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ここ数年で日本酒に目覚め、 行きつけの酒屋の大将に教えてもらいつつ、美味しいお酒を楽しんでます。 基本は、少人数で外で飲むことが多いのですが、やはり探究は家飲み ♫ 皆さんの感想を参考に、 色々渡来しながら、 気に入ったお酒を増やしていきたいと思います。

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醸し人九平次 うすにごり Check-in 1醸し人九平次 うすにごり Check-in 2
I've been drinking it over the last few days since the bottle was opened. It is a light nigori of Kuheiji. On the first day after opening the bottle, it has a light acidity with a hint of sweetness. It has a very clear mouthfeel. This is a good balance overall, It is the best match for me, who does not like strong acidity. As you drink it on the second and third days, the acidity becomes more mellow, The acidity mellows out and becomes more and more to my liking 🫠. I was so disappointed that it was only available in limited quantities, It's a pity that it is only available in limited quantities.
AQE HAFUBUKI70 八仙 Check-in 1AQE HAFUBUKI70 八仙 Check-in 2
Aomori's Four Sake Breweries Project AQE One of the four bottles purchased at the same time This time it is Hachisen. I drank it with a strong-flavored snack. It went down very well. It was a very clear, clean, and refreshing drink. It was very clear and beautiful.
Kin Suzume純米吟醸 しぼりたて生純米吟醸生酒
Kin Suzume Check-in 1Kin Suzume Check-in 2
I found it at a liquor store, bought it immediately, and I found it at a liquor store, bought it immediately, and kept it in my cellar for a while. This is the first time for me to try Kinjaku. It has little bitterness, sweetness and acidity are well balanced at the same time. It has a deep, rich, but not unpleasant flavor. It is delicious! It is sweet and tasty, but because of its good balance and clear aftertaste, I am afraid that I will keep on drinking it, which is a little scary 🤪. It's a very hard to find sake. It is a hard-to-find sake, but the perfect balance makes it easy to drink. It is a little scary, but if I find it, I will buy it immediately.
I was told that this year's "Shiboritate" is better to drink after a little longer I was told that this year's "Shiboritate" is ready to drink if it is laid down for a little while. I was right to let it sit in the cellar. (lol)
Ibi Check-in 1Ibi Check-in 2
Lately, I've had a lot of opportunities to come across some unusual drinks. This is the first time I'm drinking at home again. It is light cloudy and has a pleasantly mellow sweetness. The sake had a pleasant aftertaste, with no bitterness or acidity throughout. The taste was very robust and enjoyable. You may be offended, but but this is a good sake to be enjoyed cold or with crushed ice. I think it would also be good with crushed ice. This time, I couldn't find the right snacks to go with this sake. I couldn't find any suitable snacks to go with this sake. But it was a great dish that made me want to savor the sake slowly.
AQE HAFUBUKI70 鳩政宗 Check-in 1AQE HAFUBUKI70 鳩政宗 Check-in 2
Again, a first try for me! Aomori's Four Sake Breweries Project AQE I purchased 4 bottles at the same time and they arrived today. First, I started with Hato Masamune, which was also my first try 🤔. First sip after opening the bottle Slightly dry and refreshingly light! Maybe it's because I've been drinking a lot of sweet sake lately. It is an orthodox sake! I never get tired of the taste, and it is a great sake to drink with food. ☺️
Jikon Check-in 1Jikon Check-in 2
The other day, I went to buy some Hakusen and Otokoyama back to back. I happened to find Jikkai Sake Mirai at my favorite liquor store ❗️ Of course, I bought it and The first home drinking of Jikin The first shot of opening the bottle, it had a slightly sweet and impressive balance with little bitterness and acidity. Slightly sweet with an impressive balanced mouthfeel. Not so much umami, but a nice richness. This is delicious! I'm about to be addicted to Jikin no Numa, but it's not that easy... So, I recommend that you must buy it as soon as you find it. If you find it, I recommend you to buy it immediately.
Good evening, Tamitami 😃. Congrats on your first home brew of Jiiken ❗️ 🎉! I remember how excited I was when I first found it at the liquor store 🥹I hope it's easy to find 😅.
Jay & Nobby. Thanks for your comments... I really wish it were that easy to find. This is all luck, or rather fate. ⛩️ We hope to continue to enjoy drinking 😊.
陸奥八仙 裏ラベル Check-in 1
I couldn't forget the back label I once drank at a drinking establishment. I have been waiting for a long time to see it again. It is a little light, but has a firm umami taste. It has a firm umami flavor and a good balance of acidity. It is a gem that ranks high among the OLE wines.
Gakki Masamune雄町 中取り純米吟醸中取り
Gakki Masamune Check-in 1Gakki Masamune Check-in 2
Long time no post and instrument Masamune I knew it! Not too strong, just the right volume of umami and sweetness, and above all, a stable balance! This is my first post in a long time. I highly recommend it!
THE ARANAMI2019 五百万石
THE ARANAMI Check-in 1THE ARANAMI Check-in 2
Poured into the glass, it's a little bit muddy and full of rice flavor Immediately after opening the bottle, I think the flavor and acidity are a bit strong for me. But after a few days, the acidity was reduced and The flavor becomes very smooth and elegant, melting on the tongue. For those who like sweetness and flavor. The taste of this wine after opening the bottle was a must-have.
Mutsuhassen新春祝酒 純米吟醸原酒生酒
Mutsuhassen Check-in 1Mutsuhassen Check-in 2
2020 Past Drinking START with my favorite eighteenth centaur to decorate the beginning of the memorandum The freshness and pizzazz and freshness are the first impressions There's a hint of sweetness, but the acidity is not a bad thing. Overall, a very well-balanced and enjoyable gem ♫