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Unique flavors you've never had before Full-bodied and gustatory taste Softly sweet, then sour, moving to bitter
Inabazuru強力 ろくまる特別純米原酒生酒無濾過
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Hanshin Department Store (阪神梅田本店)
This sake was tasted along with the Junmai Ginjo I posted earlier. We were there when the store opened on the first day of tasting and sales, so all the sakes were unsealed, so we were able to sample them in fresh condition. I recommend going on Wednesday when the store opens 😆. It is Rokumaru with 60% rice polishing ratio. It is the same as Shinomine. It has more richness and umami than Junmai Ginjo. It is suitable for warming up.
Inabazuru五割搗き強力 しぼりたて純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Hanshin Department Store (阪神梅田本店)
He mentioned that this was his first visit to Hanshin. He came to Shinsaibashi Daimaru about 5 years ago (when it was the current Parco building) and drank several kinds of tasting and didn't buy. I thought I would like to buy something if I saw them again, but I haven't seen them since then... I heard they are the brewery that revived strong rice. They brought three types of nama-zake (junmai ginjo, special junmai, and active nigori), and I tasted the other two and bought this one. The aroma was muscat-like. It tasted like a Hakka-like tang and had a cool, muscat-like aftertaste. It has a unique flavor that I have never tasted before. This is a Tottori sake, but it is not that spicy. It is dry though 😁. When I bought it, the brewer said it was pressed yesterday. It was so fresh when I tasted it 😊.
Hello Manachy ☔. I thought I'd seen the stock after you said that 🤣. I think it's Chiyomusubi in terms of availability. Inatahime is often seen in department stores, but it seems to be only in Kansai.
Hello, bouken! Tottori has lost the definition of dry 🤣. We'll have to debate this again remotely and thoroughly👍.
Hello kino.😊 I hope you'll let me explain myself next time 🙄. It's hard to write a review 🤣.
The remote is gone, so Tottori is the dry definition forever 🤣.
Thank you very much! I didn't know Inabatsuru was here. Inabatsuru has a lighter San-in color, doesn't it? I love 50% pounded rice though it is not raw. It certainly has an indescribable character!
Shinjo-san, this is Maidou(^O^)/. I rarely see Inaba cranes, so I went there. Surprisingly, Tottori is unique 🤔.
Good evening, bouken! 😄 Not being able to hear the "Tottori is dry" quote was my #1 regret in this remote sinking. 😭
Good evening, MAJ 😃. Tottori is probably right about dry 🤣It's hard to emphasize "everything is sweet except Tottori" 🤣.
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At the beginning of the New Year, our sake of choice every year is the famous local sake "Strong". Our family especially likes Nakagawa Shuzo's strong, and this is our go-to sake for New Year's drinks and celebrations. Even though it is dry, it has few peculiarities and is easy to drink. It is the best local sake that I especially recommend ( -̀ω-́ )✧ By the way, my resolution for this year is to conquer famous sake that I have never had. Like Jyushiyo or Jikin. I want to taste the famous ones at least once. I'm sure I'll end up buying the sake that catches my eye, though.
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A little bitterness on the nose and bitterness on the tongue. It tastes a bit like old-fashioned sake. However, it goes well with boiled fish. It is like a flavorful addition to fish. It would have been nice to have some local fish, but since we were drinking at home...
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鳥取大丸 ほっぺタウン
Opened July 17, 2022 Purchased at Tottori Daimaru Unique❗️ Not like drinking sake! This bitter taste and some medicinal feeling. It's like a herbal sake🌿. It's like when you drink medicinal sake or Hakka, it makes your mouth feel refreshed. I've never had this kind of sake before. I'm learning w
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Sake purchased at the brewery I had an image that the sake brewed using the "ikuhashi-zukuri" method differed greatly from brewery to brewery and was a bit habitual, but... This sake has a sensation of flowing on the tongue. There is no sourness or other unpleasant taste, only umami that flows through your mouth. This is the best part of the ministry of nama yeast yeast yeast. I found a good sake.
Inabazuru強力 五割搗き純米吟醸生酒にごり酒
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During a trip to Tottori, we stopped by this Nakagawa Sake Brewery for a tasting. This is the brewery that revived "Strong" rice for sake brewing. This time it was hot ☀️ so I bought a bottle of Nama Nigori. They also sell Junmai Ginjo by weight, which is very interesting. 😲. I could clearly feel their desire to spread Tottori's sake throughout Japan. 📣 The color is a cloudy white. It has a moderate koji and lactic acid aroma. When you drink it, it has a strong shwash feeling, and the taste is smooth, sour, and crisp. It may be a little strong in midsummer, but it is the perfect sake for this time of year when it is getting hotter. It is delicious 😁. I served it with fried yams. The stickiness and saltiness of the yam goes well with the smooth taste and acidity of the sake. 🤗 Sake rice used: Strong Polishing ratio] 50%. Alcohol content】16度 [Snacks] Fried yams Nakagawa Shuzo Brewery Price including tax】1,386 yen
Inabazuru五割搗き 強力純米吟醸
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100% Tottori-produced strong. Sudden scent of ginjo. Not necessarily because it is a Tottori sake, but the top aroma is pear. Slightly dry, but rich and umami. It is a powerful sake, just like the name of the sake rice used, "Strong". It is so delicious that the sake cup is empty before you know it. The taste is so good that when you put it in your mouth, you get a big kick. When paired with food that is a little strong, the strong flavor is lost, but when paired with something acidic, the sweetness comes through strangely.
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It's a refreshing taste, somewhat different from the heavyweight sake like Terunofuji in Tottori (๑و̀ω-́). It has a light weight like Ishiura, but with a solid muscle image. The firmness of the flavor is accompanied by a little spiciness, and the sharpness is too good to be dangerous to drink too much! After all, there is a wide range of dishes We had it with mackerel and hormone! It can be served warm, but it is better served cold! Mr. Ota ate Suppon and Fugu (Globefish) in luxury! I almost always go to Super Tamade for fugu (but they do have a good selection of fish), but I couldn't resist the fin sake at Zuboraya! Oh, I want to drink fin sake! Asakusa is also a really nice place! I've visited it many times, but I never get tired of it! I've loved Kochikame since I was a kid, so I was very excited when I went there for the first time!
Shinjyo-san, every time❗️ The metaphor of Terunofuji and Ishiura is easy to understand👍. I like both sponges and puffer fish, but it's been quite a while 😅.
Maido-san~( ・`Ohm・´) Haruei Chichi Mr. I like that Tottori sake is easy to metaphorically compare to sumo. It's been a long time since I've been here too! I want to eat fugu at a restaurant. I've decided to have tecchiri when the new colostomy is over

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