean jelly) as a souvenir at the Japanese sweets shop next door...
Hi Hiro 😃. I see you went to Oku-Nikko 🤗It's close but I haven't been there for a while 😅I didn't know there was such a hot footbath ♨️ 😆Thank you for drinking Tochigi sake 🍶 as well 😊. Is that Tsuruya's salted yokan?
Good evening, Jay & Nobby! We had a great time in Oku-Nikko! It was so hot that I thought it might have been a footbath with the spring water still in it. ♨️ I'm not sure if it's the same as the one you're looking for, but I'm sure you'll find it! It's delicious with just the right amount of saltiness.
Tsujizenbee辻風 純米吟醸生純米吟醸生酒
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It has a refreshing yet moderately full flavor with a good acidity and a nice sharpness. It also has a moderate sweetness like ice water and a cool lingering aftertaste that is just like a summer sake. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

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