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一滴千山 Flavor Chart

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The 8th Japanese Sake Festival @ Osaka Bay Tower ①. This time, I joined the Japanese Sake Festival with bouken again. We met up with Mr. Yasube, Ms. Kaolin, and Mr. Usagi Goten at the venue. We paired up with bouken-san, and the rest of us walked around tasting the sake we were after separately...🤣 First of all, we went to the booth of "ICHIJIRUSENZAN" and "MINO BENI UME" in Gifu prefecture. Ichijiru Senzan Miyamanishiki Nama Sake. The bottle had just been opened and was making a nice popping sound. It was fresh, milky, slightly sweet, and refreshing at the end. Ichijirushitusenbori Yumachi Nama Sake It has a strong umami and just a hint of sweetness, not quite the wild omachi flavor I imagined, but delicious. Minohongai Junmai Ginjo Hidahomare Unfiltered Nama Sake A little bitter, but not spicy, with a clean aftertaste. I will remember this one.
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Osaka Bay Tower (大阪ベイタワー)
The 8th Japanese Sake Festival at Osaka Bay Tower ① The first part of Saturday. Again, I joined the event with Muchi. We also met Yasube & Kaorin and Usagi at the venue. First, Takeuchi Sake Brewery! I've had a bottle of Ichijiru Senzan with the back label in the past, but it was a long time ago, so it didn't make an impression on me... We drank Junmai Ginjo Miyamanishiki Unfiltered Nama-shu Polishing ratio 60 It had a nice sound when I opened it 😁. It was sweet, bitter, orikara and delicious 😋. Junmai Daiginjo Omachi Unfiltered Nama Sake Polishing ratio 50%. Sweet and tasty 😋Omachi is good! Junmai Ginjo Hidahomare Unfiltered Nama-shu Polishing ratio 60 Fresh and muscat-like. Slightly refreshing. There was no indication of "unfiltered" or "raw" sake at the event, but according to information on the Internet, that seems to be the case. I've only seen it at the liquor store in Arashiyama, so I should have asked for the information of the distributor😅.
一滴千山彗星 荒走り生原酒
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Elegant acidity, fragrant and tasty. It is good for summer with a refreshing, slightly carbonated aftertaste!
一滴千山八反錦 生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒
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Crowded again in front of the cold storage on the first floor Then it must be the second floor! Yamamoto and Kafuda sake, which were there earlier, are gone! But there are still some sake I'm interested in! I had a bottle of this one, but I had another one at Noe-san in the past! Tonight I poured more of one type of sake in my glass than usual, so my memory of the detailed taste is far away! I do remember that I enjoyed it with shaomai and gyoza! extensive knowledge Rice: 100% Hachitan-Nishiki grown in Hiroshima Prefecture Rice polishing ratio: 60 Strength: 15
一滴千山八反錦 生原酒
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I have work tomorrow, but just one more drink, I'll go for a Gifu sake, since I have to, I don't know this brand, but it has a recommendation sticker on it! Ichiju Senzan Hachitan Nishiki... It's made in Hiroshima! This one is a little less sweet. A little tingling on the tongue at first. Soft acidity comes in. It's a refreshing type, and it goes down smoothly. Later, I saw on the internet that there is a hidden Gifu Prefecture and a hidden Hiroshima Prefecture on the label, just for fun! I should have looked for it at the store! I don't know anymore😩.
一滴千山彗星 生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒
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熊谷 朋之
Next up was the Ittiki Senzan Comet Nama-no-Hara Sake. The only sake from Gifu that I know of is Ikki Senzan, so I thought I'd give it a try. It was a brand that had just been opened. It was a brand that had just been opened, so I liked the way the flavor was firmly on the tongue. The sweetness was not too strong and flowed down the throat easily. This is the first hit I've had in a long time. I wanted to drink it slowly, but I had to keep up with the pace of my grandchildren. I was getting too hungry to let them play with their toys, so I quickly settled my bill. It was different from a drinking party among adults, but I was glad that we could enjoy eating and drinking together. (^^)/
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It still has a sour taste. ‼️ Great sense of clarity 😀. Ogaki water is good👍 Once the temperature settles down, sweetness also comes out 😊. Kitashizuku might be my favorite 🌾✨✨
一滴千山北雫 生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒
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Two types of auras to be determined 🆗. Sky blue label I'm curious. I knew I didn't know about this sake Gifu's Ichijiru Senzan It was a refreshing sake like a clear blue sky! extensive knowledge The name "ICHIDARUSHI SENZAN" comes from the Zen phrase "ICHI-U-RYU-JUN-SENZAN" (One Drop, One Thousand Mountains). We hope that this sake will enrich the hearts of those who encounter it, just as a single drop of rain can enrich many mountains and people. Alcohol content 15% (undiluted) Ingredient rice: 100% Hokkaido-produced Kitashizuku Polishing ratio 60

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