From Miyoshikiku Shuzo, Tokushima Prefecture...
Miyoshikiku Omachi Junmai Ginjo Shinshu Shiboritate
This is a freshly pressed junmai ginjo made with the new rice of the season, "Omachi" from Tokushima prefecture, and Tokushima yeast!
No filtered or watered-down water is added.
The aroma is reminiscent of pineapple, which is "the Miyoshikiku".
The fresh mouthfeel is followed by a tropical sweetness that fills the palate.
The taste is freshly squeezed, unfiltered, and clear, with a pleasantly astringent aftertaste that is mellow and refreshing at the same time!
It is easy to drink, and you can't help but enjoy it.
Rice: ・・・・ Omachi from Tokushima Prefecture
Rice polishing ratio: 60
Yeast used・・・Tokushima yeast
Alcohol content・・・16度