The aroma is slightly fruity❇.
Sweetness is not harsh, but light.
Overall impression is light.
Very easy to drink, with a bit of sake in the aftertaste.
Today, it is served with ehomaki🎶.
Degree of preference:★★★★★★★☆☆☆☆
This will be my second bottle of Musical Instrument Masamune. I have not had many honjozo so far, but I felt a strong fruity flavor. It has a good acidity and is a good sake as a food sake.
I was going to abstain from drinking on Sunday, but I still end up drinking 😅Monday means try to do my best in moderation 😋.
Today, I will have a bottle of Masamune. I was already drunk so I am tipsy. This one was bought at the end of the year and left sitting around. The label is quite informative.
The aroma is a hint of fruity sweet-umami. When I sipped it, it was sweet and juicy 😲 It exceeded my expectations and reminded me of the deliciousness of Dewa Sanzan and Sake Mirai. It reminded me of the deliciousness of Dewa Sanzan and Sake Mirai. I'm pairing it with a Margherita pizza from Seven and it's a delicious match 🍕🍶🍶Bono ‼︎