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132 check-ins
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Brands from 石井酒造

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We analyze the flavors based on everyone's comments and select similar brands.


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This is my first visit in a season, We started with Toyoake on the far right. This one has a nice gaseous and spicy taste, and the feeling of it passing through the nose and down the throat is good.
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Slightly effervescent. Rich and tasty. It has a sour taste and an aroma reminiscent of bananas. The mouthfeel is a bit languid, with a hint of sweetness lingering on the palate.
豊明夏純米 紫陽花純米生酒
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Off-line meeting of Kansai Sake-no-wa in Hankai Railway Rafa papa brought his own sake. This sake is also new to me. I feel so happy to see so many rare ones one after another. It has a soft taste in the mouth, but it has a delicious umami and sweetness. It must be a very rare sake 😅. Thank you Rafa for the food.
Rafa papa
Good morning Lutertemi 😃. We had a great time 😊 Let's go back 🤣.
Rafa papa, good evening 😁. Thank you for the delicious drinks. Looking forward to the next time 😁.
豊明夏純米 紫陽花
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Kansai Sake no Wa🚃Off-line meeting of Hankai Train, 20th cup Rafapapa, the sake you bought on your way home Grape flavor 🍇. Sweet and sour with a touch of gas, easy to drink! The 🍇-like acidity is unique and delicious! I had a lot of trouble purchasing sake and getting back home, but I'm a sake god ✨. Thank you Rafa for the delicious sake, a brand I had never seen before 🙏. 20 people drank 20 bottles, one of which was a magnum bottle and all were consumed 😳‼️ It was a delicious and fun day, but it was also a rare and precious experience for me ✨. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the organizer, Uma Uma Uma and all the members for giving me this opportunity. Thank you very much 🙇. Let's do it again 😆🎶.
Good morning, Pon. Good morning, Pon. 😊 Many UPs, thank you for your hard work. I am very happy to see you again. I'm so glad you enjoyed 😋. I could feel the fun and deliciousness I can feel the fun and deliciousness 😋. 😁
Hi Pon 😃 Thanks for completing 20 runs ❗️ 😊. What a picture! It looks like a great drama is about to begin💗There is a sense of urgency 😆. It was actually a very interesting 🤣documentary 🤗.
Thank you so much, Hanapin 😊. I posted this thinking it was a bad idea because my taste memory is fading fast 😆. You are in sobriety, right? Thanks for your comment nonetheless 🙏.
Hi Kojikin-san! Only sake lovers can appreciate this photo 😆👍I was taking it outside, but people on the street were aghast 🤣. No wonder, I'm embarrassed 😅
Thank you Jay & Nobby 😊. I was going to take notes, but it was about 2.5 hours so I was struggling to drink 😅 my memory of the flavors was a bit fuzzy, which is a shame 💦 but it was delicious and fun! Thanks for your patience with the post 🙏.
Good evening, Pon 😁. Good job on finishing the race😊I enjoyed drinking the rare sake. I would like to savor each bottle more slowly 😅.
Thank you, Lutemi 😊. Awesome lineup! So much so that I really want to savor it slowly and with an undrunken tongue 🤣.
Pon, thanks for completing the offline meeting post 😊. I've given up taking notes on the recent offline meetings, but it's hard to remember when there are so many of them 💦.
Rafa papa
Good morning Pon 😃. We had a great time 😊Let's go again 🤣.
Thank you, bouken 😊. I know the pace was fast 💦 and I'm trying to speed it up 🤣I really only remember one feature 😅I need to take notes but it's really difficult because I want to drink and talk 💦.
Thank you Rafa 😊Thank you so much for the delicious ❣️ Let's go back 🎶. I now understand a little better how you all feel when you are afraid to get a checkup 🤣.
Pon, good evening 🌙 Good job on completing your offline post 😊. 20 bottles in a row is awesome 😆 and everyone who drank all of them is awesome too 🤣 I'd like to taste all of them slowly 😋. Off-line meeting with 20 people on a chartered train is going to be legendary✨.
Thanks a lot for your time 😊🙏🙏. Yes, I want to savor it slowly 😆 I drank them one after another so much that I don't remember what they taste like 😭. I think I can do Tochigi too 😁🎶.
豊明夏純米 紫陽花純米
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Off-line meeting of "Sake-no-wa Kansai_Hankai Train Charter" held on August 26, 2023. The plan was for each participant to bring a four-pack of sake and drink it all. This is the 13th bottle I checked in. Courtesy of Rafa papa. It is "Toyoake Summer Junmai Hydrangea" from Ishii Shuzo in Satte City, Saitama Prefecture! Toyoake is a brand that surprised me when I first drank a test brew of Ichikiichikai G-yeast at Chuin-san the other day, which was extremely delicious. I had heard from Rafa papa that he also enjoyed it, and he bought this one when he went back to his hometown and brought it to the off-line meeting! It's nice to know that we can enjoy the same sake 🥰. I can say the same for all the drinks we drank in the second half of the party, but it's a shame that I can't give you a full review because I drank them when I was already very drunk 😢. My impression is that the aroma is mild, the taste has a good sweetness but also has a moderate acidity, and it is a dry and dry sake with a refreshing flavor that flows down the palate before it is swallowed down the throat. Toyoake Isseiichikai G-yeast, which I drank before, was a gorgeous dark sweet-tasting sake, but this one is a dry, dry sake for summer, but it is not enough for the greedy sake lover. Thank you, Rafa papa!
Rafa papa
Good morning Aladdin 😃. We had a great time 😊 Let's go back 🤣.
Good evening, Rafa papa! Thank you very much for the opportunity to meet you at Yamacho afterwards 🍶 We would be happy to share the opportunity to have a good drink with you in the future. ☺️ Please come back again!
豊明夏純米生原酒 紫陽花
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Sake-no-wa Kansai Off-line Meeting ⑫ The 12th bottle was brought by [Rafapapa]. Toyoake Summer Junmai Nama Nama Shiyouka (Hydrangea). Rafa bought this bottle when he went back to his hometown in Japan, and the trip back was quite tough 😅. Slight carbonation on the tongue, sweet and sour image reminiscent of grapes. I looked it up again and found that it goes well with dried fruits, maybe I can try it sometime 😊. Thanks for the treat, Rafapapa 😋.
Rafa papa
Good morning Mr. Jive 😃. You describe the flavor characteristics in detail and review at this pace while also researching online 😳‼️ is awesome 🤣 I'm learning a lot 😊Please keep up the good work ☺️ certainly looks like a dried fruit match 😋.
Good evening Rafa 🌛. I was looking up some of the areas where I didn't have enough notes to refer to the internet 😆. I was actually putting together some work material during the night shift and kept posting my thoughts when I got stuck 😁.
豊明夏純米 紫陽花純米生酒
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阪堺電車 車内
Sake brought by Rafa-san. Toyoake was shocked when he had a drink with Rafa at chuin the other day. He bought it when he went back home. He said Bouken-san would find out about it, but it was totally unexpected 😳 I thought it was a brand of Kadoya Sake Shop😅. I didn't think he would bring Toyoake, so I was really happy 😆 I knew he was a sake god. It's sweet and tasty like a 🍇 and has a good amount of gas in it. Many summer sakes are light and lackluster, but this one was a very satisfying sake with a strong umami flavor.
Rafa papa
Good morning bouken 😃 I had a hard time finding a store that carried it even in Saitama 😥and I was a little shaken when I almost bought a bottle of Hahayotsu 😅 but Hahayotsu is tied with 5 other sake bottles😭that's not possible 🤣.
Good morning Rafa! I googled and found that Toyoake has only a few stores other than the official ones 😥Everyone seemed to rate it highly and it seems like it could be a breakout flavor if it gets more recognition 🤔.
豊明夏純米 紫陽花純米
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阪堺電車 車内
Rafa papa
Toyoake Summer Junmai Hydrangea Yesterday was Kansai Off-line meeting 😆. We chartered the Hankai train 🚃 with Umaisan as the organizer. We all brought our own four-packs of sake 🤣. 20 people attended and we could drink various kinds of alcohol... We met a lot of new people... It was fun 😌. I wonder what my drink will be 🤔... I went back to my parents' house in Saitama last week... I wish I could bring my hana-yori with me... 🙄... But ...... I wonder if other people will bring too 😊... (I couldn't really afford it 😭) So other drinks in Saitama... Last week I went to Aladdin's favorite restaurant Sake and Otsumami Chuin Shinmachi I went there with bouken-san 💪 and drank Toyoake for the first time 😋. I drank Toyoake for the first time 😋. So good 😆. Okay, I'll have this one... There are only a few stores in Saitama that sell this sake. I checked the stores that sell it and bought it! It's like grapes! It has a good balance of sweetness and sourness. It tastes even better than I expected. (Self-praise😅) Thank you so much, Umaisan, for all the fun planning and organizing! Thank you so much👍. Thank you all for your hard work😊. Let's go again🤣. Yoohee-san brought The "Yuma" was shockingly delicious...
Good morning, Rafa papa! Off-line meeting to charter a train 🚃. Sounds interesting! The hydrangea doesn't look like a hana-hana-bath to me 🤣.
Rafa papa
Good morning kino. Interesting project 🤣Osaka is the place to do such a project 😁If you read hydrangea from the opposite side, you get hana-you-purple...that's the target 🤣But it's a delicious drink 😋.
Good morning Rafa, ☀️ Thank you very much for yesterday 😊I had a great time 🚃. Toyoake, it was my first time to drink it and it was really delicious👍That's Rafa-san❗️ Let's go again 🍻.
Hi Rafa papa 😃You are really a man of action ✨It sounds like fun to charter a train and have a drink 🚃.
Hi Rafa papa 😃. 20 people brought 20 bottles of alcohol on a chartered train 🚃‼️ awesome project 🤗Did you drink all 20 bottles ⁉️
Hello Rafa papa thank you for yesterday 😁. It went by so fast and was a lot of fun 😁. Rafa's Toyoake was delicious 🍇. Rafa is the best 🙏 for going out of his way to find and buy them for me!
Rafa thanks for all your hard work yesterday😊. I didn't expect all 20 bottles to be empty 🤣. Toyoake and Yuma by Yoohee were shocking 😋. The brown rice sake was kind of shocking too 🤣.
Rafa papa
Hi Maru 😃 Yesterday was fun 🤣Maru last time you seemed nervous but this time you seemed to be enjoying yourself in a natural way 😌Let's go out for drinks again 😊.
Rafa papa
Hello Yucachin 😃 Umaisan's energy is really great 🤣I really enjoyed the chartered train 😆How about a toden in Tokyo too 😁❓
Rafa papa
Hi Jay & Nobby 😃 20 bottles are nicely gone 🤣I wonder who drank them 🤣⁉️ we open the bottle and pass it next to the mini cups a little at a time, but the eldest seat gets the last turn so we can drink as much good booze as we want 🤣‼️
Rafa papa
Hi Ao 😃 Yesterday was fun and flew by 😌I thought about stopping my trip home because of the typhoon 🌀, but I forced myself to go back to buy this 🤣The trip home was tough but it paid off because Toyoaki was delicious 😮‍💨
Rafa papa
Hello bouken 😃 The moment I drank Toyoake at Chuin, I decided to buy Huayoukou or Toyoake for the sake I was bringing ✌️ Toyoake was so good I'm glad I didn't buy Huayoukou... 😅Yuma was so good 😅Yuma was so good 🤤.
Thank you Rafa for yesterday 😊 we had too much fun 😆. There were many sweet and sour drinks, but the 🍇-like acidity was unique and delicious 🥰Thank you for the food 🙏.
Rafa papa
Hello Ponchan 😃 That was fun 🤣 I was a little worried until I drank it at Chuin because it had completely different specs 😅It was worth buying it because it tasted beyond my expectations 😁.
Hello Rafa 🚈. A lot happened yesterday until the end, but I'm glad you returned safely 🚈. I'm glad I could drink Toyonana for the first time👍. Thank you for bringing it from Saitama in that hard time ❗️
Hi Rafa, good evening 😄 Wow ❗️ chartered train for an offline meeting 😳! Looks like a lot of fun 😆♪♪ And you finished 20 bottles of 4-packs of sake...what a bunch of drinkers you are🤣! This is a sake from Saitama ❣️ I've never seen it before 👀🍇It looks delicious!
Rafa papa
Good evening, Mr. Yoohee 😃. Thank you for taking care of the wandering old man last night🤣Yu may see him as a wandering old man, but for him, he was a lost child who strayed from his parents and it was a very lonely time... 🥹Yuhee-san's yuma was really tasty 🤤.
Rafa papa
Good evening, Tsubu-chan 😃. Umaisan who organized the train charter is really a great person 😆‼️ and I didn't expect him to drink all 20 bottles 🤣Toyoake is a delicious drink so please whisper it in Dora's ear when she is sleeping 🤣.
Good evening, Rafa papa😄. Thank you for your hard work yesterday. Thank you for the rare and delicious Toyoaki. I will remember it well. I'm glad we had a chance to talk a little since you were the king 😁.
Rafa papa
Good evening Lutertemi 😃. Thank you for your hard work yesterday😊I felt so big as the king and I apologize for the inconvenience 😅I'm sorry 🙇‍♀️ Toyoke must be delicious 😋I'll stock up again when I go back to my parents home 😁.
Good evening, Rafa para 🌆. That means Yuuma is coming to Hakata to buy something 😄. Looking forward to seeing you 👋
Rafa papa
Good morning to you, Haruei Chichi 😃. Ehhhhh, Chichi-san won't send me home 🤣I want to go to Hakata 🙄 but I have somewhere to go first 😁....
Good morning Rafa ☀️ I remember the taste until a little further on, but after that it's a bit fuzzy 😅.
Hello Rafapapa☀ Thank you for staying with us until late the other day 😊. It was my first time to see and drink "Toyoake", but I remembered it with a strong impression of grape🍇😁. Thank you for the delicious sake 😋.
Rafa papa
Good evening, kan. Thank you for your company from gargling with beer 🍺 at the 0th party 🤣Let's go again 😊Nagoya is so close and yet so far away... 😅Let's meet in another place 🙄🙄.
Rafa papa
Good evening, Mr. Jiayib 😃. Kansai offline meeting was fun until late 😊Thank you for coming from Fukui 😌It's a good offline meeting to get to know different people 😆Maybe I should travel away and go to an away offline meeting too 🙄.
Good evening Rafa God 🌛Thank you for the offline meeting 🙇This drink was so good 😋There was a stray after that but I always do something wrong so it was to be expected 🤣.
Rafa papa
Nemuchi, good evening 😃. Lost 😳⁉️ what are you talking about🤔I'm not vomiting blood so that's good 🩸🤣.
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Almost no aroma. Syrupy sweetness in the mouth. It does not thicken at the edge and disappears smoothly. It is very elegant. It has a very soft mouthfeel, as if it melts away. It has a sense of purity, but it is delicious with a sense of presence. Rich rice in the mouth. Wow! Slightly fruity, with a hint of brown sugar at the end. Very tasty. Obviously good. A nice encounter. Hana Zou
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The sake that Rafa ordered. I exchanged it for the sake I ordered and drank some. The rice is said to be modified Nobukou. Unlike the straight kumi-style sake, it is calm and has a mild sweetness. It is more like a classic sake. The official website says it is about -7, so I think it is more on the sweet side. If you think of it as the standard sake of the brewery, it is quite high. It seems that Rafa has a connection with Satte City, where Toyoake's brewery is located, and I thought such an episode was interesting.
豊明一期一会シリーズ G-yeast 直汲み火入れ原酒無濾過
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Next to Jyushiyo, I was curious about this one. Toyoake by Ishii Shuzo, which I have been interested in for a long time. Probably you can't buy it in Kansai... Toyoake, or "Unmei"? I thought it was "Toyoake", but it's actually "Houmei" 😅... The rice is Sake Musashi, the yeast is Saitama G yeast and the first rice and yeast. The label doesn't mention the sake's specific name or rice polishing ratio, but according to the information from the distributor, it's a Junmai Daiginjo with a 50% rice polishing ratio. It is fresh, rich, and sweet. Pineapple type like Hanahayo or Takachiyo. Very tasty! Toyoake, it seems like it could be more popular.
Good morning, bouken😄This Toyoake G yeast is delicious 😊It's very disappointing that we can't have the same drink again because it's a one-time only specification for the once-in-a-lifetime series 😢I hope it will become a regular feature ☺️
Hello bouken! I've never seen this sake that bouken and Aladdin are raving about, but I'm curious about it ❣️ very tasty sake, I'd like to try it 😊.
Rafa papa
Hello bouken 😃 This was delicious 🤣but when can I drink it next time 😅I might forget I drank it already when I drink it next time 🤣.
Hi Aladdin 😃 It's a shame to leave it a once in a lifetime experience 😥. The sake was a reminder of the high level of Saitama sake 🤔.
Hi Ponchan 😃 Even though it was fire-brewed, it was fresher and more like a nama-zake than some of the other nama-zakes out there 😳 It's so good that I usually don't buy it, but I'm considering mail-order 😁.
Hello Rafa 😃 This was a bargain 😃. It's a one-time item and I'm afraid I won't come across it again next time... 😥.
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From Ishii Shuzo in Satte City, Saitama Prefecture, comes the second of the two Toyoake sake, Toyoake Junmai Ginjo-Ginjo Genshu. This is the gold medal winning sake of the 2023 IWC (International Wine Challenge) 🎖️ The IWC, held every year in London, is an award that has attracted a lot of attention since the SAKE category was established in 2007, with the winning sake gaining attention and gaining a foothold in the international market. For the 2023 IWC, 1,601 brands were entered and 98 were awarded gold medals. 🎖️ The appearance is crystal with a golden hue. When the temperature is low, the aroma is of spices with a sour koji aroma and a volatile feeling of alcohol typical of sake derived from nama sake. As the temperature approaches room temperature, a sweet fruity ginjo aroma emerges. The taste is mainly umami with a touch of acidity, and the acidity spreads and finishes with a slightly stimulating sensation that is typical of nama sake. The lingering finish is medium with a light astringency on the tongue. The IWC tasting comments were, Lovely, elegant plum, melon, and citrus aromas on the nose with a hint of citrus on the upper nose. The finish is fresh and appetizing" (Aladdin translation). It was a refreshing food wine: ☺️ Thanks for the treat 🍶.
Rafa papa
Hi Aladdin 😃 I visited Chuin yesterday 😆 nice and simple store 🥰Toyoake was also a delicious drink like Hanayo 😋 I was happy to drink Jyushidai too 😌.
Rafa papa, good evening😄I'm sorry I couldn't join you, but I'm glad you liked chuin 🥰It's a good place for a simple style of drinking and talking about drinks 🍶☺️
Good morning, Aladdin🌞. Ishii Sake Brewery is a brand I would like to try if I could come across it since I used to do YOUTUVE, but I have never seen it even in Tokyo. It's a sake like HANA-YOUVE 😘.
3KAN4ON, good morning 😄I unfortunately have never had Hana-yoso 😅Toyoake's version of this sake was in a different direction, so I can't say for sure, but the G East one was extremely tasty! The brewery still has some in stock, so please do! I'm sure you'll love it 🍶.
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Two sakes of Toyoake from Ishii Sake Brewery in Satte, Saitama Prefecture! First, we start with the Toyoake Ichigekai Series - G-yeast. Ishii Shuzo was founded in 1840. 
The slogan of the brewery is "Ichi-Ichi-Ichi-Ichi-Kai" (meaning "one drunk, one happy"). It is a brewery that takes on challenges while respecting tradition so that those involved can become "prosperous and cheerful. The Ichi-Seikai series is a one-time experimental brew. G-yeast is brewed by a brewer in his third year of brewing. The sake rice is Saitama Prefecture's own "sake musashi" and the yeast is Saitama Prefecture's own "Saitama G yeast. The sake rice is "Sake Musashi" and the yeast is "Saitama G Yeast," both unique to Saitama Prefecture. Saitama G yeast is a yeast that produces high levels of ethyl caproate. The appearance is yellowish crystal. The aroma is of sour fruity apples, steamed rice, and spice nuances. You can feel the power of Saitama G yeast🍎. In the mouth, sweetness like juicy honey apple and fine dusty acidity like sparklers spread gently and disappear softly. The aftertaste is short and slightly astringent on the tongue. Moderately interesting taste ☺️ The acidity is gorgeous while the sweetness is strong, balanced, and delicious 😊. It was a delicious sake for those who love apple-based 🍎 sweet taste 🍶. Thanks for the treat 🍶.
Good evening, Aladdin 😃. I drank this one too and it was shockingly good😳 It tasted like raw sake even though it was fire-brewed 😊.
Good evening, bouken😄I'm glad you enjoyed it since there were only a few bottles left! It was a weird one, like directly pumped and fired, but I was surprised that I liked the aroma and taste so much 😳I'm sorry that I can't drink it anymore since there are only 120 bottles left 😢.
It was so good, I'm considering to mail order it 😅The brewery still seems to have it in stock 😊.
I'd like to try some of the other Toyoake's as well 🤤.
豊明 Check-in 1
。。。。 5 Impressions It has a dark taste like a matured Tsuchida, with a sourness that is delicious. It also has a slightly thickened sweetness. Notes Information Rice polishing ratio Degree of alcohol content Temperature Refrigerator Aroma Taste Sweetness 2.5 Acidity 2.5 Umami 3 Bitterness1 Pungent1 Stimulus1
豊明 Check-in 1
Junmai (Bounty & Crystal) Bought at Kikisakejo Showagura in Kawagoe because it was so good at the sake expo. It is juicy, not spicy (sweet), but not too sweet. It is quite good. I will definitely repeat the experience. Where can I buy it in Tokyo? 4.3

Brands from 石井酒造

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