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MinenohakubaiSilky Pinky純米吟醸原酒
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It came out of a company gathering with a difference from the store: ‼️😀 I thought it would be a sweet sake because of its color, but when I put it in my mouth, the sweetness is followed by a light mouthfeel and the acidity gives it a clean and sharp taste that makes the drink go down a treat. ⁉️ But the alcohol content is 15%, so if you drink it too much, it might hurt your legs. A few people were hit by it ❗🤣. ★★★★☆
Morinin kurisan konbanha(o´o)n~~~ I'm curious about the cute label 👀 I'm also wondering if everyone made it home safely.
Good morning Erin 👋😃☀️ Did everyone make it home safely? I was 🚖 with a big ticket 🤣. It was my first time drinking and I was impressed with the taste of sake that I still don't know about. 😀 Best day 🥦⁉️
Minenohakubai夕暮れのJUICY Citrus純米吟醸
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Summer Sake Series (3) This is my favorite fruity. A very citrusy sweet acidity. Malic acid and white malted rice. It was delicious and easy to drink. This store I often go to was celebrating its first anniversary! I feel like asking for more great sake from now on. ☺️
Minenohakubai下剋上シリーズ 三蕾純米大吟醸
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This past week was a tough training week, as Jay had his checkup 🏥 on Friday and Nobby went out to filial piety🌹 for his mother from Friday, so we ended up not drinking for 6 days from Monday to Saturday😓. ☹️ We will meet again on Sunday and have a long awaited feast 🤗. After looking at the fridge and trying to decide which one to try, we decided on this one, which has three young buds challenging the toji for a generational change: ‼️ It's a bottle of three buds aiming for the future👍. I'll make love to you I think it's easy to drink and medium-hot 🙂 The sweetness increases with each sip 🤔, but it's delicious without being dull 😋. It's not enough for our taste buds to evaluate whether or not this is a success or not 😆. By the way, I'm late to post this episode because I haven't had a drink in 6 days 😅. We returned to Utsunomiya station from Mashiko and decided to go somewhere! My daughter's quick and efficient action is a big help at times like this 😄 We quickly found a restaurant and went in! The horse sashimi and yakitori were delicious 😚. After leaving the restaurant, my son asked for Chinese food, so we went to a Chinese izakaya and drank Shaoxing sake for the first time in a while along with some snacks 😋. Ahhh...! It was a day of walking a lot, eating a lot, and drinking a little! It was fun 🥰.
Rafa papa
Good evening Jay & Nobby 😃 Thank you for your 6 days of training without sake 😊I'm sure your body and mind have been deeply touched by the sake after a long time... 😌I'm looking forward to seeing the sake brewed by young people 😆I've never seen Mine-no-Hakubai before, so you should check it out: ☑️
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 😃. It's kind of comforting to know that J&N don't drink without the two of you together: ☺️ It's been a while since you and your wife have had a Niigata sake together, interesting that it goes from refreshing to sweet 🤔. It's nice to drink with the family 😊.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby. Six days of sobriety for both of you must have been quite an ordeal 💧. It's great that you and your family have a relationship that allows you to drink together ✨.
Good morning, Jay & Nobby! Six days is a lot! Sure, Chinese 🍜 after a meal is "eat well" 😄 but "drink a little" is cute and healthy, I need to learn from you!
Good morning, Jay & Nobby ☀Tighten in Chinese, I don't hear that word very often 🧐 I guess I wouldn't know if it's ramen 🤣. I drink Shaoxing wine while cooking in the kitchen, but it's good to drink sometimes 😋.
Mr. Jay & Mrs. Nobby Good morning â Good job on your 6 days of sobriety even though you had a lot going on 😁It's nice to see you and your wife keep in step with your drinking 🥰Close with Chinese food! You seem to have a bottomless stomach 🤣.
Hi Jay & Nobby 😃 I was worried about what happened to you since you haven't posted lately 🤣. But unlike our family, I can feel the love between you and your wife when you say that you basically drink together😇.
Hi Rafa papa😃It's been a long 6 days. It's been a long 6 days 🥲 and after a long time, a drink soaked into every nook and cranny 🥹. We wanted to drink Mine-no-Hakubai, we didn't know it was Hishiko's brewery 😅.
Hi Aladdin 😃 I drink beer 🍺 but sake 🍶 is basically for two people 😊The atmosphere has changed from the entrance 🤔Maybe it will change even more after a day 😋I can't verify that 😆.
Hi ma-ki-😃 After a tough week, I was able to have a drink 🍶 with a sense of calm ☺️ "Family Wocha Wocha" is aptly said 😆 It was a good time 😄.
Hi Takashi 😃 I've been here for 6 days 😅 and I'm not even in the docs 🤗I'd say it was Chinese, but only as a snack for everyone to share 😆I drank a little beer and soju mixed in 😄.
Hi Manachy 😃 I'm sure you're right 🤔Fried rice, bean curd, stir-fried greens, etc. with rice wine 😅I haven't had rice wine in a while 🤗Thanks for the great meal!
Hi Kojo 😃 Thank you very much 😊 walking and drinking steps are synchronized 🤗 no I don't eat as much as I say 😆.
Hi Yasbay 😃 Thank you for your concern 😌I had to endure my abstinence 😅we share a common hobby of sake 🍶I knew I wanted to taste it at home together 🤗.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 🌛. The pre-checkup is an annual ordeal 💦. I've been on a drinking and planning spree for a while now and I'm trying to decide which one to open next 😁. I was struck by the subtitle of the series "The Ultimate Challenge"!
Hi Jayve, good evening 😃. It was actually another checkup for Jay after the doc was over 🥲Below! I don't know if you were able to ⁉️ we didn't drink the comparison in the first place 😆.
Minenohakubai別誂 ふくの鳥限定醸造純米吟醸
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At Fukuno Tori in Bakuro Yokoyama. This sake is made exclusively for the yakitori at FUKUNOTORI Izakaya. It was fruity, easy to drink, and delicious! It was so good that I drank all of it before the yakitori came. ...... But it was a good encounter.
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Mine-no-Hakubai Junmai Ginjo 1595 yen On the last day of GW, we opened this bottle which was a gift for us sake lovers 😘 Today's snacks are steak, fried oysters, coleslaw and boiled fuki (Japanese butterbur). Today's snacks were steak, fried oysters, coleslaw, and butterbur boiled down in a pot at Lopia since we didn't go anywhere during GW! The aroma has an alcoholic smell and the first attack is very ricey, like the sake I used to drink in the past. Of course, it is not a bad one, but a tasty one! I'm comparing it to Isobojiman, but I think Isobojiman goes better with a meal. I'd like to try this one on its own 🥺.
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Purchased on a trip to Niigata. It was recommended by a local sake shop. It has just the right amount of sweetness, just the right amount of cleanness, and is very easy to drink. However, the aroma is weak. If the aroma had been stronger, I would have decided to repeat the purchase... I heard that it was made by a person who trained at Miyazumi, which is famous for Sharaku. I would like to try other products.
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It's been a while since my last SAKE POST, Mine-no-Hakubai🍶. It is the second oldest sake brewery in Niigata. It has a soft aroma and a sweet mouthfeel. You can enjoy its mild taste 🍶. Personally, I would like a little more stimulation.

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