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四季咲長龍 四季咲 楓蔦黄 純米吟醸 無濾過生原酒 露葉風
Purchased at a liquor store at a good price. The aftertaste is a bit clumpy, probably because it was made in October 2011. Dry, unpasteurized sake.
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あじ処 なる 阿倍野店
Nf bapak
Seasonal raw sake that does not often appear on the official Choryu Sake Brewery web site. It is more often found on the pages of the stores where it is sold. The individual brand name is "Momijitsutakkamu," which is one of the 72 Houshi. The Asano Sake Shop's installation says "Fucho-oh," so I wonder if it is that one as a product. It tastes like a sweet, refreshing sake that goes down easy. Those of you who know the commercial "Naahoruho-do, yoi-saake, chooooooooooooooooooooooooo...", we are both old enough to have enjoyed the sake. Thank you for the delicious sake!
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1859 2024/10  四季咲 菊花開 純米吟醸無濾過生原酒 岡山高島産雄町 55% +1 2.0 16-17° 24/9 A 奈良 広陵町 長龍酒造 1800 3740 季節に応じて7種類を出しているらしいけどこの時期嬉しい夏越しの生。 穏やかだけど爽やかな風味、酸の程よい中口。 燗にすると全体にまろやかになるので冷酒とぬる燗を交互に楽しんでいた時に、たまたま器に移したまま燗するのを忘れて常温の状態を飲んだら生の風味と燗のまろやかさを同時に味わえたので、後半は冷酒を常温まで戻して楽しんだ。
四季咲楓嶌黄 純米吟醸 無濾過生原酒 露葉風純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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When the temperature rises a bit, the buds blossom! When it was too cold, I thought it was alcoholic and didn't seem to have any flavor on it. However, that did not seem to be the case as it should have been. I guess it is a slightly sweet-leaning sake with a touch of acidity and sharpness. The aftertaste is a bit bitter. Unlike my initial impression, I found it quite drinkable. The sake is made from "Rohafu," rice suitable for sake brewing, which is grown only in Nara Prefecture. This rice is also used for Nara's sake, Kaze no Mori and Mimuro Sugi. Apparently, the cultivation of this rice was once discontinued, but the Choryu Sake Brewery, which brews this sake, has worked to revive it!
四季咲楓蔦黄 露葉風純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Choryu Shikisaki Kaede Tsutahi Junmai Ginjo Unfiltered Nama-shu Rohafu 1870 yen (4 gos. bottle) I was on a business trip and went to my usual store to buy ✨. I was introduced to a variety of sake by the liquor store. I was introduced to a variety of sake, but today I chose this one! The aroma is strong but the sweetness stands out and looks delicious 🤤 The initial attack is heavy and sweet like a raw sake, then the spiciness comes in and the battle between sweet and spicy lasts for a long time. It has a long sweet and spicy battle with a lingering aftertaste!

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