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Kiyotsuru丹頂 スパークリング純米大吟醸山廃生酒無濾過発泡
boukenI learned of the existence of this sake through non non's post. It was a little difficult to go there because you can only buy it at the direct sales place which is open only on weekdays.... It was a nice homey sake brewery 😊. It was limited to 100 bottles and they were the last 3 bottles. It's shwashy, sweet and sour. It may be a daiginjo, but it doesn't taste like yamahai and is easy to drink.
non nonGood evening, bouken. I see that you saw my post and went. I am very happy to hear that 🥹. I always check bouken's information too. 😉
boukenGood evening, non non 😊. I was surprised to know that Kiyotsuru is producing sparkling wine! I was so surprised and went to buy some 😁Thank goodness there is not much information about this brewery 🤗It's been a while since I wanted to drink it so I bought some arabashiri too 😉.
Kiyotsuru天有酒星 地有酒泉純米大吟醸原酒生酒
non nonIt has been a long time since I have had local sake. It is very easy to drink and delicious, with a mild dry taste and a refreshing aftertaste. The name "Junmai Daiginjo Tenyu Shusei Chiyu Shusen" was apparently taken from the "sake flag star" that lines the west side of the constellation Leo, and from a Chinese legend related to sake. This time, it was a limited-edition, direct-drafted, unblended sake. According to what my husband was told by the store staff, it was made in April and directly pumped.
Kiyotsuru純米酒 ひやおろし純米ひやおろし
こるね<Umigugugun Junmai Classic Whoa! The aroma reveals that this is a classic type with a lot of flavor. The lactic acidity, the sweet flavor of the rice, and the alcohol are all conveyed in a bold way. Delicious! When you put it in your mouth, you will be surprised to see the acidity and sweetness without any fruity notes. Then, umami bitterness is added, and it goes even faster! And then, the alcohol goes boom! Yum! It is very powerful. As expected, there is quite a bit of umami on top. The alcohol content is 15 degrees, but my sense is that it is about 16 to 17 degrees. This concentration of flavor is very Junmai-shu. Because of the firm umami bitterness and strong alcohol taste, I honestly do not recommend this sake for beginners. But if you can enjoy this taste, you are a fine adult. (also called an old man). If I were to use a Ghibli analogy, I would compare it to the engineer of the light railway in "Castle in the Sky". He is the one who helps Sita and Pazoo escape from pirates and the army. He is a spirited old man who does not flinch from either the pirates or the military. Satisfaction: ★★★★ *I will post the full version on my blog, supplemented with character images, etc. If you like, please search for "korune sake" or visit us from the link in the profile section.
pichon1974近所で作られてるらしいお酒。 知らなかった😅 淡麗、でも口に含むとさっとお米とお酒の味と香り。 キリリと冷やしていただきたい。 福岡の隋鷹に似てる気がする。
non nonIt was produced in a limited run of 90 bottles by the Kiyotsuru Sake Brewery. It has little aroma, and although it is Yamahai, it is not habit-forming. To me, it seems a bit half-hearted and unreliable, but I guess it is an easy-drinking sake.
non nonSake bearing the number of years of brewing I look forward to drinking this sake every year. It is very easy to drink.
Kiyotsuru百六十六年目乃お酒 本生純米吟醸生酒
boukenIt is usually fire-aged but only for a short period of time. Is it only available around the brewery? The aroma is mildly fruity. It is clean but has a unique flavor like woody aroma. It is more unique than the hi-ire sake we drank before. It is a rare type that has both freshness and classic taste. Not really my favorite... The ginjo aroma is nice, but the nuance like a hacca doesn't fit well with me. I think it would have tasted better if it were fire-aged. I bought it at Sasaiya near Hankyu Tomita Station. It is not a liquor store but a souvenir shop selling local products of Takatsuki, and they have Kuninochou and Kiyotsuru as local sake. There are also original products from this store. Kuninonaga beer is also on the shelves.
gwocIt goes well with smoked salmon and potato salad. No, cream cheese? So it's a little winey 🤔. It's good!
わんわんCelebration! Takatsuki Yayoi's appointment as Takatsuki Tourism Ambassador! So I opened the Takatsuki sake that was on sale at Tokaebisu. This is my first time drinking hiyaoroshi. The sake! It's delicious! I liked it very much.
まっくI wonder if this is a characteristic of Osaka sake. It has a mild syrupy syrupy aroma on the palate, but after that the taste is dry and crisp, and the three-dimensional changes in flavor are like a roller coaster at USJ. It can be stored at room temperature, and it's sure to be good as a heated sake. This is the antithesis of the Osaka idea that fruity cold sake is not the only kind of sake.