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横浜より。出身は仙台。 最近米を磨かないお酒の深い味わいにハマってきたところ。 日本酒仲間増やしたいです。よろしくお願いし枡。

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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.


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I took too good care of it and realized it had been a year since I bought it. It was not supposed to be drunk this way. I'm sorry, Mr. Toji. But it was still delicious. The slight bubbles were gone, but the taste was still melon. It has been four years since I first drank this sake. I can assure you that I will continue to buy this sake. It is supposed to be brewed only once a year, so everyone should get in early. (Sorry if I am wrong).
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I bought this sake after a friend recommended it to me, and it was also recommended by the Sake-no-wa app. Iwate Prefecture is my hometown's neighbor! A good friend of mine is from Morioka and asked me, "Do you know Akatake?" I had never heard of it. Well, there are a lot of breweries, aren't there? Very refreshing sake! We were both so drunk that we realized it was 4:00 pm. LOL! Let's drink again next weekend.
Kaze no MoriALPHA 8 大地の力純米生酒無濾過
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After being shocked by the depth of flavor of 80% polished rice, I learned about this sake with 100% polished rice. In other words, it seems that the rice is not polished and brown rice is used as the raw material. (The back of the label says "80% brown rice used," so perhaps the remaining 20% is made from somewhat polished rice.) It is brewed with brown rice and has a very yellowish tinge compared to other Kaze no Mori products. After reading the description on the back of the label, I agree that it does have a somewhat beer-like texture. No, I guess I'm just biased...sorry I don't have such an excellent palate. LOL! Well, it's still deep, isn't it? Wind Forest is the best. Love the name too. It makes me want to play Donkey Kong 2.
Kaze no Mori秋津穂 507純米無濾過
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I'm sorry for drinking only Kaze no Mori. The 507 is also very refreshing. The 507 is also very refreshing, and I almost finished the whole bottle by myself in no time. And personally, I'm very attracted to the label of this Akitsuho 507. The contrast of the forest green and white. It has the feel of a world-class SAKE design. By the way, tonight's snacks are completely fish: horse mackerel sashimi, inada sashimi, and grilled mackerel. I'm so happy. From tomorrow onwards, I'll be receiving many bottles of the long-awaited 807. Stay tuned.
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I had a bottle of Kido Junmai-shu the other day and really enjoyed it, but I also enjoyed the Junmai Daiginjo. The Junmai Daiginjo is also good. It's much cleaner.
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It's wrapped in something like newspaper, but I don't know the exact name! The brother at the liquor store was very enthusiastic about this sake. I was told that the brother of the liquor store was very enthusiastic about this sake, saying that "tinkering with it after opening the bottle is also a taste" and "connoisseurs enjoy it that way. When I drank it after drinking Kaze no Mori 657, I felt like it had a fizzy sensation. But the aroma was completely different. I don't know what it is. It's hard to describe. No matter how many times I try, I can't come up with a scent that says, "This is it! I can't think of a scent that says, "This is it! It's frustrating that I can't use an analogy, but it's a smell of sake that I've never smelled before. I also drank it hot on the stove. It's probably a bad idea since it's raw sake, but I had to have it... It was surprisingly delicious, too.
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Now I am really looking forward to Kaze no Mori Rohafu 807. I am a sake novice. I have only just gotten over the shallow notion that if a sake has a name like "Junmai Daiginjo," it must be a high-class and delicious sake. What changed my mind was NIIDASEN-SHU Namaishige Junmai-Hashimoto Sake. I was impressed by the complexity of 80% polished rice, and then I thought to myself, "This is how fascinating it can be! I was impressed by the complexity of 80% polished rice, and now here it is, my favorite 80% Kaze no Mori. If it were my brother Toguro, the shape would have already changed a lot. First of all, the sound when opening the bottle! I hardly put any force into it, but it opened right away! It opened right away even though I hardly put any effort into it. It was as if it wanted to go out to the outside world as soon as possible. And then the aroma. This was the biggest shock. It was like nothing like the 657 and 507 series I had drunk before. Unfortunately, I have no words to describe it. Please smell it for yourself. The aroma is delicious. Finally, the taste. I can't believe that the unpolished wind forest is so great.... I think I'll grill another mackerel.... At any rate, it was decided today that I will win the entire Kaze no Mori 807 series. The first time I just barely made it to 500 words!
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I received this as a birthday present. When I received it, I was asked "What flavor of sake do you like? I replied, "Fruity," to which he replied, "Wow, maybe this isn't my favorite. It was very refreshing and light. I mean, it says "fruity" on the back label lol.
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This is ...... I bought a bottle instead of a four-pack just because of a certain Rakuten review, but it was a good decision. I'm sure you've heard of it. I'm sure you all know about it, right? Yummy! I'm going to go grate some daikon into a can of mackerel.
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This is the second bottle in the series, following the last one, Akitsuho 657. Both last time and this time, when I opened the bottle, it was not "pushy" but "bonk". As you can see from the mapping in the second photo, it is sweet and the more polished it is, the lighter and cleaner it tastes. I'm really happy. I've been enjoying it with scallop sashimi with wasabi and soy sauce and chicken charcoal grill from Lawson. I'm not going to stop for a while on the Kaze no Mori Kaido!
Dassai純米大吟醸 磨き二割三分純米大吟醸
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BAY -ya
Memorandum. I found a very nice sake bar for a quick drink. I had two rounds of the limited edition Ottersai (20.3, 30.9, and 45). The friendly and attentive master is great, and the food is delicious! I was able to taste the most delicious food of 2021 at the end of the year. (Roast beef? roast beef with sea urchin and caviar...I think) I also received a package as a souvenir that compares the size of the rice grains according to the rice polishing ratio in the photo. What a Christmas present❤️! I'll be coming back soon.
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I ordered the Kaze no Mori series at the end of the year and it arrived today: !!!! I'm so excited, I'm even excited to open it! Let's start with Akitsu Hot 657. I'm salivating. I can't wait to try it!
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I love the complexity that only an 80% rice polishing rate can provide. I always keep it at room temperature and enjoy it at room temperature. It's so easy to drink that you can go on drinking it as much as you want, in fact, I finished it in a couple of days this time. (One person)
口に含んだ瞬間ふくよかな味わいが広がった。鼻に抜ける香りも心地よく、昨今のフルーティーな日本酒好きにはとてもオススメできる逸品。 話はそれるが、横浜相鉄線天王町駅の「ぼんぐ里」は日本酒の品揃えが常に充実していて、毎度新しい発見をさせてくれるとてもステキなお店です。機会があればぜひ。
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とにかく美味い! 居酒屋で飲んでみて美味しかったので購入したが、まず自宅で開栓したとき「プシュッ」と瓶内発酵のいい音。 そして日本酒とは思えないとても甘い香りが漂う。一瞬自分の感覚を疑うほど、匂いも、そして口に含んでからも、チョコレートのような風味が広がったのです。 また居酒屋ではーおそらく開栓してから時間が経っていたのであろう、感ぜられなかったパチパチ感。 奈良のドンキーコング2ステージ日本酒を思わせるような微発泡である。 前回の雪の茅舎生酒に続き、リピート確定の一本となりました。
Yuki no Bosha純米吟醸 生酒純米吟醸生酒
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大好きな雪の茅舎シリーズでこちらを初めて購入し飲んでみました。あまりにも美味すぎた。 とてもフルーティーで喉越しが良く、辛味は感じず。いくらでも飲めてしまうため、グラスでごくごく。 翌日にも残らず、毎日飲める日本酒でした。