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2-chōme-8-21 Suwa, Nagano
map of Sakenunoyahonkin Shuzo
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Honkin Junmai Yamae Nishiki Unfiltered Namaeshu 1800ml Alcohol content: 15%. Rice polishing ratio: 59 Rice used: 100% Yamae-Nishiki produced in Nagano Prefecture The specs are rich, mellow and sweet. My wife returned it as too strong and no good. It is not classical by any means, but I think it was because of the strong sourness on the first day. on the second and third day, the sourness eased and changed to deliciousness, and I recommended it, but she did not try it. It's delicious though 😭
Honkin純米 山恵錦 無濾過生原酒純米原酒生酒無濾過
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yuryur After visiting five sake breweries in Suwa, we tasted and selected one bottle from each brewery as a souvenir. The Junmai, brewed with Yamae-Nishiki sake rice, has a mild sweetness with a pleasant aftertaste.
Honkin純米 山恵錦 無濾過生原酒純米原酒生酒無濾過
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Purchased at a liquor store. Nagano sake, which is not often seen in Fukuoka. This is my first time drinking it. Cold sake. Slightly floral aroma. Pleasant juicy acidity and gentle sweetness. It is fresh and has a good mouthfeel. It has a very gentle taste. The aftertaste is rather short. Recommended for sake beginners.
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Suwa City, Nagano Prefecture Omachi Yokogawa Shoten 4.6 I bought this sake from Suwa when I was in Nagano the other day. I also toured the sake breweries in Suwa a few years ago. The active nigori bi blue is one of those bottles that you have to open gently or it will blow out. It is a delicious sake with a mouth full of bubbles.
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Shinshu Jizake Hanpukai! The last 2 bottles for last year! Now you can open this year's hanpukai without any worries✨ I was late to drink it, so I opened it after I knew the results of the hanpukai were announced😅. It is said to be white wine barrel aged! Sour, sour, sour! No Sake feeling 💦. I found myself drinking it with Wilkinson's and gulping it down 😋. If it tasted good after all that, it's good. ✌️ I'm looking forward to this year's hanpukai sake✨
Good morning, kino.😃 You look so cool standing up, Honkin-san! I see that it is characterized by sourness, but it is so sour 😣It seems less sake-like than the Narumi we drank last time 😅I see, maybe it would be good to drink it with soda 🤗.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby! It was quite sour here😅. Sake with a strong sour taste tastes better when mixed 1:1 with soda without ice 😋.
Honkin山恵錦 純米無濾過生原酒純米原酒生酒無濾過
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I was curious about this gold 😁. They started selling it near me. I bought it without hesitation! Hitogochi Junmai is also available After much hesitation Yamae Nishiki 😆. It has a soft sweetness It has a soft sweetness and a beautiful acidity. This is delicious ✨👍 This has become my favorite brand of Nagano sake after Yamazan 😁.
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I went to Hamasuta today to cheer for the team 📣. It was a hot day.... The game was also hot 🔥. I went home and opened a bottle of sake to celebrate 🍶It's the first Honkin that I stocked up on in Nagano. This one was delicious when I tasted it at the brewery, so I got it. The aroma is sweet from the rice, fruity like banana, and a little twangy and woody. On the palate, it is sweet and sour and delicious, with a slow spiciness in the second half. It is easy to drink with chicken nanban or tsukimaki, and is a good match as a food sake. Delicious✨
Good evening, missamisao 😃. We are both Otani fans and watch MLB ⚾️ on TV 😁I would love to watch the game in LA someday 🥹.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby💫I was so tired from cheering under the hot sun yesterday that I fell asleep as soon as I drank💦Yesterday was Otani's day! I would love to see Otani in person someday 🥺✨.
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This was also purchased at the 7-Eleven Tsudanuma store. Since I travel by public transportation, I generally try to buy only two bottles (because it is hard to carry them home), but this day I bought three bottles and a one-cup one, so it was quite a hassle to get home. However, I had no problem even with three bottles, so I think I will buy three bottles from now on... I could feel a slight modernity in the first few days after opening the bottle, but as the days went by, it seemed to be getting more gorgeous, so I might have drunk it more slowly. I would like to try it if there is a draft.
Hello, freelancer first generation man 😃. Honkin! I've only had it once 😅 it was memorable and delicious 😋 I'd love to have it again 🥹. We've decided to limit ourselves to 4 bottles in a backpack🎒 if we're taking a train or bus 🤗.
Hi Jay & Nobby ^^^^. This was my first bottle of gold myself, and if I see it again, I'd like to buy it! I would like to buy 4 bottles, that is, 2 bottles for each of us. I think that's about right. But if I really want one, I have to push myself...
Jay has 4 bottles by himself 😆.
They showed me their wonderful love for each other ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^. I'd have to buy a new bag for myself if I buy 4 bottles... I'm also a little sad that if I buy too many bottles, the next time I go to the liquor store will be far away.
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Honkin Normal Sake Yellow Label 1,800ml Alcohol added sake, koji rice 60%, kake rice 70%. This was purchased when we tasted it at the brewery last November. After six months had passed, the umami flavor seemed to have taken over. I think it was more smooth when it was first shipped. It was stored in a hallway with a refrigerator pan, so we will enjoy it before it gets too hot. I think I like it better when it returns to room temperature than when it is cold.
Good morning, @Mizuhashi 😀 I just started drinking Honkin-san recently, so I've never seen this yellow label before 😀. Fridge problem, every house has it 🤣. At last, my family is planning to buy an additional sake cellar 😅
Hi Yasbay 😃 Yellow label is under 2,000 yen and is the most cost effective 😆. Oh, you are buying an additional sake cellar, I like it 😉.
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Bar Oscar
Shinshu Secret Sake Hanpukai 2024 Gold Course The body is slightly cloudy. The aroma is mellow and grape-like. The sweetness and minerality of Miyamanishiki are expressed very well. The body is delicate, so I am a little concerned about the passage of time.
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Tasting at YOMOYAMA NAGANO 2024 in TOKYO All of Honkin's sakes are right in the middle of my favorites, but this one is very modern but still has Honkin's style and I love it.
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It is a dry and beautiful wine with aromas close to grape and lychee. April distribution is off to a great start 🎵. Looking forward to #YOMOYAMA Nagano at Asakusa View Hotel the day after tomorrow👍! #Shinshu secret sake hanpukai 2024 #Gold course #Honkin #Miyama Nishiki from Suwa
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This is the Miyajima hanpukai we started this year. Specs are not open to the public (or rather, not allowed on social networking sites). The purpose of this event is to enjoy with sensibility, not with the head, so we will enjoy it as it is. The aroma is of young green melon and watermelon-like melon fruits. It has a sense of the season 🍈🍉. It has an impact on the mouthfeel, starting with the acidity, but the underlying juiciness is still melon-like. It is a refreshing sake that goes through the nose👍 It's an interesting sake that I haven't had much of among the acidic types until now. ☺️
Honkin純米 純米 山恵錦 無濾過生原酒純米原酒生酒無濾過
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Rafa papa
Honkin Junmai Yamae-Nishiki Unfiltered Unrefined Nama Shu May 5th is Children's Day 🎏. Maru-san and I went on a liquor store tour... The second store is Hata Sake Shop😊. The sake we chose was... Honkin👍‼️ At Hata Sake Shop in the first half of GW... I went to the cash register for a bottle of Hokian Okuni Yuki-Chu-Age and a bottle of Honkin... Then the owner smiled and said 😊... I've got it for you 😳 Put the honkin back in the fridge😅... 🐢Take it home 🤣 Very lucky ✌️‼️ So many people want to drink it but can't... Maru wrote about it in her zenkichi review... I wasn't expecting to be able to buy it this time... I drank Hitogochiki Junmai Ginjo on draft... So I bartered with Maru-san: ✌️ We went to visit a liquor store with a reason for delivery. Revisited Hata Sake Shop... I bought some more Honkin that I put back in the fridge the other day 😌... The taste... according to Maru-san...  I can't imagine it from the bold label.  Modern sake  It's gradually sweet...  Sourness quickly envelops you...  It soaks into your body😊.  Good ‼️  Will buy again‼️ Awesome👍‼️ It's a perfect 💯💮👏👏👏. I am impressed with your precise expression😌. I couldn't wait to drink it and forgot to take a picture 💦. All the photos this time are empty bottles🤣
Hi Rafa papa 😀 I also visited Hata-san during GW, but no 🐢🤣. I'm impressed that Rafa papa is able to build such a trusting relationship with the store 😇.
Hi Rafa 😊 Thank you for exchanging your precious 🐢🙇. Honkin, it is a wonderful bottle that makes me want to drink it again. Thank you again for the 💯 grade on my poor description 🤣.
Rafa, it's great that you buy again while putting back the main money 😆‼️ trust with the liquor store is important 😆.
Good evening Rafa papa 😃. People brew, sell and drink sake, so I think it is a condition for a good drinker to be able to build a trusting relationship with them ☺️ It's great that you and Mr. Hata have built a really solid trusting relationship 😊.
Rafa papa
Good morning Yasbaye 😃 Yasubeyesan because I bought 🥇🐢😊I politely declined the golden tortoise and he offered me Hitogokochi which was in stock a while ago 😌It's nice to see such thoughtfulness 😁.
Rafa papa
Good morning Maru 😃 Many people want to drink 🐢 but can't 🥲I live in a place where it's relatively easy to get 😊I'd be happy to give back from time to time to those who can't drink 😊and I'd be happy to see more fans of Hata's... 😊
Rafa papa
Good morning Manachy 😃 I went there with the intention of buying the main gold and I found Mr. 🐢 so I put it back in the fridge 😅I went to collect the main gold the next week 😁Hata liquor store has been good to me 😊...
Rafa papa
Good morning Aladdin 😃. Hata liquor store has a lot of unique and delicious drinks 😋 I stopped chasing rare drinks when I realized that there are a lot of good drinks even if they are not popular 😁🐢 except for 🐢...still greedy 🤣.
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Shinshu Secret Sake Reform Party 2024 Part 1 We are told that the toji-san makes sake the way he wants to make it. The moment it is poured into the glass, the aroma of melon🍈 is apparent. Was it melon juice? Take a sip... it's still melon🍈. The fizziness combined with the melon soda... ❗ There is a slight tingling sensation on the tongue. Overripe melon... ❓ Even after a day, it was still melon😅.

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