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1-chōme-25-15 Nigatahonmachi, Kure, Hiroshima
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Ugonotsuki純米大吟醸 愛山
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Aiyama Junmai Daiginjo, the second in the popular and rare black label series of "Amego no Tsuki". Aiyama was first used by the Takagi Shuzo brewery in Yamagata Prefecture, which produces Jyushiyo, and this led to an increase in the number of breweries making Aiyama sake. This rice is grown in Yoshikawa-cho, Miki City, Hyogo Prefecture, and is produced in fairly small quantities. It is also famous as a very difficult rice to handle, and the fact that Aizan can be used to make beautiful sake is a testament to its high brewing technology. In fact, "Aizan" has become a brand name, and sake made from it is very popular. The label is impressive, with a black moon (new moon) shining in silver, representing "the challenge of a new moon after the rain. It has a sweet, refreshing ginjo aroma and a round sweetness that comes from a moderate body. The sweetness does not linger in the aftertaste, but changes to a soft spiciness.
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In the lineup after the rain, it has a clear and mild taste. Sourness of white yeast type lemon and bitterness also lingers slowly. If it had a carbonation, it might be more suitable for summer. 😋 For too hot summer, a refreshing drink 🆗✌️. 🐈️ At Imanaya.
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This is one of the sakes I look forward to every summer. It is #Ugonotsuki Junmai Ginjo Slightly Sparkling Nigori Nama Sake by #Aihara Shuzo, Kure City, Hiroshima Prefecture. Be careful not to blow out when opening the bottle. It has a refreshing Calpis soda-like aroma with a light sweetness and a refreshing taste. The slight fizziness makes it easy to drink even during hot weather. I remember it was a bit sweeter a few years ago, but it has changed over the years to a refreshingly dry impression. I feel that it is now easier to drink with meals.
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It is a liquor store's original sake. This is good. I wonder why it has such a deep flavor. It is the same "Denko Sekka" and is brewed at two different breweries, Mitsui no Kotobuki and this Ame-go-Tsuki. I think I prefer the Ame-go-tsuki version.
Ugonotsuki微発泡にごり 純米吟醸 生酒純米吟醸生酒にごり酒発泡
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7/10 A summery, slightly effervescent, dry sake from the moon after the rain. The refreshing aroma is of lychee and white peach. The sweetness is kept to a minimum, making it a refreshing drink. Although it is a bit clichéd, it is best to drink it like champagne in a wine glass. You can really enjoy the shwashiness of this sake.
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It is a red wine from the unfiltered series, It has a strong acidity and piquancy, It has a strong acidity, a tangy taste, and a strong flavor. I had a glass of it first, but it turned out to be two, I drank half of it on the first day. On the first day, I paired it with Kure cold noodle soup, Again, this goes well with it. I think beef would go well with this, but I'll pass on it this time and have it next year, I'll probably forget about it. It was delicious. Today's beer is, Kinmugi aroma refreshing ale type. Type? I felt a little aroma in the first sip and got used to it after that. I don't mind the aroma so much anymore. The beer was light and easy to drink with little bitterness.
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1-25-15 Nigata Honmachi, Kure City, Hiroshima Prefecture 4.0 Low alcohol content, light and easy to drink.

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