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いおの特別純米 初しぼり中汲み生原酒特別純米原酒生酒中取り
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I don't often buy "jackets", but I saw one at a liquor store in front of Nerima Station and bought it immediately, I saw it at a liquor store in front of Nerima station and bought it immediately. It was a bottle of Iyono from the Takai Sake Brewery in my hometown of Ojiya City, Niigata Prefecture. The label depicts a scene of Ojiya Shrinkage (Ojiya Chijimi) being exposed to the snow. Well, I have never actually seen Ojiya-chijin snowdrifts, and Ojiya-chijin is a rather expensive linen fabric, so I have never owned or used the product, 😅. Someday I would like to have a samue made of Ojiya-shuku. As for the sake, the taste is quite good, juicy, delicious, and sparkling in the mouth. It is not too showy, but has a nostalgic feeling that would go well with a wide range of meals, both Japanese and Western. Takai Shuzo has been improving the quality of its "Tatomo" sake recently, and it is becoming an interesting sake brewery to check out.
Good morning, Mr. Hiraccio 😃. As usual, a colorful and colorful table👍. Your toshiba bucket looks great too 😄.
Thank you for your comment, Haruei Chichi 😊. Tochi-age was as good as ever, I added natto. It is also good to drink with everyday side dishes like pumpkin stew, potato salad, etc.