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3-chōme-7-67 Tōei, Ojiya, Niigata
map of Takanoi Shuzo
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At a local supermarket. Bought it because of its cute label! It's quite alcoholic. Sometimes I feel sweetness or fruity aftertaste, but I can't tell much because the alcohol is still there... I drank it at room temperature, so I'll try it cold a little later. →The next day, I drank it cold, and the alcohol feeling was much more subdued, so it was nice!
いおの特別純米 初しぼり中汲み生原酒特別純米原酒生酒中取り
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I don't often buy "jackets", but I saw one at a liquor store in front of Nerima Station and bought it immediately, I saw it at a liquor store in front of Nerima station and bought it immediately. It was a bottle of Iyono from the Takai Sake Brewery in my hometown of Ojiya City, Niigata Prefecture. The label depicts a scene of Ojiya Shrinkage (Ojiya Chijimi) being exposed to the snow. Well, I have never actually seen Ojiya-chijin snowdrifts, and Ojiya-chijin is a rather expensive linen fabric, so I have never owned or used the product, 😅. Someday I would like to have a samue made of Ojiya-shuku. As for the sake, the taste is quite good, juicy, delicious, and sparkling in the mouth. It is not too showy, but has a nostalgic feeling that would go well with a wide range of meals, both Japanese and Western. Takai Shuzo has been improving the quality of its "Tatomo" sake recently, and it is becoming an interesting sake brewery to check out.
Good morning, Mr. Hiraccio 😃. As usual, a colorful and colorful table👍. Your toshiba bucket looks great too 😄.
Thank you for your comment, Haruei Chichi 😊. Tochi-age was as good as ever, I added natto. It is also good to drink with everyday side dishes like pumpkin stew, potato salad, etc.
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I usually don't drink that much 🍷 and 🍶 a little vacation. I only drink Nouveau 🍷 at a small wine specialty shop owned by the owner, who has experience as the best sommelier in Japan every year. (I told him that I actually like Sake and he said that he only drinks Obuse Sogape and one other sake brewery for everyday drinking...I'm curious...wait a minute...he came from the back and brought me this! I'm sorry, I don't know this brewery...but they have hiyaoroshi and yamahai. So he shared his favorite hiyaoroshi with me! It's easy to drink, has a nice mouthfeel, and is dry with a nice flavor and sharpness. It's also delicious and reminds me of a white wine! The Nouveau chosen by the owner this year was expensive... but he said he had no choice because of the weak yen and the international situation.
いおの無濾過特別純米 ひやおろし 原酒
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It goes in smoothly with little acidity. It has a mature iron taste and dryness. It has a dry and refreshing taste that does not interfere with food.
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🙂 Sake that was given to me. Sake that people who don't know much about sake give to people who like sake, there is daiginjo lol. This is the first brand I have seen. It has 17% alcohol by volume, so it does have an alcoholic feeling, but overall it is easy to drink with a fruity and slightly umami taste that is typical of daiginjo-style sake! But because of the strong alcohol content, it doesn't feel like the sake of today. It is a good old-fashioned Daiginjo! It is a good old-fashioned Daiginjo!
Hi Piro 😊I was at Kamedaya before and bought Pom Pom🍎 and Bentenzan Hane 😅I was curious about the taste of Iyano 4gou bottles, from sweet to dry... I see 🤔.
Thanks for the help, Kotori-san! It's not that it's not tasty by any means, but it's like a daiginjo with nothing worth mentioning! LOL!
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Hankyu Department Store (阪急うめだ本店)
Hankyu Umeda Hankyu Brewery Festival (1) An hour after Nemuchi-san's arrival, we arrived at the venue. Nemuchi-san said he would be at Itano, so I met up with him here. Itano is a joint development between Motox, a wine importer, and Takai Sake Brewery. The brewer and a person from Motox were there. The concept of Itano is a food sake. The label has been changed to a design that suggests it was designed with exports in mind. The label was also the idea of Motox. The special junmai label was inspired by a balloon competition held in Ojiya City, where the brewery is located. Nemuchi-san asked if they were bringing any Tatomo and Takanoi. Nemuchi asked him if he was bringing Tatomo and Takanoi, to which he replied, "No, we are here as Motox this time.... We tasted the following Iyano Junmai Ginjo Iyano Junmai Daiginjo Snow Storage Genshu I thought both were the type of sake that goes well with meals. I hope they bring Tatomo next time 🤔.
Hello bouken😊 You've got a good eye... 😆 Recently, wine wholesalers are also taking notice of sake and entering the market in various forms 🤔.
Good evening, Masha 😃. I'm not the one with the good eye, it's Nemucci 😁If it was just me, I probably wouldn't have gone through with it 😅. There was one other motocs case 🍷.
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The fifth brewery in the "Hankyu Brewery Festival 2023". Takai Shuzo "Iyano", Niigata Prefecture Many of the products were jointly developed with "Motox," a trading company famous for importing wine, and the brewer and Motox employees were there. Igano Special Junmai Iyano Unfiltered Special Junmai Hiyoroshi (Hiyoroshi) Iyano Snow Storage Junmai Daiginjo Genshu. After talking with the brewer, we met up with the legendary bouken here. Bouken-san was asking the brewer about labels, so I studied with him on the side. I thought it would be easy to just bury the sake in the snow, but it turns out that it costs quite a bit of money. I was allowed to try their "Iyano Snow Storage Junmai Daiginjyo Genshu," which is quite expensive. I imagined a sake that would burst into fireworks in your mouth, so the label is also a firework. It was delicious after all!
Nemuchi, thanks for your help the other day😊. I started from here, but to be honest, the taste was not so impressive 🤔.
bouken, good evening 🌛Thank you very much for your visit to the brewery festival 🙇I guess I absorbed it quickly since you came sweating so much 😁Only the most expensive one here, I thought it was delicious because it was expensive after all 😅.
いおの伊平乃 特別純米 初しぼり中汲み生原酒特別純米生酒中取り
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It is a food wine. Oden with...
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 A clean and clear sake. Alcoholic 16%, so maybe a little alcoholic. Slightly melon-like taste. Sweetness is not that strong. The cleanness is impressive.
いおの純米吟醸 低温熟成 無濾過原酒
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Dry, with a strong aftertaste, it's like a Japanese sake. Today is my birthday 🎂 a present from my wife 🎁.

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