SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites


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Showa songs were playing, and the senior members of the audience were drunkenly talking about what an erotic voice sounds like, but I was smiling as I drank my sake. It is hard. It was the first time I had used it, but it was a strong sake. It is not an old taste, but it is not to everyone's taste. In my opinion, an erotic voice is something that doesn't give you a sense of comfort, and I think it has a sharp image. I like the label. Except for the difficulty of taking pictures. I wish I could take better pictures. It is easy to drink. I thought I might get drunk if I am used to drinking, but I wanted to have another glass.
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Hankyu Department Store (阪急うめだ本店)
Hankyu Brewer's Festival⑯. Wakatakeya in Fukuoka. According to Nemuchi-san's information, the brewer passed away in June this year. I read on social networking sites that it happened suddenly and I am sorry to hear about it. I am very sorry for your loss. We tasted Debut Kamudachi Unfiltered Nama Sake Za Junmai Unfiltered Nama Kei Junmai Ginjo Unfiltered Nama-genshu Kaorofu Genroku no Shu Hakata Neri Sake Kamudachi is sweet and tasty, could have bought it 🤔. I've bought and drank the Kei in the past and it's still as good as ever! The 馥郁 Genroku no Sake has a strong sense of maturity Hakata Nerizake is like a fusion of amazake and yogurt I asked about the distributors and it seems there are two in the Kansai area, one of them is a Kyokusha Sake Shop in Kyoto, I forgot where it is. I don't remember where it is, but it seems to be a real store in Kyoto.
Hi bouken! I didn't know that the brewery owner passed away 😭I love Nudy from this brewery and I'm sorry I didn't see it on display 😢.
Good evening, Mr. Chidori 😃. I didn't know about it until I heard about it from Mr. Much either 😢. I searched and it was a label I've seen before, I think they used to bring Nudy 🤔I'd like to try Nudy 😋.
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The third brewery in the "Hankyu Brewery Festival 2023". Wakatakeya", Wakatakeya Sake Brewery, Fukuoka Prefecture Debut" 🔴. Forward Genroku No Sake" 🔴 "Hakata Neri Sake" 🔴 "Hakata Neri Sake Hakata Neri Sake" 🔴 "Kamudachi Kamudachi Unfiltered Nama Sake Kikei Junmai Ginjyo Unfiltered Nama-genshu Debut" is made from Saga's sake rice and has a sour taste. It is said to be made like a white wine. I personally wanted to try this sake made in the Genroku era (1688-1704). It is a blend of sake that has been aged for 5 to 20 years. Hakata Nerizake" is a yogurt-like, amazake-like sake with an alcohol content of 3%. Kamudachi Unfiltered Nama Sake is a robust sake with sweetness and acidity. The brewer said, "The 14th generation brewer passed away in June of this year, and I expressed my condolences at the end. I wish him all the best in the future.
Wakatakeya若竹屋伝兵衛 馥郁元禄之酒 古伝酒
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Yesterday's Impression (2) The 馥郁元禄之酒, which is said to be a reproduction of the way sake was made in the Genroku era (1688-1704). The color is like brandy. I was surprised that this was not an old sake. I was already impressed when I first drank it at room temperature. After that, I had it slightly heated to lukewarm and drank it with the change in temperature. It really is an amazing sake.
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Fukuro-tori Junmai Ginjo This is the first time I have had this sake. It is a beautiful and smooth sake, but I thought it was a little hard, I thought it was a little hard. The second day was not so different. I might prefer a sake with a little more aroma and flavor.
Wakatakeya無濾過生原酒 Kandachi無濾過
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It was purchased and stored last year. It is a sake produced by the son of the 14th generation brewer. It is lightly cloudy, fruity, and sweet. I tried it on the rocks or with soda, but it was delicious on the rocks.
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I enjoyed it while thinking about what Genroku sake was like. Drinking this sake made me think that it would have been good to have been born in the Genroku period. If only I had the status to drink it.

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