stephenN-888premiumNiigata MeijoNiigata2024/10/25 01:12:302024/10/25Ponshu-kan (ぽんしゅ館)12stephenvery fruity, a bit too sour for my taste yolanda: a little too sour
stephenMatsunoi雪の花Matsunoi ShuzojoNiigata2024/10/24 10:54:012024/10/24雪の花2stephenlightly sweet, but dry flavor
stephenShimeharitsuru純Miyao ShuzoNiigata2024/10/24 10:51:592024/10/24雪の花3stephennice smell but the flavor is plain, a bit dry
stephenひや酒Echigo ShuzojoNiigata2024/10/24 09:20:212024/10/24Ponshu-kan (ぽんしゅ館)1stephennot my favorite but not bad. it does taste like strawberries and a little grassy
stephenKoshiji no KobaiKubiki ShuzoNiigata2024/10/24 09:14:302024/10/24Ponshu-kan (ぽんしゅ館)18stepheni like this one. pretty rich but has a nice fruity aftertaste.
stephenUmakuchichosanNiigata MeijoNiigata2024/10/24 09:12:272024/10/24Ponshu-kan (ぽんしゅ館)14stephendoes not taste like junmai, but it is. i don’t like this. a bit harsh, too dry. might be good with meat
stephenKoshinotsurupremium junmai ginjoKoshi MeijoNiigata2024/10/24 09:08:092024/10/24Ponshu-kan (ぽんしゅ館)13stepheni like this one. pretty smooth, slightly sweet and fruity flavor. i could happily drink this with no accompaniment. i could drink this while working. might be a bit too sweet.
stephenKoshinotsurupremium junmaiKoshi MeijoNiigata2024/10/24 09:05:512024/10/24Ponshu-kan (ぽんしゅ館)13stephensmooth, but still fairly dry. could be good with some fatty meat. not bad but not particularly interesting
stephenEchigotsurukameEchigotsurukameNiigata2024/10/24 09:02:432024/10/24Ponshu-kan (ぽんしゅ館)16stephena bit too dry and bitter, not much flavor. don’t like this one much
stephenIt's the keyTamagawa ShuzoNiigata2024/10/24 09:00:212024/10/24Ponshu-kan (ぽんしゅ館)17stephencrazy fruity, like apple juice, a little sour nice to try but too sweet for me yolanda likes it
stephen松の井生吟醸Matsunoi ShuzojoNiigata2024/10/23 09:42:472024/10/23House of Light (光の館)14stephenblunt, with crispy ending
stephenShosetsu秋あがりKanzawagawa ShuzojoShizuoka2024/10/22 08:40:182024/10/22手打ち蕎麦 汐見2stephensweet, light, straightforward flavor with some fruity aftertaste
stephenHakutsuru山田穂Hakutsuru ShuzoHyogo2024/10/15 04:19:162024/10/15Hakutsuru Sake Brewery Museum (白鶴酒造資料館)1stephennot super special, clean daiginjo flavor crispy at the end
stephenHakutsuru原酒Hakutsuru ShuzoHyogo2024/10/15 04:14:012024/10/15Hakutsuru Sake Brewery Museum (白鶴酒造資料館)1
stephen沢の鶴生原酒SawanotsuruHyogo2024/10/15 03:02:482024/10/15沢の鶴資料館20stepheneach sip has a different flavor - tastes holographic it’s 20% alcohol, almost approaching liqueur flavor
stephenNabeshimaFukuchiyo ShuzoSaga2024/10/14 10:14:112024/10/14じげん4stephenyolanda: i actually really like this sweet
stephenTenmei秋あがり純米生酒Akebono ShuzoFukushima2024/10/6 11:42:062024/10/6Queen's Isetan (クイーンズ伊勢丹)22stephenmild, sweet flavor - i drank this a bit lukewarm.
stephenKinpo Shizenshu生酒Niida HonkeFukushima2024/9/21 13:45:462024/9/21Queen's Isetan (クイーンズ伊勢丹)3stephencharacteristically crazy namazake flavor, but wasn’t one that was immediately appealing to me