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Glorious Mt.Fuji酒未来 純米大吟醸 無濾過生原酒 2024純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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A mellow sweet sake future. It was fresh from the first sip. I thought the sweetness was moderately heavy as a bitter adult taste that could be compared to chocolate ⁉︎ taste, but it might be a little bit too much for my stomach. As the temperature rose, the bitterness was reduced, and I thought it was rich and sweet. Still, there was no dullness! I wonder if the slight acidity reduces the dullness.
Hyakujuro純米吟醸 青波純米吟醸
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Dry with a refreshingly cool mouthfeel. While firmly dry, the aftertaste surprisingly leaves a junmai (pure rice) sake-like flavor. It also has a bitter aftertaste. It is not the type of sake that can be cut off quickly. I think this sake is very versatile as a food sake. I have a feeling that it will take on a different appearance when it is laid down to rest.
Fusano KankikuSilver Lining 総の舞29 超限定無濾過生原酒純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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It seems to be deep and sweet, but also has a Kangiku character. It is a refreshing sake with a chirpy, effervescent taste. Immediately after taking a sip, the sweetness is rich and complex. The image is a little heavy. In the aftertaste, you can feel a strong acidity. This sake is brewed only once a year. So-no-Mai" is a sake brewing rice grown in Chiba Prefecture, which was requested by a brewer in Chiba. This bottle has a milling ratio of 29%, which may be the first time it has been polished to this degree. Even so, my impression was that it tasted more robust than clean.
四季咲楓嶌黄 純米吟醸 無濾過生原酒 露葉風純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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When the temperature rises a bit, the buds blossom! When it was too cold, I thought it was alcoholic and didn't seem to have any flavor on it. However, that did not seem to be the case as it should have been. I guess it is a slightly sweet-leaning sake with a touch of acidity and sharpness. The aftertaste is a bit bitter. Unlike my initial impression, I found it quite drinkable. The sake is made from "Rohafu," rice suitable for sake brewing, which is grown only in Nara Prefecture. This rice is also used for Nara's sake, Kaze no Mori and Mimuro Sugi. Apparently, the cultivation of this rice was once discontinued, but the Choryu Sake Brewery, which brews this sake, has worked to revive it!
Fusano KankikuOCEAN NINETY NINE 白銀海-Snow Sea- にごり無濾過生原酒純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過にごり酒
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Kotto Anmai ♩ It has a fresh but rich sweet taste! It also has a chili flavor, and when mixed with Ori, the balance is excellent. Will it be an active nigori? The aftertaste is surprisingly mild. The alcohol content is low at 13 degrees. The rice used is 100% Gohyakumangoku. Recommended for those who like sweet sake. The label is simple and cool!
Fusano Kankiku電照菊 純米大吟醸 山田錦50 無濾過生原酒純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Fresh, sweet-sour and thick sake É It has a taste reminiscent of pineapple with an acidity that stimulates the tongue, which is typical of Sono Kangiku. It is very sparkling, and even if you drink it by itself, it will make your cup of sake go further! The aftertaste is full and leaves a delicious taste on the tongue!
Ezonokuma純米吟醸酒 中取り生酒純米吟醸生酒中取り
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A sweet sake brewed in Hokkaido. The mouthfeel gives a sense of density, but the lingering aftertaste is surprisingly short and clean. It may be thanks to the light acidity. The sake has a Sake meter of -2 and an alcohol content of 16-17 degrees Celsius. The rice used is 100% Kitashizuku grown in Hokkaido. It has the image of a young sake, and I have a feeling that more flavor will come from it. I think this has high potential. ⁉︎ To be honest, there are sake from Hokkaido, but I had wondered if there was any sake worth mentioning. After drinking this, I have a feeling that in the future there will be sake from Hokkaido that will be nationally recognized. It is a complete label purchase, but I think I hit the jackpot. The real-life bear has caused real damage, but the character bear on the label looks harmless and cute. The Big Dipper is also decorated on the label, and the loose, relaxed label is also nice. After a day, it has a crisp but mild flavor!
Izumibashi秋とんぼ 山田錦純米生酛
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It is a full-bodied, yet surprisingly refreshing autumn sake⁉︎ It is a sake made using the raw yeast method and has a lot of acidity. The rice used is Yamadanishiki, but the sweetness is very restrained. It is rather bitter. I felt that the higher the temperature, the more directly the flavor could be felt. I have a feeling that the flavor will be more pronounced if it is allowed to sit for a few days. According to the back of the label, it is recommended to be heated up to 50 degrees.
Fusano Kankiku剣愛山50 無濾過一度火入原酒原酒無濾過
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This sake tastes like sweet and sour berries. I thought it had a strong flavor, though it was not very acidic or rich. The aftertaste is slightly bitter or rich. It has a clean feeling. The slightly chili mouthfeel is also typical of Sono Kangiku. I haven't tried it, but I have a feeling it would go well with sweets. Sono Kangiku has different types of sake with different tastes. The one I had before reminded me of citrus and pear. The rice used is Tsurugi Aiyama, produced by farmers in Mima and Awa cities in Tokushima. The "sword" comes from Tokushima Prefecture's Mount Kenzan. It seems to be a rare rice.
Glorious Mt.Fuji純米大吟醸 七星純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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From a flashy sweetness to a light sourness! Maybe that's why the strawberry-ness came to mind a bit. Probably not at all lol. The taste is rich and lingers on. It has been a while since I drank a distinctly sweet sake, but this kind of sweet sake is also delicious. Eiko-Fuji is quick-tempered(?), and Nanasei seems to be a summer sake. This is the first summer sake "STARS"! I have the impression that as the temperature rises a little, the full-bodied flavor becomes stronger. The heaviness may come out a little.
Fusano Kankiku電照菊 山田錦50 超限定おりがらみ生原酒純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過おりがらみ
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Reminiscent of fresh pear! Gassy and light on the palate. It is refreshing, but it does not end there. It has a delicious aftertaste with a hint of umami. It is last year's "Autumn Sake," but even after half a year, it still has the same brilliance as the label! In fact, it may even be more brilliant.
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Light sake with a sourness similar to lemon! It is clean with a bitter taste. This is a taste unique to white malted rice. The alcohol content is 13 degrees and it is easy to drink. Since the name of the sake is "sea food," it seems that the brewery aimed to make a sake that goes well with seafood. It seems to go very well with seafood! Although the specs are different, it has been two years since I first posted about Sake-no-wa. The first time I drank it, I had the impression that it was more like a white wine.
Sawayamatsumoto守破離 わをん純米
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Dry (left). A sharp, umami and bitter type! Almost no sweetness and lightly tingling. Right after opening the mouth, the impression is clear, especially like mineral water. It's more suitable for pairing with food than drinking by itself. I thought it would definitely not get in the way of a meal. The rice used is a mixture of Gohyakumangoku, Asahi, and Yamadanishiki. The alcohol content is 14 degrees. Light (right). It has a beautiful sake quality with a slight sweetness. As the temperature rises, the flavor comes out and you can feel a little astringency in your mouth. It is easy to drink and the mouthfeel is even lighter and tangier than dry. The alcohol content is low at 13 degrees, so it can be drunk easily, and personally, I think it can be drunk by itself! The rice used is Asahi, Omachi, and Yamadanishiki. The rice polishing ratio is unknown, but I think it is less than 60%, which is the Ginjo level. I'd be surprised if it was just Junmaishu with this lack of peculiarity! I think the name "Wa-on" also has the meaning of chords, and the use of three different types of sake rice suggests three chords. In fact, this type of different two sake is "brewed" comfortable harmony É♩And also "Wa-on" means XYZ in English, or XYZ means City Hunter? It was a little bit unpleasant association play at the end.
Fusano Kankiku橙海(とうみ)-Arrival-無濾過原酒純米吟醸原酒無濾過
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Zanatsu-shu" has a fruity sourness. I think it is relatively similar to citrus. After you finish drinking it, your mouth feels like a tangerine. Maybe the image is pulled in by the label (lol). It is refreshing when it is first opened. The acidity is also crisp and sharp. By the way, I thought it was suitable for this time of year is hot, but autumn in the calendar app app app, I drank in a rock glass. However, if the temperature rises a little, there are different aspects. Because it is undiluted sake, I think the intensity of the taste is noticeable. Here, instead of a clean feeling, the richness of the flavor becomes stronger, and it is very satisfying to drink. It is a flavor that you will want to enjoy slowly.
DenshuMicro Bubble 生発泡
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Shwashu-tazake! It has a ginjo aroma. After the initial bubbles, there is a mild sweetness, followed by a light astringency and a fullness of rice. Then, it disappears slowly, and the overall impression is pale. It's a sparkling sake, and at first sip it's even better than you'd expect, which is surprising! It's a Denshu, so it's not surprising. The way many small bubbles rise to the surface of the water is like champagne.
Glorious Mt.Fuji純米大吟醸 熟成蔵隠し純米大吟醸原酒生詰酒ひやおろし無濾過
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Acid and richness. The sake has a slight yellowish tinge. Immediately after opening the bottle, I think the alcohol feeling is a bit emphasized, combined with the acidity. This sake is a hiyaoroshi, which means that it has a heavier overall impression, but it still has a youthfulness to it. I thought it was a bit fresh. As the temperature rises, the acidity rounds out, and the taste becomes milder. It became easier to drink! I think this is the original form É♩This time I drank it in a rocks glass form.
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Outstanding on its own or with a meal! It's sweet, but not overpowering. It has a nice acidity and a light bitter aftertaste. It is very delicious on its own. I liked it so much that I fought 1,2 in Yamamoto I drank until now App app app with greasy food, but also perfect as a food sake. It makes reset in the mouth. I drank sake fresh out of the refrigerator in a champagne glass. The rice used is Misoshiki. On the second day, when I drank it in a rocks glass, the sweetness faded and it became a little dry.
Fusano Kankiku五百万石50 槽場汲み無濾過生原酒純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Plump, umami-sweet, slightly effervescent! It has a peculiarity that does not resemble the specifications of Junmai Daiginjo. However, it is not a difficult type to drink just because it is unfiltered raw sake. The aftertaste is mineral? In short, I think there is something like a subtle saltiness about this sake. If you pair it with food that has a strong flavor, it will increase the flavor of the food by a factor of two or three⁉︎ A whole day has passed. The taste has changed, the fizziness has disappeared, and the peculiarity has been greatly reduced. The flavor is still there, but it's a little cleaner! If anything, I think this is more to your liking♩
Denshu純米酒70 古城錦純米
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Neat and tingly! There is a bit of astringency, but I can not believe that the rice polishing rate is 70% and I do not feel any peculiar taste or miscellaneous App♩This is delicious as it is, but I have a feeling that after a while it will be delicious in a different vector! Alcohol content is 17 degrees and high, although it is not shown in the taste. The alcohol content is high at 17 degrees, although it doesn't show in the taste. I think the body is honest today.