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Miwasakura Flavor Chart

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4/15 Off-line meeting of Kansai Sake no Wa ☂. First of all, thank you Pon-chan for arranging the event 🙏. Also, thank you to all the participating members who shared a good time with us 🙏. Participating members this time (in no particular order) Masha-san Mr. Yoohee Ao-chan Mr. Salmon Run Mr. Ofuji Mr. Uma Uma Uma Uma Mr. Rabbit Goten Mr. Luteltemi Mr. Rafa papa Mr. bouken Mr. Kyuzo Mr. kan Mr. Pon-chan Mr. Nemuchi We have a common topic "Sake" even if we gather so many people 😆. Even though it's nice to meet you, we'll be fine as soon as we have a drink together🤣. I make funny faces when I drink too much, but... I'll leave it to others to comment on the drinks and the brands we drank. Joyo Tokubetsu Junmai 60 Shukuyomai Miwazakura Daiginjo Senbon Nishiki Tobiroki Special Junmai Kamizo Tofu (Kochi) Junmai Daiginjo Unfiltered Nama Sake Chochin Kame-no-o 65 Junmai Unfiltered Nama Sake Sogapere Ephis Sake-erotic Numérosis Haginotsuru Sakura Neko Isshaku Suisei Kido Spring Breeze Chiebijin Special Junmai Hachitan Nishiki Kyokashinoh Every time off-line meeting is raining ☔. Next time, please join us if you are a man and woman of fine weather 🤣.
Thanks for the offline meeting, Nemuchi 😊. It's awesome to see you right after the event posting! I wish you could have posted the bromide too🤣and I'm relieved you made the hidden drink statement from the beginning😁. Off-line meeting, typhoon, rain, rain 🤣.
Nemuchi, thank you for your hard work the other day 😊. I was impressed by how nice you looked from the middle of the show 😁. I'll have to get a teru teru bozu for next time 🤣. For some reason you took the Hankyu back home, so we were all wondering if you made it home 😅.
Rafa papa
Good morning Nemuchi 😃. It was a lot of fun 😊Let me know more about it 😆Sorry I missed your beautiful face 🥲I'll check it out next time👍.
Hello, Nemuchi😄. Thank you for your time at the offline meeting. I had a great time 😁I wish I could have talked with you more. Please tell me a lot about you ☺️ Looking forward to next time 😆.
Nemuchi-san Good evening 😄The Kansai Off-line Meeting sounds like a lot of fun😄As long as we all share the common love of sake, it's enough, isn't it?
Hi Pon, good evening 🌛Thanks for the offline meeting 🙏I could post it right away since I have no opinion on the taste 🤣The bromide that was taken for some reason is ㊙️ 😅They didn't serve alcohol when it wasn't hidden, they were very impatient 🤣.
bouken, good evening 🌛I wonder if you saw my funny face 🤪I don't know why I did that... 😅I followed yahoo's route information and changed trains 3 times from Hankyu to get home safely 🤣I didn't get lost 🆗.
Rafa papa, good evening 🌛I hope you had fun with the new members ❗ If it's my nice face, please keep it as your best shot standby 🤣Next time I'll ask you again 🙏.
Good evening, Lutertemi 🌛I don't always get a chance to talk to you, but next time I'll be the one to talk to you 😆 I can only teach you to make funny faces 🤣.
Sashiu-san, good evening 🌛Off-line meetings are held in various places around the country 😊In Kansai, we each work separately and when we meet up, we all have fun together 🕺💃Sashiu-san, let's share drinking stories at off-line meetings❗
Hello Nemuchi, ☀️ I'm sorry to interrupt you here as well! I'm glad we had a chance to talk... Is Miwazakura your favorite sake? Next time, I hope you will be a man or a woman of fine weather. ☺️
Good evening, Ofuji good evening 🌛Thank you for your help the other day👍Thank you for your company 🙏I registered here because I ordered first other than toast sake 😊My favorite is probably the East Wind of Kamizo this time 😋Sunny man/woman, you are urgently needed ❗
Nemuchi, good evening 😁. Thank you for your hard work! It was fun 🤣. We didn't get to talk much because we were seated so far apart 😂. Your funny face 🤪 was the best 😁.
Ao, good evening 🌛Thank you for the off-line meeting 🙏I was able to talk with you a little at the after-party, but next time please tell me more about Kyoto 😆 I still can't figure out why you were making funny faces... 🤣
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Sake Hall Masuya (サケホール益や)
4/15 I participated in the off-line meeting of the Kansai Branch of SAKEWA. The place was Sake Hall Masuya in Shijo, Kyoto. Members are Pon-chan Mr. Umaumai Mr. Luteltemi Mr. Usagi Goten Mr. Kyuzo Mr. Rafa papa Mr. Nemuchi Mr. Kan And me This is the first time for me to participate in this event. Mr. Aochan Mr. Sakeran Masha-san Mr. Ofuji Mr. Yoohee I had a very good time, although I was a borrowed cat when I was sober. Thanks to Pon-chan, the organizer of the party, and all of you 🤗. For the after-party, we went to the famous sake brewery, Takimoto, where almost everyone bought a can of Tasake (rice wine) 🤣. Drinking started at 4pm at Masuya. The fridge was full of sake, but we couldn't order anything that wasn't on the menu 😅I wanted to drink Jikkoman and Banshu Ikken 😭. Since there were many of us, we ordered one sake for each table and shared it. The first sake was Miwazakura, which is sold at Sake Sen Yamamoto in Osaka but was not in stock when I visited. You almost never see this sake in Kansai. It is fruity and sweet. It is easy to drink and has no alkaloids. I searched for this sake and found that a 4-unit bottle costs 1980 yen, so I think it is cosmetically pleasing.
Good evening, bouken preacher 🌇. Looks like the offline meeting was a great success 😊. 14 participants is amazing.......the most ever.... It's also a good job of the evangelist to choose an unexpected brand as the toast 👍.
Good morning, bouken ☀14 people ⁉️ wow 😆‼️ Kansai Sake no Wawa is a big success too ☺️👍
Good morning, bouken😄 14 people at a big party 😳 Kansai is also active in sakekawa activity 😁.
Hi bouken 😃 Thank you for teaching me so much yesterday 😁 Sake from the beginning to the end and the conversation was also sake from the beginning to the end 😁 It was fun 😊. I don't remember if I drank Miwazakura 😰.
Hello bouken 😃 14 members is an impressive force 🤗 Must have been a lot of fun 😊.
Good evening, Chichi 😃 Last time there were 10 of us so that's the most 😳 I've never had it and I don't think you can buy it very often so I made a choice 😊.
Good evening Mr. Manachy 😃. It was a great success with all the interesting people who joined for the first time 😁.
Good evening tomo😃 There are not many places that can accommodate this number of people 😅we have a girl's night out so it's super active 😁.
Good evening, Aochan 😃. Thank you for your hard work yesterday & thank you 😆. You looked familiar as if you've attended many times already 🤣. I think I asked for Miwazakura at the other table but I can't remember 🤣.
Good evening Jay & Nobby 😃. We gathered from 2 or 3 prefectures 😁 so there were quite a few of us 😆. We had a lot of fun and changed seats along the way 😊.
bouken, I had a great time yesterday! Thanks for all your hard work 😊 Thank you for covering my inadequacies 🙏Takimoto-san had a lot of fun too 😆. Joyo is later 🤫.
Pon-chan, thanks for your help the other day! It was fun 😆. Thanks for organizing 🙏 I didn't do anything 😁. I bought a can of Tasake for everyone and had fun 😊. I'll see you later 🤫.
Good evening, bouken-san. It's great that you had a grand offline meeting of 〰︎❣️ Kansai branch with eminent members 🎉It looks like it will be getting bigger and bigger 😆👍 The label is beautiful🌸and it looks delicious😋♪♪
Good evening, Tsubuchan 😃 If we had even more people, we might have to rent out the whole restaurant or rent a community center or something to hold the event 🤣. It was a gorgeous, refreshing drink that matched the label 😋.
Miwasakura純米大吟醸 Sphere
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7th drink. I told him about Sanji and he gave me a bottle of Sanji sake 😊. When I used to live in Hiroshima, I used to drink Sanwa-zakura with green sparkling letters. Then I thought, what a stylish bottle! The sake is beautiful and has no corners of flavor. They make such a delicious sake!
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Miyoshi → Niimi Thinking we could relax, the train was so crowded that we could not sit down due to the small number of trains. Finally, we resumed drinking at Yakumo. Somehow, it tastes like something you can't usually taste. Aroma like my country seat? It is a nostalgic taste. This is a new taste. That flavor spreads in your mouth and goes perfectly with the local okara I bought for the entrée. The sake went down smoothly, the okara went down fast, and it was gone in no time. It really is a delicious sake.
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The drinks you gave me when I was tired from work! Thank you! I enjoyed it very much! Gorgeous aroma! Balanced spiciness! The finish is smooth, with a hint of bitterness and sweetness from the rice! Tastes more like something you'd want to drink with food than on its own! A sake to drink with sashimi at an after-party.
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1711 2023/2 Shiboritate Junmai Sake Junmai Nama-nama Sake 2022BY New Sake 100% Hachitan-Nishiki produced in Miyoshi City 70% 17-18° 22/12 A+ Miwazakura Shuzo, Miyoshi City, Hiroshima 1800 2750 The first or second glass when just opened felt a little rough and heavy, but as you drink it, the umami and acidity mellowed out and the taste improved dramatically. This is one of the joys of new sake.
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It is clean, dry, and dry, with a gentle flavor of rice, creamy and refreshing. It is a delicious nigori sake, with a subtle bumpy texture on the tongue.

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