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R-chu☆Sake Degree Acidity Amino Acidity Polishing ratio 39 Rice used: Yamadanishiki Yeast Filling mouth: Hiyase Purchased by chance at Furusato. It has a gorgeous aroma, sweetness and umami, and a good balance 😋.
夢茶苦茶也First time in Kura. But I bought it if it is Saga. Although it is labeled "old", it seems to be new. It has a little bit of a sour taste and a bitter flavor. It is delicious! I will buy it again when I find it. Rice polishing ratio 60 Alcohol content 15 Date of production November 2023
Koimari前 ヒイヅル特別純米
グラHappy New Year! We look forward to working with you again this year. The New Year has begun with a terrible earthquake. We are praying for the earliest possible recovery of the afflicted people. Mr. Tsuyodai has entrusted me with a major task. There are only 4 stores in Japan that sell this sake. Tsuyodai-san told us where to buy it. There is a little lees. It has a tangy and grepy taste, a little bitterness, and a classic sake feel, yet it is easy to drink. A good sake to start the year with.
takeshonHappy New Year, Grasshopper 🎍 and a Happy New Year to you too 🙇‍♂️ I have a gimpy back this morning and I'm already in trouble😱help me 🤣
遥瑛チチHappy New Year, Grasshopper 🎍. I look forward to working with you this year 🤲. I don't know why I've never had a chance to get to know Ko-Imari, but I'll try to drink it this year: ❗️ But before that, let's have an off-line meeting soon 😁.
アラジンThanks for your support this year, GRA 🙇. Rare to be limited to 4 stores 😳. I enjoy the many variations of Ko-Imari-mae etiquettes, and the Mizuhiki design on this one is also very festive, just like the first sunrise of the New Year 😄.
ジークじこんHappy New Year, Mr. Gura 🎍. I had a bottle of Ko-Imari last year and I remember it was dry and went well with sashimi. This one looks very tasty too ✨ The label is perfect for the New Year! I look forward to working with you again this year: 🙇‍♂️
グラtakeshon senpai It's a tough start to the new year.... I think you are not getting enough exercise...? I still think you should be active as a grassroots baseball player. ⚾️ Please keep up the good work this year.
グラHappy New Year, Mr. Haruei Chichi. I am looking forward to working with you again this year. I hope you will be able to enjoy Ko-Imari this year! We are looking forward to seeing you at the off-line meeting 🍶.
グラAladdin-san Happy New Year! I look forward to working with you again this year. I always look forward to your reviews. I was able to drink a rare sake at the beginning of the year. Ko-Imari-mae is the sake that got me hooked. All of them are well balanced.
グラZeek Jikon-san Happy New Year! I hope you have a great new year 🙇I was able to buy the perfect sake for the New Year! Ko-Imari-mae is both modern and classical, just the right sake for me personally 🍶.
つよーだいHappy New Year ✨Yes, we had almost the same impression of the taste 👍Mild and gentle with a bit of tanginess and the occasional peek of the classic 😁I'm glad the information was helpful!
グラTsuyodai Hello! Happy New Year! I was so relieved to hear that your impressions were almost the same, lol. It was delicious! Thank you so much for the information. I look forward to working with you again this year.
つよーだいHappy New Year 🎍🎉 Because the label looks like mizuhiki I chose it for the first shot of the new year😅. At least it's delicious! I'll leave it up to Gula to decide what it tastes like😅
つきたてHappy New Year, Tsuyodai🎍! It's a very New Year's label, isn't it? Happy New Year to you too 😄.
ポンちゃんHappy New Year, Tsuyodai 🎍. I thought it was a mizuhiki 😳It's very New Year like 🪭. I look forward to seeing you again this year 🙏.
えりりん㊗️𝙷𝙰𝙿𝙿𝚈 𝙽𝙴𝚆 𝚈𝙴𝙰𝚁🎉✨ Yolosikku (*> ᴗ -*)🌅 this year! I don't see many 🌅 labels, so this is fresh✨.
chikumoCongratulations 🎊 I like the word "Hiizuru" because it seems so cool and Japanese.
つよーだいTsukitate-kun Happy New Year 😊Happy New Year 😆That's a very New Year's label 👍
つよーだいPon-chan Happy New Year 🎉We look forward to working with you again this year! It's a nice New Year's look, isn't it✨It tasted good, too!
つよーだいErin Happy New Year 🎉🎊New Year's Greetings 😆Sounds like a cool label 👍.
つよーだいHappy New Year, chikumo-kun!
グラTsuyodai-san Happy New Year! I look forward to working with you again this year! ...I've suddenly taken on a big role! I hope our impressions are the same 💧. I hope our impressions are the same 💧.
ねむちHappy New Year, Tsuyodai 🎍It's a nice New Year's label that's particular but feels simple 😊Taste is good enough for now 👌😆 Hope to see you again this year 🙇.
遥瑛チチHappy New Year, Tsuyodai 🎍. I look forward to working with you again this year 🤲. I've been collaborating with Grasshopper, and suddenly I'm throwing a round ❗️ I'll do it 😄
つよーだいHappy New Year, Mr. Gula 🎊Please give me your feedback on the taste 😅.
つよーだいNemuchi-san Happy New Year 🎉Nice label 👍I just wanted to tell you how delicious it is!
つよーだいChichi 😁Happy New Year ✨Hope to see you again this year 🙇 I threw in a round of applause for Gula 🤣.
ゆーへーIt has a schwarziness, a grapefruit-like flavor, and a savory nutty aroma that flows smoothly. It is a R2BY old sake from Ko-Imari 🍶. I lied, I bought it thinking it was actually R5BY 💧. When I went to Takamura Coffee with Mr. Bouken for a long time, we were talking about the old Imari that was released in early spring and how they still have some left 💦. The preservation condition was fine, so it wasn't a bad bottle, but I would have liked to drink a fresh one if possible. Be careful when you go to Takamura 👀. 720 mL ¥ 1,430
アラジンGood evening, Yoohee 😃. Takamura Wine & Coffee Roastery also has a lot of sake. Ko-Imari-mae, Ki, Banshu Ikken, Niida Sanshu, etc. have a good selection and I would like to use them in the future. Be careful about the date of manufacture. ⚠️
ゆーへーGood evening, Aladdin. ⭐︎ It's a surprisingly good spot, and there are often still some left even if the other places are sold out 💡. I can have a coffee and take a break, so I make good use of it ✨.
boukenGood evening, Mr. Yoohee 😃. It was still hot season 😁. The liquor store I went to yesterday in Sakaigashi also had Ko-Imari, but it was mainly wine and the date needed to be confirmed 😅.
ゆーへーbouken Hello ☀︎ Yes, I was sweating a lot when I walked 💦. Wine is the main thing, same as Takamura's 💡. I guess it doesn't sell well in Kansai 💧.
Koimari前 tranquilo純米吟醸
KTK2002Tranquillo ❗️ Don't be unreasonable ‼️ That's a great quote from Naito of Shinichi 😄. The aroma when just opened is like grape🍇. The taste is also grape-like. The aftertaste has a hint of rice flavor and a slight aroma that goes into the nose, but there is also a slight medicinal smell. As the temperature rises, the aroma subsides and the flavor is sweet and umami, which is nice. After about 3 days, the medicinal smell is almost gone and the umami is the main taste. It is like a Tranquillo even after it is put out of the fridge, and even after it is opened 😁.
Koimari前 tranquilo(トランキーロ)純米吟醸
dorankdoragonTranquillo! Don't be in a hurry! The familiar? Old Imari Tranquillo! The brewer who loves professional wrestling gave it this name, right? Sweet and fruity aroma 🍇. Slightly acidic impression ⚡. Wine-like mouthfeel and taste 😄.
Koimari前 inicio純米吟醸
グラKo-Imari The previous new work, Inicio. It means "start" or "beginning" in Spanish. It has a fresh taste with a slight gassy feeling. It has a light taste like pear. It is easy to drink. It is not only gorgeous but also tasty.
ShinkazuFruity and full of flavor High quality as usual! I haven't had this in a while, but it's so good! I vividly remember how happy I was to be served this when I was on a business trip to Fukuoka a long time ago! I think it's hard to find this balance of sake-like and fruity! If you think you can go for a light fruity sake, I would like you to go for this next. It will be a bridge to the sake world.