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Amanosake Flavor Chart

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Rafa papa
Amano-shu Ginjo-genshu Osaka Ai 💖 after a long time It was given to me by a customer but there was no one to drink it. It was left on my desk at work... 🥲. I couldn't stand it so I took it home. I kept it in the fridge at home for a while and opened the bottle 🍾. After drinking it, my wife said to me... 'It's just like the label says it is'... Classic as it used to be😅 It has a lot of bad taste, strong habit and strong alcohol taste My wife's glass stopped ✋😓😓... But... After a while, when the temperature rises... 😳 The flavor is beautifully rounded and very tasty 😓😓. round and very tasty 😋😋. It was the right decision to leave it at room temperature 🤣. Then let's drink heated sake 😁. Caramelized sweetness and good acidity... The taste is even more rounded 🤤. My wife can't stop drinking 🤣. It was quite a deep tasting sake 🤤.
Hi Rafa papa 😀 I would not pick up this sake in my house because of the label 🤣. I wonder if it is in the same vein as Amano sake which is famous for its monk sake❓ I'd like to try some of the sake that tastes very different at different temperatures 🤣.
I was wondering why Rafa drank something so unusual, but it turned out to be a gift. And "I couldn't stand it..." is just like the old tale of "Kasa Jizo"... I guess that kind of virtue will lead to the premier get.
Hi Rafa papa 😃 I am sure there is a good thing in leftovers! I'm sure it will be a good thing for you 🤗 Is it the type of classic sake that turns into a good wine when heated! Nice decision👍 It's good warmed up 🍶, Osaka Ai ❤️
Rafa papa
Hi Yasbaye 😃 It's a monk's sake from Kongoji temple 😊 there are not many sake drinkers in my company...so it's a bit tough for those who don't usually drink sake 🙄 if you drink it the right way, it will taste good 😋.
Rafa papa
Good evening, Mr. Sakaeran 😃. I wouldn't buy this alcohol for myself 😅but I enjoyed it 😋this doesn't mean I'm virtuous 😁I just want to drink myself or alcohol... 🤣
Rafa papa
Good evening Jay & Nobby😃. There is good fortune in leftovers... 😳⁉️You say it so well 🤣Sake Run-san calls it a premier Get... and it feels good to be told that it will surely be good 😌Osaka love ❤️ with a warm sake 🍶 every once in a while!
Good evening, Rafa! I'm in the Kansai region, but I still haven't tried many of the sake from Osaka 💦It looks even better when it's heated up 💦I'm glad your wife enjoyed the warmed sake 😉.
Good evening, Rafa 😃. I thought it was an unusual choice for Rafa, but that's what happened 😁. The sake I bought at the brewery was rather modern and tasty 😋.
Rafa papa
Hi Ponchan 😃 I can drink this kind of alcohol without any resistance, but my wife is a picky eater... very easy to understand 🤣I'm glad you drank it heated up 😁.
Rafa papa
Hello bouken 😃 I wouldn't buy this drink myself 😁 but it's still interesting because it tastes good when you drink it 😌I see you have some modern style drinks 😳⁉️ I'll get some more and bring them back home 🤣.
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Oh, I'm in Osaka and I thought Osaka sake was stupid. Yum! It's delicious. It's quite dry But it's got umami.
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Purchased at a nearby supermarket. Richness of sweetness and flavor. Seasoning feeling from the middle to the back of the mouth.
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和酒とおばんざい 蔵音
☆☆☆☆☆ I was recommended to warm up the sake, so I did. I think it was about hot. It has a robust taste and is suitable for warming up. I think it's better heated than lukewarm. It's a strong and impactful sake, but it's also a sake that goes well with drinks. This is a delicious heated sake.
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A group of liquor stores in Osaka called Kodo Kai? s PB sake. As far as we know, Umemoto Sake Shop in Nishinakajima, Nishino Shoten in Mishijima, and Crazy Salad House in Kishiwada, Tosegawa Sake Shop. Since I couldn't go far at the end of the year, I bought it at Nishino Shoten in Mishijima. It was my first visit. The brands they carry are Shoki, Shinkai, Asakayousei, Senke, Yukino Kayasha, Kurumazaka, Dewazakura, Minami, Kaiun, Shirakikyu, etc. I bought this label because it is the year of the dragon. They call it the Dragon Sword label. I wonder if it is sold only at the brewery and the Shogo-kai is limited to the Kodo Kai? It is a full-bodied sake bursting with flavor. The sweetness and spiciness are both moderate and flat. It seems like it would be okay even if it were heated up or laid down for a while. It has a sourness in the latter half of the bottle. The sweetness comes out closer to room temperature.
Wow! There is a sake in Osaka that looks like Shinsei? By the way, you have only 150 ato left to reach the Triple Legend. You are one of only a handful of gods in the sake world. Just be careful not to drink too much 😁.
Good evening, Mr. Sakeran 😃. Ahh, it sure looks like it's in the rare Niimasa range 🤔. I opened several bottles at the same time to compare and drink with my family 😅I'm sure there are probably more drinkers out there 🙄.
Hello, bouken 😊The Amano sake with the cool label seems to be a brewery with a very long history and is bursting with umami. It has nothing to do with sake, but every time I see the Dragon Sword amulet I bought on my first visit to the temple, I remember this sake 🤭.
Good evening, Kotori 😃. After about a week, the sweetness has come out and it's even more attractive 😋🐉🗡 looks like a cool amulet 😎.
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It's been a while since I had a meal at a convenience store and a drink bought at a convenience store. It has a strong alcoholic taste, but it is delicious with the strong flavored snacks from the convenience store!
Amanosake吟醸 醸るり吟醸
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Purchased at a supermarket. You may often find it in supermarkets in Osaka. Rarity is high outside of the prefecture. At room temperature. The aroma is heavy and heavy, typical of Japanese sake. It is rich and mellow, but also slightly sweet and slightly dry without being sharp. The aftertaste is normal. Drinking it with ice softens the heaviness and makes it easier to drink. It is good with strong-flavored food. Suitable for advanced drinkers of sake.

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