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とっきーIt has been a long time since I have been proud of Taman! The alcohol content is slightly low at 14 degrees. It seemed slightly sweet. The acidity stands out. You can also taste the umami. It is quite a reasonably priced sake, but is it well-balanced? I think it is rare to find such quality in this price range. ......
ガルスBalance of clean and sweet Mild aroma. After a refreshing mouthfeel, sweetness and umami come out in quick succession. After that, you will feel a tangy spiciness, followed by a lingering sweet and umami aftertaste that finishes with a sharp finish. The cleanness of the mouthfeel is balanced by the sweet-umami flavor. One of a set of three bottles from the Tokyo Sake Breweries series. Purchased at Haneda Airport Terminal 3. ★★★★
Tamajiman立春朝搾り 純米吟醸 生原酒
シシ神I went to a bird shop I hadn't been to in a while. I found this sake! I didn't have a reservation this year. I didn't drink it because I didn't have a reservation. I found ✨Risshun Asa Shibori✨! And also my first Tamanjumo! I forgot to take a picture of the label. This time, here's a picture of it. Fresh raw sake! Oh my, it's so delicious! It goes well with yakitori and salmon roe on rice! Celebratory sake again this year 🌸 I'm glad I could drink it: ☺️
Tamajiman立春朝搾り 純米吟醸 生原酒
rinWe opened the bottle late, but we had it again this year, Risshun Asa Shibori. The aroma is gorgeous, and can be smelled even from a short distance away. It has a mild mouthfeel with a slight gasiness and acidity. The sweetness is moderate, and the second half finishes with a light bitterness. The "Daikichi" on the back of the label is also a nice touch, making it a fresh and delicious sake. ***
KRNIReserved and purchased at a liquor store! I've done this before (last year? the year before?). I've had it before (last year? the year before?) than when I drank it before (last year? the year before). I thought it tasted stronger and sweeter. It was fragrant and very tasty 😋. I will book again next year.
ぐんまーReserve a bottle of Taman Boast for the Risshun Asa Shibori and drink it at home 🏠. Taman Jugyo Tachiharu Asashibori Prefecture: Fussa City, Tokyo Rice:Gohyakumangoku Rice polishing ratio: 60 Sake degree: -4 Alcohol percentage: 16
Tamajiman立春朝絞り 令和6年甲辰純米吟醸原酒生酒
aaaThe first Risshun morning squeeze. It was fresh and tasty. The back of the label said "Daikichi".
ことりHello aaa-san, first time here 😊I got the Taman boast on order, but I have not yet opened the bottle because I stopped by other sake, but it was also a great luck 🤗It warms my heart to see your nice thoughtfulness 😊Hehe!
solariFor the first time, I made a reservation at a liquor store to purchase 😆✨. Risshun morning pressing, special sake. Thanks to the liquor store and the brewery for their hard work early in the morning. We are thankful to have it! I think it's because it's freshly pressed that it looks really muddy. There is almost no aroma. When you taste it, the first thing you will notice is a light acidity and a slight gassy feeling. The sweetness and umami are moderate, with just the right amount of bitterness, The overall impression is that it is very delicately put together. It is a sake that makes you feel refreshed!
うにろんPlace of purchase】Musashiya Sake Shop This year, too, we purchased a lucky sake to celebrate spring. The sake is pressed in the morning and can be tasted on the same day, thanks to the efforts of the brewery and the sake store. The taste is fresh with a hint of fizz, and the sweetness of the rice is followed by a subtle astringent taste. Rating: A