SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
「かわずる」と読みます。 宮崎県延岡市に存する地名です。 川中島幻舞、ソガペールエフィス、信州亀齢がメイン。 川中島幻舞     愛山(達成)、ハーモニックエモーション 信州亀齢      戸沢産ひとごこち(達成)、稲倉の棚田ひとごこち ソガペールエフィス ヌメロシス (達成)、イリヤソントン、リア サケ ナチュレル70 昨年度に引き続き、上記の入手に努めます。

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Sake Map

The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.


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I had the opportunity to drink the ginjo nama sake again this year. Because last year's was perfect, this year's rating seems to be minus a little bit in every category. Perhaps it is because of the sake rice. The number of distributors who received the sake was very limited. Last year, we had to go to Nagano Prefecture, but this year we were able to obtain it from a distributor in Tokyo.
Koeigiku清海 特別純米
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It has warmed up a bit and is not pinging. It is cooling down, so please wait a moment. (About 1 hour has passed.) And now that it's cooled down, it's back on. Somehow, it reminds me of Gekko. But it tastes like a medicine, like yarakashita gekko. The name "Seikai" is written "Sky," but it doesn't taste like that. The sake rice is Yuyamanishiki, but there are too many problems. Can this be used for cooking sake?
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It is made from 80% Omachi rice produced in Akaban. The taste is both sharp and plump and warm. The taste is both sharp and warm, and the Yamada-Nishiki rice is half Tojo rice and half Yoshikawa rice. Perhaps because of the rice used, the price is close to 3,000 yen for a four-pack. It is not a cheap sake, but it has an interesting flavor that I have never experienced before. I felt the depth of sake.
翠玉純米吟醸 山田錦
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Ryoseki Shuzo is well-known for its Hana Yuu, but Suitama has a unique flavor. In this case, Yamadanishiki from Yuzawa City, Akita Prefecture, is used. What happens when southern sake rice is grown in a cold region? We were curious and bought it. The taste is the same as other Suidama. However, it has none of the characteristics of Yamadanishiki. It is more like Miyamanishiki. If I were to blind test it, I think most people would say it was Miyamanishiki. One wonders if this is a test brew, but it is unusual in that it has none of the flavor of Yamadanishiki.
Sogga pere et filsル サケ ナチュレル
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What shall we do next year? In previous years, it was sogapere from January to the first half of April. Except for the Rusake Naturel in the picture, it is not so difficult to obtain. This is also the time when Shinshu Kamerei's nama-shu comes out. Shinshu Kamerei is an orthodox brewery that separates hi-ire and nama-shu according to the season. When the temperature rises, it is hi-ire. Therefore, the nama-zake is only available until spring. This year's Sogapale was partially dry, probably due to the rice used for the sake. It was the first time I have tasted such a thing. For now, we will continue with Genshu Mai. The others I can't say yet.
Kawanakajima Genbuいなかあぜみち 生酒
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It was the first time I could drink it. Last year there was a poor harvest of sake rice and the sake shops did not receive any. We returned the sake rice to the donor of the rice with sake, and the remainder just came in. The specs are: special junmai, nama-shu, Miyamanishiki, 59%. 16% alcohol by volume. Unlike the refined taste of Genmai, the flavor of Miyamanishiki is brilliant. It is a wonderful sake. There are two types of sake: nama-shu and hi-airi, and we chose the nama-shu. This sake does not choose its temperature.